Wednesday 9 October 2024

Asking chatgpt to advise how to conduct interpretative phenomenological analysis-based interview for Housing Studies

Asking chatgpt (accessed via to advise how to conduct interpretative phenomenological analysis-based interview for Housing Studies

My question 1 is: "I am a part-time Housing Studies student, currently learning the subject of research methods. In particular, I would like to study the topic of "the perceived relevance of home ownership to the Gen Z's view on successful life" by conducting semi-structured interview based on interpretative phenomenological analysis with six of my Gen Z friends. My question 1 is: what are the main ideas of interpretative phenomenological analysis?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) is a qualitative research approach that focuses on how individuals make sense of their personal and social worlds. Here are the main ideas of IPA:

Idiographic Focus: IPA emphasizes the detailed exploration of individual experiences. Researchers study a small number of participants to gain in-depth insights.

Interpretative Nature: The researcher plays an active role in interpreting the participants' experiences. This involves understanding not just what participants say but also how they make meaning of their experiences.

Phenomenological Basis: IPA is rooted in phenomenology, which seeks to understand how individuals perceive and experience their world. It focuses on the subjective experience of participants.

Contextual Understanding: IPA considers the context in which experiences occur, recognizing that social, cultural, and historical factors influence individuals' perceptions.

Reflexivity: Researchers must be aware of their own biases and perspectives, reflecting on how these might influence their interpretations of participants' accounts.

Semi-Structured Interviews: IPA often employs semi-structured interviews, allowing participants to express their thoughts freely while providing a framework for the discussion.

Thematic Analysis: After collecting data, researchers analyze it for recurring themes and patterns that emerge from the participants' narratives.

By using IPA for your study, you can gain rich insights into how Gen Z perceives home ownership and its relevance to their views on a successful life."

My question 2 is: "Tks. My question 2 is: could you suggest a concrete research interview plan, based on interpretative phenomenological analysis, to interview my six friends?"

The reply from Chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a concrete research interview plan for your study using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA):

Research Interview Plan

1. Objective of the Study

To explore the perceived relevance of home ownership in relation to Gen Z's views on a successful life.

2. Participant Selection

Select six friends from different backgrounds within Gen Z to ensure diverse perspectives.

3. Interview Preparation

Literature Review: Familiarize yourself with existing research on home ownership and Gen Z values.

Ethics: Obtain informed consent from participants, ensuring confidentiality and the right to withdraw.

4. Interview Structure

Duration: 30-60 minutes per interview.

Format: Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions.

5. Interview Questions

Start with broad questions and gradually narrow down to specific themes. Here are some suggested questions:


Can you tell me a little about yourself and your current living situation?

Perception of Home Ownership:

What does home ownership mean to you personally?

How do you feel about the idea of owning a home in the future?

Success and Life Goals:

How do you define a successful life?

What role do you think home ownership plays in achieving that success?

Societal Influences:

How do you think societal views on home ownership influence your perspective?

Are there any specific events or trends that have shaped your views?

Personal Experiences:

Can you share any experiences that have influenced your thoughts on home ownership?

How do your family and friends view home ownership?


Is there anything else you would like to add about home ownership and its relevance to your life?

6. Conducting the Interviews

Create a comfortable atmosphere for participants to share openly.

Use active listening techniques and follow up on interesting points raised by participants.

7. Data Recording

With permission, record the interviews (audio or video) for accurate data collection.

Take notes on non-verbal cues and participant emotions.

8. Data Analysis

Transcribe the interviews verbatim.

Use thematic analysis to identify key themes and patterns in the data.

Reflect on your interpretations, considering your biases and perspectives.

9. Reporting Findings

Summarize key themes and insights.

Use direct quotes from participants to illustrate points.

Discuss the implications of your findings in relation to existing literature.

10. Feedback and Reflection

Consider sharing your findings with participants for their feedback.

Reflect on the research process and what you learned from it.

This structured approach will help you conduct meaningful interviews and gather rich data for your research."

My question 3 is: "Are there any specific things I need to pay attention to with respect to appropriate impression management on my part as the interviewer when conducting interpretative phenomenological analysis-based interview?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "When conducting interviews based on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), impression management is crucial to create a conducive environment for open dialogue. Here are specific considerations to keep in mind:

1. Establish Rapport

Be Approachable: Use a friendly tone and body language to make participants feel comfortable.

Active Listening: Show genuine interest in their responses. Nod, maintain eye contact, and use verbal affirmations.

2. Neutrality and Objectivity

Avoid Bias: Remain neutral in your responses. Avoid expressing strong opinions that could influence participants.

Non-Judgmental Attitude: Create a space where participants feel safe to express their views without fear of judgment.

3. Personal Disclosure

Limit Self-Disclosure: Share minimal personal experiences unless they help clarify a point. Focus on the participant's narratives.

Balance Sharing: If you share something personal, ensure it’s relevant and doesn’t shift focus away from the participant.

4. Cultural Sensitivity

Awareness of Backgrounds: Be mindful of the diverse cultural backgrounds of your participants and how these may influence their views on home ownership.

Respect Differences: Approach topics with sensitivity and respect for differing opinions and experiences.

5. Clarification and Probing

Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage participants to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings.

Follow-Up Questions: Use clarifying questions to delve deeper into their responses, demonstrating your engagement and understanding.

6. Managing Expectations

Set Clear Boundaries: Explain the purpose of the research and what participants can expect during the interview.

Discuss Confidentiality: Reassure participants that their responses will remain confidential and that their identities will not be revealed.

7. Emotional Awareness

Be Attentive to Emotions: Recognize when participants express strong emotions. Respond with empathy and allow them space to share.

Handle Sensitive Topics Carefully: If discussions about home ownership evoke anxiety or discomfort, be ready to navigate those feelings sensitively.

8. Feedback and Reflection

Encourage Feedback: Invite participants to share their experience of the interview process at the end. This can help you improve your interviewing skills.

Reflect on Your Performance: After each interview, reflect on your interaction. Consider what went well and where you can improve.

By being mindful of these aspects of impression management, you can foster a supportive environment that encourages participants to share their authentic views and experiences."

My question 4 is: "Could you suggest what themes are likely to come up via this research interview with my friends?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here are some themes that are likely to emerge from your research interviews on the perceived relevance of home ownership to Gen Z's view on a successful life:

1. Definitions of Success

Different interpretations of what a "successful life" means to Gen Z, including financial stability, personal fulfillment, and career achievements.

2. Perception of Home Ownership

Views on home ownership as a milestone or goal versus alternative living arrangements (e.g., renting, co-living).

The emotional significance of owning a home (security, independence, status).

3. Financial Considerations

Concerns about affordability, student debt, and the financial implications of home ownership.

Attitudes toward saving for a home versus spending on experiences or other investments.

4. Societal and Cultural Influences

Impact of societal norms and family expectations on their views regarding home ownership.

Influence of media portrayals of home ownership and success.

5. Lifestyle Choices

Preferences for urban living versus suburban or rural areas and how these impact views on home ownership.

The desire for flexibility and mobility in their careers and lifestyles.

6. Social Connections

Importance of community and social networks in their decisions about home ownership.

The role of friendships and relationships in shaping their views on settling down or investing in property.

7. Environmental and Ethical Considerations

Awareness of sustainability issues and how they influence decisions about home ownership (e.g., eco-friendly homes, urban development).

Values related to community impact and responsible living.

8. Future Aspirations

Hopes and fears regarding the future of home ownership, including potential changes in the housing market.

Aspirations related to family and personal life that may influence their decisions about owning a home.

9. Comparison with Previous Generations

Perceptions of how Gen Z's views on home ownership differ from those of Millennials or older generations.

Reflections on changes in attitudes toward property ownership over time.

10. Barriers to Home Ownership

Challenges and obstacles they perceive in achieving home ownership, such as market conditions, job security, and personal readiness.

These themes can help guide your analysis and provide a framework for understanding the complex views of your peers regarding home ownership and success."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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