Thursday 10 October 2024

Asking chatgpt (accessed via to clarify the terms of theoretical framework and conceptual framework: a note for Housing Studies students

Asking chatgpt (accessed via to clarify the terms of theoretical framework and conceptual framework: a note for Housing Studies students

My question 1: "I am a part-time Housing Studies student studying the subject of Research Methods. I come across the terms of theoretical framework and conceptual framework and have a few questions to ask. First of all, what are the underlying ideas of theoretical framework and that of conceptual framework, especially in the context of doing a Housing Studies dissertation project?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "In the context of Housing Studies, both theoretical and conceptual frameworks are essential tools that guide your research. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Theoretical Framework

Definition: A theoretical framework provides a structure for understanding the relationships between various concepts and theories relevant to your study. It draws on existing theories to explain the phenomena you are investigating.


Guides Research: It helps you formulate research questions and hypotheses based on established theories.

Explains Relationships: It outlines how different variables are related, based on theoretical insights.

Contextualizes Findings: It places your research within the broader academic discourse, showing how it contributes to existing literature.

Example in Housing Studies:

If you are studying the impact of housing policies on social equity, you might use theories related to social justice, urban sociology, or economic theory to frame your analysis.

Conceptual Framework

Definition: A conceptual framework is more specific and focuses on the concepts and variables that you will investigate. It illustrates the key elements of your study and their relationships but does not necessarily rely on existing theories.


Defines Key Concepts: It clarifies the specific concepts you are examining and their operational definitions.

Visual Representation: Often presented as a diagram, it shows how the various components of your study are interconnected.

Guides Data Collection and Analysis: It helps in identifying what data to collect and how to analyze it.

Example in Housing Studies:

In a dissertation examining homelessness, your conceptual framework might include concepts like "housing affordability," "access to services," and "social support networks," outlining how these factors interact and influence homelessness rates.

Key Differences


Theoretical frameworks are grounded in existing literature and theories.

Conceptual frameworks are more about the specific concepts you are studying, often developed by the researcher.


Theoretical frameworks provide a broader context for your research.

Conceptual frameworks focus on the specific variables and concepts in your study.


In your Housing Studies dissertation, both frameworks are crucial. The theoretical framework will help you connect your work to existing scholarship, while the conceptual framework will clarify the specific variables you will investigate. Together, they ensure a robust and well-structured research approach."

My question 2: "Could you provide a diagrammatic example on a theoretical framework and a conceptual framework with regard to the topic of "housing market and homelessness relationship" and so that I could grasp more clearly the differences between these types of framework?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Below are simplified descriptions and visual representations of both a theoretical framework and a conceptual framework for the topic of "housing market and homelessness relationship."

Theoretical Framework

Example Description:

In the theoretical framework, you might draw upon theories related to housing economics, social inequality, and urban sociology to explore how the housing market dynamics influence homelessness.

Key Theories:

Housing Market Theory: Explains how supply and demand affect housing prices.

Social Inequality Theory: Discusses how economic disparities lead to unequal access to housing.

Urban Sociology: Examines how urban policies and social structures impact homelessness.





|   Housing Market      |

|                       |

|  - Supply & Demand    |

|  - Affordability      |





|  Social Inequality    |

|                       |

|  - Economic Disparity |

|  - Access to Services |





|   Urban Sociology     |

|                       |

|  - Policy Impact      |

|  - Community Support   |





|    Homelessness       |

|                       |

|  - Causes & Effects   |


Conceptual Framework

Example Description:

In the conceptual framework, you would focus on specific variables related to the housing market and homelessness, such as housing affordability, availability of social services, and individual characteristics (e.g., income level).

Key Concepts:

Housing Affordability: Availability of affordable housing options.

Access to Social Services: Availability of support systems for at-risk individuals.

Individual Factors: Characteristics such as income, mental health, and employment status.





|  Housing Affordability|

|                       |

|  - Rent Prices        |

|  - Income Levels      |





| Access to Social      |

| Services              |

|                       |

|  - Shelters           |

|  - Employment Support  |





|   Individual Factors   |

|                       |

|  - Mental Health      |

|  - Employment Status   |





|    Homelessness       |

|                       |

|  - Rates & Trends    |


Summary of Differences

Theoretical Framework: Focuses on broad theories and how they interconnect to explain the relationship between the housing market and homelessness.

Conceptual Framework: Concentrates on specific variables and their relationships, providing a more detailed operational view of your study.

These diagrams help illustrate how each framework serves a different purpose in your research. The theoretical framework offers a broad context, while the conceptual framework provides a more focused analysis of specific elements."

My question 3 is: "Tks for explanation. When writing a dissertation report, normally, where is the appropriate chapter to place theoretical framework and the conceptual framework? Is it in the chapter of "Literature Review" or "Research Methodology"?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "In a dissertation report, the appropriate placement for the theoretical framework and the conceptual framework typically falls into the following chapters:

1. Theoretical Framework

Placement: Literature Review

Reason: The theoretical framework is usually discussed in the literature review chapter because it involves a synthesis of existing theories and research relevant to your topic. This section helps to contextualize your study within the broader academic discourse and demonstrates how your research builds on or diverges from established theories.

2. Conceptual Framework

Placement: Research Methodology

Reason: The conceptual framework is often included in the methodology chapter. This is because it outlines the specific concepts and variables you will be investigating, serving as a guide for your research design, data collection, and analysis. It helps clarify how you will operationalize your research questions.


Theoretical Framework: Typically included in the Literature Review.

Conceptual Framework: Usually found in the Research Methodology chapter.

This structure helps ensure that your dissertation is organized logically, allowing readers to understand the theoretical background before diving into your research methods."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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