Sunday 13 October 2024

A note on the evaluation of Research Interview Method based on different philosophical positions: Housing studies related

A note on the evaluation of Research Interview Method based on different philosophical positions: Housing studies related

The note is based on my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via

My question 1: "I am an Undergraduate Housing Studies student, currently learning the subject of Research Methods. I have a question about how to evaluate a research method. For discussion purpose, if my research task is to study "how economic trends affect Hon Kong gen z males' perceptions on the relatedness of home ownership and successful life" and my research method to use is semi-structured research interview on 10 friends of mine who are all gen z males, what are the pros and cons of my research interview method from the positivism standpoint?"

The reply from chatgpt: "Evaluating your semi-structured research interview method from a positivist standpoint involves considering both its strengths and weaknesses in relation to your study on how economic trends affect Hong Kong Gen Z males' perceptions of home ownership and success.

Pros of Semi-Structured Interviews


Semi-structured interviews allow for guided but open-ended responses, enabling participants to express their views in depth while still keeping the conversation focused on the research topic.

Rich Data:

This method can yield qualitative data that provide insights into participants' feelings, beliefs, and motivations regarding home ownership and success, which can be important for understanding complex social phenomena.


You can ask follow-up questions to clarify participants' responses, leading to a deeper understanding of their perceptions.

Contextual Understanding:

The method allows you to gather contextual information about the participants' backgrounds and experiences, which can enrich your analysis.

Cons of Semi-Structured Interviews


Positivism emphasizes objectivity and quantification. The subjective nature of qualitative interviews may introduce bias, as the researcher’s interpretation can influence the findings.


With only 10 participants (all being friends), the sample size is small and potentially non-representative of the broader Gen Z male population in Hong Kong. This limits the ability to generalize findings.

Interviewer Bias:

The relationship with participants (friends) might lead to social desirability bias, where respondents may provide answers they think you want to hear rather than their true feelings.

Data Analysis Complexity:

Analyzing qualitative data from semi-structured interviews can be time-consuming and may require specific analytical skills that can complicate the research process.


From a positivist standpoint, while semi-structured interviews can provide valuable qualitative insights, the method's subjectivity and limitations in generalizability and objectivity may pose challenges. Balancing these pros and cons is essential for the integrity of your research, especially when considering how economic trends influence perceptions among a specific demographic group."

My question 2 is: "From the positivism standpoint, what can be done to improve the effectiveness of my semi-structured research interview design and practice?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "To improve the effectiveness of your semi-structured research interview design and practice from a positivist standpoint, consider the following strategies:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly outline what you aim to discover through the interviews. This helps to focus the questions and ensure that you gather relevant data.

2. Develop a Structured Interview Guide

Create a semi-structured interview guide with specific questions that align with your research objectives. Include both open-ended questions for depth and closed questions for quantifiable data.

3. Use a Diverse Sample

While your current sample consists of friends, consider expanding to include a more diverse range of Gen Z males. This enhances the generalizability of your findings.

4. Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality

Assure participants that their responses will be kept confidential. This can reduce social desirability bias and encourage honest responses.

5. Train Yourself in Interview Techniques

Practice active listening and effective probing techniques to follow up on interesting points without leading the participant. This can help gather richer data.

6. Pilot Test the Interview

Conduct a pilot interview with someone outside your main sample. This can help identify unclear questions or areas needing adjustment in your interview guide.

7. Record and Transcribe Interviews

With participants' consent, record interviews to ensure accurate data collection. Transcribing the interviews can facilitate thorough analysis.

8. Implement Systematic Data Analysis

Use a systematic approach to analyze the qualitative data, such as thematic analysis or content analysis. This adds rigor and helps identify patterns or trends.

9. Combine Methods

If possible, consider complementing interviews with quantitative methods, such as surveys, to provide a more comprehensive view and enhance generalizability.

10. Seek Peer Review

Share your interview guide and methodology with peers or mentors for feedback. They can provide insights that help refine your approach.


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the rigor and effectiveness of your semi-structured interviews, aligning more closely with positivist principles while still capturing the richness of qualitative data. This will ultimately strengthen your research findings on the perceptions of home ownership and success among Hong Kong Gen Z males."

My question 3: "On this research interview method from me, what are the pros and cons of it from the interpretivism standpoint?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Evaluating your semi-structured research interview method from an interpretivist standpoint involves focusing on the subjective experiences and meanings that participants attach to their perceptions of home ownership and success. Here are the pros and cons:

Pros of Semi-Structured Interviews

In-Depth Understanding:

Semi-structured interviews allow for rich, detailed responses, enabling you to explore participants' personal experiences and interpretations of economic trends and home ownership.


This method offers flexibility to delve deeper into topics as they arise, allowing participants to share insights that might not have been anticipated in the initial questions.

Contextual Insights:

You can gather context about the participants' backgrounds, social influences, and emotional responses, which are critical for understanding their perspectives.

Participant Voice:

The method empowers participants to express their thoughts in their own words, capturing the nuances of their beliefs and experiences related to success and home ownership.

Cons of Semi-Structured Interviews


Interpretivism embraces subjectivity, but this can lead to challenges in interpretation. Your biases and preconceptions may influence how you understand and analyze the data.

Limited Generalizability:

Insights derived from a small, homogenous sample (e.g., 10 friends) may not be representative of the broader population, limiting the ability to generalize findings.

Time-Consuming Analysis:

Analyzing qualitative data can be labor-intensive and complex, requiring careful coding and interpretation to identify themes and meanings.

Variability in Responses:

The open-ended nature of semi-structured interviews can lead to a wide range of responses, making it challenging to draw coherent conclusions across participants.


From an interpretivist standpoint, semi-structured interviews are advantageous for capturing the depth and richness of participants' perspectives. However, challenges related to subjectivity, generalizability, and analysis complexity must be managed to ensure that the findings meaningfully reflect the lived experiences of the participants regarding home ownership and success."

My question 4 is: "From the interpretivism standpoint, what can be done to improve the effectiveness of my semi-structured research interview design and practice?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "To improve the effectiveness of your semi-structured research interview design and practice from an interpretivist standpoint, consider the following strategies:

1. Build Rapport with Participants

Establish a comfortable and trusting environment to encourage open and honest sharing of personal experiences and feelings. This can lead to richer data.

2. Use Open-Ended Questions

Design questions that invite elaboration and personal storytelling. This approach allows participants to express their meanings and interpretations without constraints.

3. Encourage Reflection

Ask follow-up questions that prompt participants to reflect on their thoughts and feelings regarding home ownership and success, such as, "Can you describe a moment when you felt successful related to home ownership?"

4. Incorporate Probing Questions

Use probing questions to delve deeper into participants’ responses. This can help uncover underlying meanings and nuances in their perceptions.

5. Foster a Non-Judgmental Atmosphere

Make it clear that all responses are valid and valuable. This encourages participants to share their authentic views, including those that might differ from societal norms.

6. Be Mindful of Language and Terminology

Use language that resonates with participants. Avoid jargon and ensure that questions are accessible, allowing participants to engage meaningfully.

7. Reflect on Your Role

Acknowledge your own biases and perspectives as a researcher. Being aware of how your background may influence the interaction can help you remain open to participants' narratives.

8. Iterative Questioning

As interviews progress, be willing to adjust your questions based on previous responses. This adaptive approach can lead to deeper insights.

9. Use Visual Aids

Consider incorporating visual aids or prompts to stimulate discussion. This can help participants articulate their thoughts more clearly.

10. Follow Ethical Guidelines

Ensure that participants understand their rights, including confidentiality and the voluntary nature of participation. This can foster trust and openness.


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the richness and depth of insights gathered through your semi-structured interviews. This interpretivist approach will help you better understand the subjective meanings that Hong Kong Gen Z males attach to home ownership and success, ultimately leading to more meaningful research outcomes."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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