Monday 15 July 2024

Using to review academic articles: a note

Using to review academic articles.

This illustrates how to use to facilitate a review of an academic article (re: screen sample 1):

Drop an article onto the online pdf folder [limited to two pdfs to analyze per day, unless upgrade]. The article name in this case is "A phenomenological learning approach to leading digitalization". With the article uploaded, the following analysis options are available (re: screen sample 2):

The initial options offered by chatpdf are:
1. How does the article propose that leaders can overcome the perceived complexity of acquiring digital leadership skills?
2. What role does intrapersonal development play in the process of leading digitalization, according to the findings?
3. Can you provide examples of how phenomenological concepts like common sense and being a stranger can be applied to competence development in digital leadership?

Preliminary evaluation comments

The AI tool of chatpdf appears useful for the researcher (doing literature review) to accelerate learning and review of the academic article.[It could review multiple articles in one attempt.] I need to do more testing of it so as to provide additional comments on the usefulness of this AI tool. At this stage, it is useful to take a look at the Youtube video 1 and video 2 that introduce the chatpdf.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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