Monday 14 October 2024

A note on online research interview: for Housing Studies students

A note on online research interview: for Housing Studies students.

The following is a record of my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via on the topic of online research interview:

My question 1: "I am a part-time Undergraduate Housing Studies student. Currently, I am learning the subject of Research Methods. For my subject assignment, I intend to conduct an online interview on my gen z friends to learn about the impacts of home ownership (with home mortgage loan) on their quality of life. My question 1 is: what are the pros and cons of online interview, as compared with Face-to-face interview?"

The reply from chatgpt: "Conducting online interviews has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages compared to face-to-face interviews. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:

Pros of Online Interviews

Convenience: Participants can join from anywhere, making it easier to schedule interviews at convenient times.

Cost-Effective: Reduces travel costs and time associated with in-person meetings, which can be beneficial for both you and your participants.

Wider Reach: You can easily connect with participants from different geographical locations, broadening the diversity of your sample.

Comfort: Participants may feel more comfortable in their own environments, potentially leading to more candid responses.

Recording and Transcription: Online platforms often have features for recording and transcribing interviews easily, making data collection more efficient.

Reduced Social Pressure: The lack of physical presence can lessen anxiety and make it easier for participants to express their true feelings.

Cons of Online Interviews

Technical Issues: Internet connectivity problems can disrupt interviews, leading to frustration for both interviewer and participant.

Limited Non-Verbal Cues: You may miss out on important body language and facial expressions that are more easily observed in person.

Distractions: Participants may be more prone to distractions in their own environments, which can affect their focus and engagement.

Digital Literacy: Not all participants may be comfortable with technology, which could limit your sample or affect the quality of the interviews.

Less Personal Connection: Building rapport may be more challenging without face-to-face interaction, which can impact the depth of the conversation.

Privacy Concerns: Participants might feel less secure sharing sensitive information online, especially if they are not familiar with the platform being used.


Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between online and face-to-face interviews should depend on your specific research goals, the characteristics of your participants, and the logistical considerations of your study."

My question 2 is: "Tks for information. Regarding my case of interviewing my friends online on the topic of home ownership, what questions would you suggest me to ask and what good interviewing practices would you recommend me to adopt. Please bear in mind that all interviewees are quite busy people and have very good relationship with me?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Here are some suggested questions and good interviewing practices tailored to your context of interviewing friends about home ownership and its impacts on their quality of life:

Suggested Interview Questions

Background and Context

Can you briefly describe your current living situation? Do you own or rent your home?

What motivated you to choose home ownership (if applicable)?

Financial Considerations

How has taking on a mortgage impacted your financial situation?

Do you feel that home ownership has provided you with financial security or stability? Why or why not?

Quality of Life

In what ways has home ownership (or renting) affected your daily life and well-being?

How do you feel about the responsibilities that come with home ownership (maintenance, mortgage payments, etc.)?

Social Impacts

How has home ownership influenced your relationships with family and friends?

Do you think owning a home has changed your social interactions or community engagement?

Future Aspirations

How do you envision your living situation in the next 5-10 years? Do you see yourself continuing to own a home?

What advice would you give to someone your age considering home ownership?

General Reflections

What are some unexpected benefits or challenges you’ve experienced related to home ownership?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with home ownership?

Good Interviewing Practices

Prepare in Advance: Familiarize yourself with your questions and the flow of the interview. This will help you guide the conversation smoothly.

Create a Comfortable Environment: Since you have a good relationship with your friends, ensure the setting feels casual and relaxed. This will encourage open dialogue.

Be Respectful of Time: Keep the interview concise and to the point, especially since your interviewees are busy. Aim for a duration of 30-45 minutes.

Practice Active Listening: Show genuine interest in their responses. Use follow-up questions to dive deeper into their answers.

Be Flexible: While it's good to have a structured set of questions, allow the conversation to flow naturally. If a topic comes up that seems important, explore it further.

Clarify and Summarize: If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. Summarizing their points can also show that you are engaged and help reinforce understanding.

Express Gratitude: Thank your friends for their time and willingness to share their experiences. Consider following up with a message of appreciation after the interview.

Maintain Confidentiality: Assure your interviewees that their responses will be kept confidential and used only for academic purposes. This can help them feel more comfortable sharing.

By asking thoughtful questions and adopting these interviewing practices, you can gather valuable insights while maintaining the strong relationships you have with your friends."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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