Friday 11 October 2024

A note for MBA students on using academic theories in dissertation project works

A note for MBA students on using academic theories in dissertation project works

The note is based on my discussion with chatgpt (accessed via

My question 1: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently learning to do dissertation projects. My Research Methods lecturer mentioned the importance of using academic theories in dissertation project works. On that, I have a few questions. My question 1 is: what roles to academic theories play in the conduct of dissertation project investigation?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Academic theories play several crucial roles in the conduct of dissertation project investigations. Here are some key functions they serve:

1. Framework for Understanding

Theories provide a structured way to understand complex phenomena. They help in framing the research questions and guiding the investigation.

2. Guiding Hypotheses and Predictions

Theories can help formulate hypotheses that can be tested during the research. They offer predictions based on established knowledge, helping to narrow the scope of investigation.

3. Contextualizing Findings

Academic theories help situate your findings within the broader body of knowledge. This allows you to compare your results with other studies and contribute to the existing literature.

4. Methodological Guidance

Theories often suggest specific methodologies or approaches to data collection and analysis. They can inform the choice of research design, sampling techniques, and data interpretation.

5. Explaining Relationships

Theories help explain relationships between variables, providing insights into why certain outcomes occur. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

6. Critical Analysis

Engaging with theories allows for critical analysis of existing literature. It encourages you to challenge or support established ideas, fostering academic debate.

7. Foundation for Recommendations

Theoretical frameworks can guide practical recommendations based on your findings. This enhances the relevance and applicability of your research in real-world scenarios.

8. Establishing Credibility

Grounding your research in established theories enhances its credibility. It shows that your work is rooted in academic rigor, which is important for dissertation evaluation.

In summary, academic theories are integral to the dissertation process, providing a foundation for inquiry, analysis, and interpretation of results. They help ensure that your research is systematic, coherent, and relevant to the field."

My question 2 is: "Tks for clarification. What are the ways to classify academic theories, notable in the field of Business Management?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "In the field of Business Management, academic theories can be classified in several ways. Here are some common classifications:

1. By Discipline

Organizational Theory: Focuses on the structure, design, and behavior of organizations (e.g., Contingency Theory, Resource-Based View).

Strategic Management: Involves theories related to competitive advantage and strategic planning (e.g., Porter's Five Forces, Blue Ocean Strategy).

Human Resource Management: Covers theories related to employee behavior and performance (e.g., Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory).

Marketing Theory: Encompasses theories on consumer behavior and market dynamics (e.g., The Marketing Mix, Diffusion of Innovations).

2. By Level of Analysis

Micro-Level Theories: Focus on individual or small group behavior (e.g., Theories of Motivation, Social Exchange Theory).

Meso-Level Theories: Examine organizational processes and structures (e.g., Institutional Theory, Organizational Culture).

Macro-Level Theories: Address broader systemic issues in the economy or global markets (e.g., Systems Theory, Institutional Economics).

3. By Function

Leadership Theories: Explore different styles and effects of leadership (e.g., Transformational Leadership, Situational Leadership).

Decision-Making Theories: Investigate how decisions are made within organizations (e.g., Rational Choice Theory, Bounded Rationality).

Change Management Theories: Focus on how organizations navigate change (e.g., Kotter's 8-Step Change Model, Lewin's Change Management Model).

4. By Paradigm

Positivist Theories: Emphasize observable phenomena and objective measurements (e.g., Scientific Management).

Interpretivist Theories: Focus on understanding the subjective meanings and experiences of individuals (e.g., Symbolic Interactionism).

Critical Theories: Challenge traditional power structures and advocate for social change (e.g., Critical Management Studies).

5. By Temporal Perspective

Classical Theories: Established foundational concepts (e.g., Taylorism, Fayol’s Principles of Management).

Contemporary Theories: Reflect modern challenges and innovations in business (e.g., Agile Management, Lean Startup).

6. By Applicability

Normative Theories: Provide prescriptive guidelines on how things should be done (e.g., Ethical Theories in Business).

Descriptive Theories: Explain how things are done in practice (e.g., Behavioral Theories).

These classifications help researchers and practitioners navigate the vast landscape of theories in Business Management, enabling them to select appropriate frameworks for their studies and applications."

My question 3 is: "Tks. How can I make use of academic theories in dissertation project works, as academic theories themselves evolve over time and there could be incompatible views between different academic theories, etc.?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Making effective use of academic theories in your dissertation project involves a careful and strategic approach, especially given their evolving nature and potential incompatibilities. Here are some key steps to consider:

1. Literature Review

Comprehensive Review: Start by conducting a thorough literature review to identify relevant theories in your area of study. Understand their evolution, key proponents, and criticisms.

Identify Gaps: Look for gaps in the literature where existing theories may not fully explain phenomena, which can guide your research questions.

2. Select Relevant Theories

Theoretical Framework: Choose one or more theories that best fit your research objectives. Ensure they directly relate to your research questions and context.

Compatibility: Consider theories that complement each other. You may integrate multiple theories to provide a more comprehensive perspective.

3. Critical Engagement

Analyze and Critique: Engage critically with the selected theories. Discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and any contradictions. This shows depth of understanding and adds rigor to your work.

Contextual Relevance: Assess how the chosen theories apply to your specific context. Adapt them as necessary to fit your research setting.

4. Formulate Hypotheses or Research Questions

Guided by Theory: Use the theories to formulate clear hypotheses or research questions. Ensure they are testable and grounded in theoretical principles.

5. Methodological Design

Informed by Theory: Let the selected theories guide your research design and methodology. For example, different theories might suggest different approaches to data collection and analysis.

Justification: Clearly justify your methodological choices in relation to the theoretical framework you are using.

6. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Theoretical Lens: Use the theories as lenses through which to analyze your data. This helps in interpreting findings in a way that is consistent with theoretical constructs.

Comparative Analysis: If applicable, compare your findings with existing studies that used different theories to highlight divergent or convergent perspectives.

7. Discussion and Implications

Link Back to Theory: In your discussion section, relate your findings back to the theories. Discuss how your research supports, challenges, or extends existing theoretical frameworks.

Practical Implications: Highlight how your findings can inform practice, policy, or future research, based on the theoretical insights gained.

8. Acknowledge Limitations

Recognize Limitations: Be transparent about the limitations of the theories you used. Discuss potential biases or areas where theories may not fully capture the complexities of your findings.

9. Stay Open to Evolution

Continuous Learning: Recognize that theories evolve. Be open to incorporating new insights or alternative theories as they emerge during your research process.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate academic theories into your dissertation, leveraging their strengths while being mindful of their limitations and evolving nature. This approach will enhance the rigor and relevance of your research."

My question 4: "What is the most effective way to learn academic theories for doing dissertation projects, as my dissertation project supervisor is not responsible for teaching me academic theories for doing dissertation project, and I have forgot what I learned about academic theories because my previous learning at university was done many years ago?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Relearning academic theories effectively for your dissertation project can be approached through a structured and proactive strategy. Here are some methods to help you grasp and utilize academic theories:

1. Self-Directed Study

Identify Key Theories: Start by identifying the key theories relevant to your research area. Use course syllabi, academic journals, and textbooks to find foundational theories.

Use Reputable Sources: Refer to reputable academic sources such as textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, and online academic platforms (e.g., Google Scholar, JSTOR).

2. Online Courses and Resources

Enroll in MOOCs: Platforms like Coursera or edX offer courses on research methods and academic theories. Look for courses specifically related to your field.

YouTube Lectures: Many universities post lectures on YouTube that cover various academic theories and concepts.

3. Study Groups and Peer Learning

Form a Study Group: Collaborate with fellow MBA students or colleagues. Discussing theories with peers can enhance understanding and retention.

Attend Workshops: Look for workshops or seminars offered by your institution that focus on research methodologies and theoretical frameworks.

4. Reading and Note-Taking

Summarize Key Theories: As you read, take notes summarizing key concepts, applications, and critiques of each theory. Creating a theory matrix can help visualize relationships.

Create Concept Maps: Visual aids like concept maps can help connect different theories and their applications.

5. Engage with the Literature

Conduct a Literature Review: Read recent studies in your field. Pay attention to how authors apply theories in their work. This will provide practical insights into their usage.

Critically Analyze Articles: Select a few academic articles and analyze how they use theories. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in their theoretical frameworks.

6. Consult Academic Advisors and Faculty

Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to ask your dissertation supervisor or other faculty members for recommendations on resources or clarifications on theories.

Office Hours: Utilize faculty office hours to discuss theories, seek advice, or clarify concepts.

7. Practical Application

Apply Theories to Case Studies: Look for case studies in your area of interest and apply relevant theories to analyze them. This will help in understanding how theories work in practice.

Draft Research Questions: Formulate research questions based on theories you are learning. This can help solidify your understanding as you consider their application.

8. Regular Revision

Set a Study Schedule: Allocate regular time for studying theories. Regular review helps reinforce learning and retention.

Use Flashcards: Create flashcards with key concepts and definitions to test your knowledge regularly.

9. Join Academic Communities

Participate in Forums: Engage in online academic communities or forums related to your field. Discussions can provide insights and clarify doubts about theories.

Follow Academic Journals: Subscribe to academic journals to stay updated on new theories and research developments in your field.

By employing a combination of these strategies, you can effectively relearn and understand academic theories, which will enhance your ability to conduct a rigorous dissertation project."

My question 5: "What specific advice will you offer me for learning academic theories to do my dissertation project, if I am busy and I only want to get a pass for my dissertation project?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "If your primary goal is to pass your dissertation project while managing a busy schedule, here are some targeted strategies to efficiently learn and apply academic theories:

1. Focus on Essentials

Identify Key Theories: Narrow down to a few essential theories relevant to your research question. Look for those that are most commonly referenced in your field.

Use Summary Resources: Find condensed study guides or summaries that highlight key concepts and applications of these theories.

2. Utilize Online Resources

Watch Short Lectures: Use platforms like YouTube or educational websites to find short lectures or summaries on the theories you need.

Podcasts and Webinars: Listen to podcasts or attend webinars that discuss relevant theories in your field. This can be done while commuting or multitasking.

3. Leverage Existing Knowledge

Review Class Notes: If you have any notes or materials from your previous studies, revisit them for a refresher on key theories.

Consult Your Dissertation Supervisor: Ask your supervisor for a shortlist of theories that are most applicable to your project.

4. Prioritize Reading

Skim Key Articles: Focus on the introduction and conclusion sections of academic articles to get a quick grasp of how theories are applied without reading the entire paper.

Use Abstracts: Read abstracts of relevant papers to identify the most applicable theories to your research.

5. Create a Theory Cheat Sheet

Summarize Key Points: Create a one-page cheat sheet summarizing the main theories, their key concepts, and applications. This can serve as a quick reference while writing your dissertation.

6. Engage with Practical Examples

Case Studies: Look for case studies or examples that illustrate the application of the theories. Understanding practical applications can solidify your grasp quickly.

Use Existing Research: Identify and analyze existing dissertations or studies in your field that successfully applied relevant theories.

7. Draft Questions and Answers

Prepare FAQs: Anticipate questions about your theoretical framework and prepare succinct answers based on your readings. This will prepare you for discussions with your supervisor.

8. Set Mini-Goals

Break Down Learning: Set small, manageable goals for each study session. For instance, focus on one theory per week and how it applies to your project.

Time-Limited Sessions: Dedicate short, focused study sessions (e.g., 30 minutes) to learn about theories without overwhelming yourself.

9. Stay Organized

Use Project Management Tools: Keep track of your learning and progress with tools like Trello or Asana, which can help you stay focused and organized.

Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular but brief check-ins with your supervisor to ensure you are on the right track without needing extensive additional guidance.

10. Emphasize Structure in Your Dissertation

Clear Theoretical Framework: Make sure to clearly outline the theoretical framework in your dissertation. Even if your understanding is basic, a well-structured presentation can convey competence.

By focusing on these strategies, you can efficiently learn the necessary academic theories with minimal time investment, helping you achieve your goal of passing your dissertation project."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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