Saturday 5 October 2024

Asking chatgpt how to conduct narrative interview: a note for MBA students

Asking chatgpt (via how to conduct narrative interview: a note for MBA students

The following account is my discussion with chatgpt about how to carry out a narrative interview:

My question 1 is: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently doing my final-year dissertation project. One of my research method to use is a narrative interview to three of my ex-colleagues on their personal experience (including emotional experience) of "how poorly conducted corporate merger affect negatively their quality of work-life". My first query is: could you tell me six main underlying ideas of narrative interview?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here are six main underlying ideas of narrative interviews:

Personal Stories: Narrative interviews focus on individuals' personal experiences and stories, allowing them to articulate their thoughts and feelings in their own words. This helps uncover deeper insights into their lived experiences.

Contextual Understanding: The method emphasizes the importance of context in shaping experiences. By exploring the background and circumstances surrounding the merger, you can gain a richer understanding of how it affected work-life quality.

Emotional Depth: Narrative interviews encourage participants to express their emotions and feelings related to their experiences. This emotional component is crucial in understanding the impact of corporate changes on individuals' well-being.

Participant-Centered Approach: The interviewer takes on a supportive role, allowing participants to guide the conversation. This approach fosters trust and encourages openness, leading to more authentic narratives.

Co-Construction of Meaning: The interview process is collaborative; both the interviewer and the participant contribute to constructing meaning from the narratives shared. This interaction can reveal insights that may not emerge in more structured interview formats.

Thematic Analysis: After collecting narratives, researchers often analyze the stories for common themes and patterns. This analysis helps to identify broader implications of individual experiences, contributing to a richer understanding of the research topic.

These ideas can help frame your approach to conducting narrative interviews and analyzing the data you collect."

My question 2 is: "Tks for clarification. For my dissertation project then, could you advise me how I could conduct the narrative interview with my ex-colleagues, including what questions to ask and what sequence of questioning to follow, given by topic is on their personal experience about the negative impact of corporate merger?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Conducting narrative interviews can be a rewarding process. Here’s a structured approach to help you conduct interviews with your ex-colleagues on their experiences regarding the negative impacts of a corporate merger.


Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you want to learn from the interviews. Your focus is on personal experiences and emotional impacts related to the merger.

Select Participants: Choose three ex-colleagues who have diverse perspectives on the merger to enrich your data.

Create a Comfortable Environment: Ensure that the interview setting is private and conducive to open conversation.

Interview Structure

1. Introduction

Start with a warm introduction and explain the purpose of the interview.

Assure confidentiality and encourage openness.

2. Opening Questions

Tell me about your experience during the merger. What were your initial thoughts?

How did the merger change your daily work life?

3. Exploring Emotions

What emotions did you feel during the merger process? Can you describe specific moments?

How did these emotions affect your work and personal life?

4. Job Impact

In what ways did the merger impact your job responsibilities?

Did you experience any changes in your relationships with colleagues? If so, how?

5. Work-Life Balance

How did the merger affect your work-life balance?

Did you notice any changes in your well-being or mental health?

6. Reflections on the Merger

Looking back, what do you think were the most significant negative impacts of the merger?

If you could go back, is there anything you would have done differently?

7. Conclusion

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience that we haven’t covered?

Thank them for their time and insights.

Tips for Conducting the Interview

Active Listening: Pay close attention to your participants, showing empathy and understanding. This encourages them to share more.

Follow-up Questions: Be prepared to ask follow-up questions based on their responses to delve deeper into their experiences.

Flexibility: While it's important to have a structure, be flexible in your approach. If a participant brings up an interesting point, explore it further.


Transcribe Interviews: Write down or record the conversations (with permission) for analysis.

Thematic Analysis: Identify common themes and patterns in their narratives to draw insights for your dissertation.

By following this structure and approach, you’ll be able to gather rich, qualitative data that can significantly contribute to your research on the impacts of corporate mergers. Good luck with your dissertation!"

My question 3 is: "What are some common themes to look for in their narratives about the merger?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "When analyzing narratives about the negative impacts of a corporate merger, you can look for several common themes. Here are some key themes to consider:

Job Security and Stability

Participants may express concerns about job loss or changes in employment status, highlighting feelings of uncertainty.

Changes in Work Culture

Look for descriptions of shifts in organizational culture, including changes in values, communication styles, and interpersonal relationships.

Emotional Responses

Identify feelings such as anxiety, stress, frustration, or loss. Participants may discuss how these emotions influenced their work and personal lives.

Impact on Job Roles and Responsibilities

Note any changes in job duties, increased workloads, or lack of clarity regarding new roles that may affect job satisfaction.

Work-Life Balance

Explore how the merger affected participants' ability to manage work and personal responsibilities, including increased hours or stress.

Team Dynamics and Relationships

Look for insights on how the merger impacted relationships with colleagues, including collaboration, trust, and morale.

Communication Issues

Identify any concerns about inadequate communication from leadership regarding the merger process, which can lead to feelings of neglect or confusion.

Adaptation and Coping Strategies

Examine how participants adapted to the changes, including strategies they employed to cope with stress or uncertainty.

Perceived Leadership and Management Changes

Consider participants' views on changes in leadership style or management practices post-merger, including trust in management.

Long-Term Effects

Look for reflections on how the merger's impacts may have long-term implications for their careers and personal lives.

By focusing on these themes, you can gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted effects of corporate mergers on employees’ experiences and well-being."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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