Tuesday 8 October 2024

Asking chatgpt (accessed via poe.com) to comment on the value of questionnaire survey using convenience sampling: a note of MBA students:

Asking chatgpt (accessed via poe.com) to comment on the value of questionnaire survey using convenience sampling: a note of MBA students:

My question 1 is: "I am a part-time MBA student currently working on my dissertation project. I would like to conduct a questionnaire survey using convenience sampling to study consumer preference on food delivery service in Hong Kong. My first question is: what are the characteristics of convenience sampling?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where participants are selected based on their availability and willingness to participate. Here are some key characteristics:

Ease of Access: Participants are chosen because they are easy to reach or readily available, such as friends, family, or colleagues.

Cost-Effective: This method often requires fewer resources in terms of time and money compared to other sampling methods.

Speed: Data collection can be completed quickly, making it suitable for studies with tight timelines.

Lack of Randomization: Participants are not randomly selected, which can introduce bias and limit the generalizability of the results.

Subjectivity: The researcher's judgment plays a significant role in selecting the sample, which can affect the validity of the findings.

Limited Representativeness: Since the sample may not reflect the broader population, findings may not be applicable to all consumers.

Potential for Bias: The convenience of the sample may lead to a skewed representation of the target population, as it may favor specific demographics or preferences.

When using convenience sampling, it's important to acknowledge these limitations in your dissertation and consider how they may impact your findings."

My question 2 is: "Is a questionnaire survey using convenience sampling on my friends able to produce reasonably valid empirical data for research purpose, especially if I am only able to obtain about 60 survey replies?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Using a questionnaire survey with convenience sampling on your friends can yield some valid empirical data, but there are important considerations to keep in mind:


Quick Data Collection: You can gather responses quickly, especially if your friends are readily available and willing to participate.

Preliminary Insights: The data can provide initial insights or a foundation for further research.

Understanding Trends: If your friends share similar demographics to your target population, their responses may reflect broader trends.


Limited Generalizability: The findings may not represent the wider population in Hong Kong. Your friends may share similar preferences or experiences that don't reflect those of other consumers.

Potential Bias: The responses might be influenced by social dynamics or shared experiences among friends, leading to biased results.

Sample Size: While 60 responses can provide some insights, a small sample size may limit the robustness of your conclusions. Larger samples typically yield more reliable data.

Homogeneity: If your friends have similar backgrounds or lifestyles, this may affect the diversity of your data.


Acknowledge Limitations: Clearly state the limitations of your sample in your dissertation, including potential biases and lack of generalizability.

Supplement with Additional Data: If possible, consider conducting further surveys with a more diverse group to enhance the validity of your findings.

Analyze Trends: Use the data to identify trends or patterns, but be cautious when making broad conclusions.

In summary, while your friends can provide some useful data, it’s essential to be aware of the limitations and consider complementing your findings with additional research methods."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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