Wednesday 16 October 2024

Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal related to event management: for MBA students

Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal related to event management: for MBA students

The following is an account of my discussion with chatgpt (via  to come up with a dissertation proposal related to event management:

My question 1: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently formulating my dissertation proposal. My research theme is to evaluate the city image promotion event programme called, "Hong Kong as a beautiful global city". This programme involves the Hong Kong government working with the Hong Kong tourism-related sector to carry out a series of coordinated celebration and promotion activities for 2 months. The city promotion event has been launched 2 weeks ago. I am interested in this topic as I work in the advertising sector and I know quite a number of government officials and managers in the tourism-sector in Hong Kong. My intention is to adopt the event management perspective to study this project and also to employ ideas such as city image building, place-making and event management theories, notably on event management leadership, event change management, and event-related culture management. It is feasible for me to use structured observation research, semi-structured interview based on convenience sampling, questionnaire survey and desk research. I also intend to link all my research methods to the research philosophy of pragmatism. Could you come up with a dissertation proposal for me to consider? Do kindly consider how my dissertation project is able to respond to a few research gaps in the field of event management. Tks."

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a structured dissertation proposal outline for your research on the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program.

Dissertation Proposal


Evaluating the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" Event Program: An Event Management Perspective


Background: Briefly introduce the significance of city image promotion and its impact on tourism and local economy. Highlight the launch of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" initiative and its objectives.

Research Importance: Explain the relevance of this study within the context of event management, city branding, and tourism in Hong Kong.

Research Objectives

To evaluate the effectiveness of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program in enhancing the city's image.

To analyze the role of event management leadership in the execution of the program.

To explore challenges and changes faced during the event management process.

To investigate the cultural implications of the event on local communities and stakeholders.

Literature Review

City Image Building: Discuss theories related to city branding and image promotion.

Event Management Theories: Focus on leadership, change management, and cultural management in event contexts.

Research Gaps: Identify gaps in existing literature regarding the impact of coordinated city promotion events on local perception and tourism success, particularly in the context of Hong Kong.

Research Methodology

Philosophy: Adopt a pragmatist approach, emphasizing practical outcomes and real-world applicability.


Structured Observation: Conduct observations at event locations to assess branding effectiveness and audience engagement.

Semi-Structured Interviews: Interview government officials and tourism managers to gather insights on leadership roles and event management challenges.

Questionnaire Survey: Distribute surveys to event attendees to measure perceptions of the city image before and after the event.

Desk Research: Analyze existing reports and studies on city branding and event management in Hong Kong.

Data Analysis

Utilize qualitative methods to analyze interview and observation data, and quantitative methods for survey results.

Discuss how the integration of different data sources provides a comprehensive understanding of the event's impact.

Expected Contributions

Theoretical: Contribute to the understanding of event management in the context of city branding and cultural engagement.

Practical: Provide actionable insights for government and tourism stakeholders on effective strategies for city image promotion.


Summarize the significance of the research and its potential to fill existing gaps in event management literature, particularly regarding city image promotion.


Include a preliminary list of relevant academic sources, including books, journal articles, and reports related to city image promotion and event management.


Include any additional materials such as proposed interview questions, survey instruments, and observation checklists.

This proposal framework should help you articulate your research focus and methodology effectively while addressing gaps in current event management literature. Good luck with your dissertation!"

My question 2: "Could you give me some specific advice on the structured observation research design in this case?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a detailed approach to designing your structured observation research for the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program:

Structured Observation Research Design

1. Objective

To systematically observe and document the event's activities, participant interactions, and overall atmosphere, focusing on how these elements contribute to the city image promotion.

2. Research Questions

How do the event activities align with the intended city image of Hong Kong?

What participant behaviors and interactions are most prominent during the event?

How do these observations reflect the principles of place-making and event management theories?

3. Observation Framework

Observation Categories:

Event Activities: Types of events (e.g., cultural performances, exhibitions), their timing, and organization.

Participant Engagement: Levels of participation (active vs. passive), demographic diversity, and engagement with activities.

Environmental Context: Venue setup, decorations, promotional materials, and overall ambiance.

Observation Tools:

Observation Checklist: Create a structured checklist that includes specific criteria for each category. For example:

Number and type of activities.

Number of participants and their demographics.

Quality of interactions (e.g., enthusiasm, participation in discussions).

Field Notes: Document qualitative observations and reflections during and after the events.

4. Sampling Strategy

Time Sampling: Choose specific days and times to observe a variety of events to capture different participant demographics and activities.

Event Sampling: Select a diverse range of events (e.g., cultural, recreational, educational) to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the program.

5. Data Collection Process

Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the event schedule and logistics to identify key observation points.

On-Site Observation: Attend selected events and use your checklist and field notes to document observations.

Duration: Consider observing events for a minimum of 2-3 hours to capture detailed interactions and dynamics.

6. Data Analysis

Quantitative Analysis: Compile data from the observation checklist to identify trends (e.g., most popular activities, participant demographics).

Qualitative Analysis: Analyze field notes for themes related to city image, participant engagement, and event management practices.

7. Ethical Considerations

Ensure that your observations are conducted in public spaces where participants are aware they may be observed.

Maintain confidentiality and anonymity when reporting findings, especially if discussing participant behaviors or demographics.


This structured observation research design will allow you to gather both quantitative and qualitative data on the event's impact on city image promotion. By linking your observations to event management theories, you can provide valuable insights into effective city branding strategies and contribute to filling research gaps in the field of event management."

My question 3: "Tks. Also could you offer me a more detailed semi-structured interview design in this case?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a detailed design for conducting semi-structured interviews related to the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program.

Semi-Structured Interview Design

1. Objective

To gather in-depth insights from key stakeholders involved in the event, including government officials, tourism managers, and participants, regarding their perceptions, experiences, and the event's impact on city image promotion.

2. Target Participants

Government Officials: Individuals involved in city branding and tourism development.

Tourism Sector Managers: Representatives from hotels, tour operators, and cultural institutions.

Participants/Attendees: Residents and tourists who engaged with the event.

3. Sampling Strategy

Use convenience sampling to identify participants based on accessibility and relevance. Aim for diversity in perspectives by including individuals from different sectors and demographics.

4. Interview Format

Duration: Each interview should last approximately 30-60 minutes.

Setting: Conduct interviews in a comfortable environment, either in-person or via video conferencing.

Recording: With permission, record interviews for accurate data collection and analysis.

5. Interview Guide

Develop a flexible interview guide with open-ended questions. Here are some suggested questions grouped by themes:

A. Event Perception

How would you describe the purpose of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event?

What were your initial thoughts when you learned about this event?

B. Impact on City Image

In your opinion, how does this event contribute to building Hong Kong's city image?

Can you share any specific examples of how the event has positively or negatively impacted perceptions of Hong Kong?

C. Event Management and Coordination

How well do you think the event was organized? What aspects stood out to you?

Were there any challenges faced during the planning or execution of the event?

D. Participant Engagement

What types of participants do you think were most engaged during the event? Why do you think that is?

How did you observe participant interactions with the event activities?

E. Future Recommendations

What improvements would you suggest for future city promotion events?

How can the lessons learned from this event be applied to enhance future initiatives?

6. Data Collection Process

Scheduling: Reach out to potential participants to schedule interviews, providing an overview of the research purpose and ensuring their willingness to participate.

Conducting Interviews: Follow the interview guide but remain flexible to explore interesting topics that arise during the conversation.

7. Data Analysis

Transcription: Transcribe recorded interviews for analysis.

Thematic Analysis: Identify key themes and patterns in the responses. Use coding to categorize responses related to city image, event management, and participant engagement.

8. Ethical Considerations

Obtain informed consent from participants, clearly explaining the purpose of the research and how their data will be used.

Ensure confidentiality and anonymity in reporting findings.


This semi-structured interview design will allow you to capture nuanced perspectives from various stakeholders involved in the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event. By combining their insights with your structured observation findings, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the event's effectiveness in promoting the city image."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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