Saturday 13 July 2024

Asking ChatGPT to produce a research plan to do observation research: a note for MBA students

Asking ChatGPT to produce a research plan to do observation research: a note for MBA students

The following is my conversation with the assistant bot (via on the formulation of a research plan to conduct observation research for studying how shopping mall atmosphere affects shopping outcomes.

Query 1

Joseph Ho (the student): "I am a part-time MBA student. I am now working on my dissertation project which is to evaluate how shopping mall atmosphere affects shopping outcomes. Specifically, I intend to study three shopping malls in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong as a multiple case study research. My main research method to use is observation research. Could you suggest a research plan for me to do so?"

The assistant bot: "Certainly, I'd be happy to help you with a research plan for your dissertation project on evaluating how shopping mall atmosphere affects shopping outcomes through observation research. As an MBA student with a focus on this topic, here's a suggested research plan for your multiple case study in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong:

Literature Review:

Conduct a thorough review of existing literature on the relationship between shopping mall atmosphere and shopping outcomes.

Identify key factors and dimensions of mall atmosphere (e.g., lighting, music, crowding, cleanliness, layout, etc.) that have been shown to influence shopper behavior and satisfaction.

Familiarize yourself with observation research methodologies used in similar studies.

Site Selection and Preparation:

Carefully select the three shopping malls in Sheung Shui that you intend to study, ensuring they have distinct characteristics in terms of size, age, target audience, and other relevant factors.

Obtain necessary permissions from mall management to conduct your observation research within their premises.

Develop a detailed observation protocol, including:

Observation checklists to systematically record relevant atmospheric factors and shopper behavior.

Schedules for observation sessions to capture different times of day, days of the week, and seasonal variations.

Guidelines for field note-taking and documentation.

Data Collection:

Conduct on-site observation sessions in each of the three shopping malls, adhering to your established observation protocol.

Observe and record relevant atmospheric factors, such as:

Lighting levels, music, temperature, and ventilation.

Cleanliness, crowding levels, and layout/flow of the mall.

Presence and engagement of mall staff and security personnel.

Observe and document shopper behavior, such as:

Time spent in the mall, path of movement, and dwell time in specific areas.

Interaction with mall features (e.g., escalators, seating areas, wayfinding).

Purchasing behavior and engagement with retail stores.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Organize and analyze the observation data collected from the three shopping malls.

Identify patterns, similarities, and differences in the atmospheric factors and shopper behavior across the malls.

Interpret your findings in the context of your literature review and the potential impact of mall atmosphere on shopping outcomes.

Triangulation and Validation:

Consider supplementing your observation data with other research methods, such as:

Intercept surveys with shoppers to gather their perceptions and experiences.

Interviews with mall management and staff to understand their perspectives.

Triangulate the observation data with the additional information to validate your findings and strengthen the credibility of your analysis.

Reporting and Recommendations:

Synthesize your research findings into a comprehensive dissertation that addresses your original research objectives.

Discuss the implications of your study for shopping mall operators and retail businesses in terms of enhancing the shopping experience and improving shopping outcomes.

Provide practical recommendations based on your findings, such as strategies for optimizing mall atmosphere and design.

Remember to document your research process thoroughly, maintain ethical standards, and ensure the protection of research participants' privacy and confidentiality throughout the study.

If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, please don't hesitate to ask."

Query 2

Joseph Ho (the student): "Could you provide more details on the types of shopper behavior I should observe and record during the mall visits?"

The assistant bot: "Certainly, here are some more details on the types of shopper behavior you should observe and record during your mall visits:

Time Spent in the Mall:

Note the average time shoppers spend in the mall, as well as any variations across different time periods (e.g., weekdays vs. weekends, peak vs. off-peak hours).

Observe if there are any differences in time spent based on shopper demographics or the area of the mall they visit.

Path of Movement:

Track the paths and routes taken by shoppers as they navigate the mall.

Identify any bottlenecks, congestion points, or areas that seem to attract more foot traffic.

Observe if shoppers exhibit any specific movement patterns (e.g., clockwise, counter-clockwise, random).

Dwell Time in Specific Areas:

Observe how long shoppers linger in different zones of the mall, such as anchor stores, food courts, specialty shops, or common areas.

Note any areas that seem to capture shoppers' attention for longer periods.

Interaction with Mall Features:

Observe how shoppers interact with and utilize various mall features, such as escalators, elevators, seating areas, wayfinding signage, and amenities.

Document any behaviors that indicate user-friendliness or frustration with these features.

Purchasing Behavior:

Note the number of shoppers who enter retail stores and the duration of their stay.

Observe if shoppers engage in browsing, touch/feel products, or make purchases.

Identify any differences in purchasing behavior across different store types or locations within the mall.

Engagement and Emotions:

Pay attention to shoppers' body language, facial expressions, and overall demeanor as they navigate the mall.

Observe if there are any noticeable changes in mood or energy levels as they move through different areas of the mall.

Social Interactions:

Document how shoppers interact with each other, such as the prevalence of groups, couples, or families, and the nature of their interactions.

Observe if the mall atmosphere encourages or discourages social engagement among shoppers.

Make sure to develop a structured observation checklist or template to ensure consistency in data collection across the three malls. This will help you systematically capture the relevant shopper behaviors and facilitate cross-case comparisons in your analysis.".

Query 3

Joseph Ho (the student): "Can you provide any tips on how to accurately measure and record these different types of shopper behavior?"

The assistant bot: "Certainly, here are some tips to help you accurately measure and record the different types of shopper behavior during your mall visits:

Time Spent in the Mall:

Use a stopwatch or a smartphone timer to track the time spent by individual shoppers or groups.

Consider using a tally system to count the number of shoppers in different time categories (short, moderate, extended).

Note any significant variations in visit durations across different times of the day or days of the week.

Path of Movement:

Sketch out a floor plan of the mall and mark the routes taken by shoppers using colored pens or pencils.

Observe and record any patterns, such as clockwise or counter-clockwise movement, shortcuts, or areas with high foot traffic.

Consider using a video camera or a tracking app to capture and analyze the movement patterns of shoppers.

Dwell Time in Specific Areas:

Use a stopwatch or a smartphone timer to measure the time spent by shoppers in different zones of the mall.

Divide the mall into distinct areas (e.g., anchor stores, food court, specialty shops) and record the dwell time for each area.

Note any factors that may influence the dwell time, such as the presence of seating, interactive displays, or promotional activities.

Interaction with Mall Features:

Observe and record how shoppers interact with various mall features, such as escalators, elevators, wayfinding signs, and amenities.

Use a checklist or tally system to document the frequency and types of interactions (e.g., engaged, indifferent, frustrated).

Consider taking photographs or short video clips to capture specific instances of interaction.

Purchasing Behavior:

Position yourself near the entrances and exits of retail stores to observe the number of shoppers entering and exiting.

Use a tally system to record the number of shoppers engaged in different purchasing behaviors (window shopping, impulsive buying, deliberate buying, no purchasing).

Consider conducting brief, unobtrusive interviews with shoppers to understand their purchasing motivations and decision-making processes.

Engagement and Emotions:

Observe and record shoppers' body language, facial expressions, and overall demeanor as they navigate the mall.

Use a simple rating scale (e.g., positive, neutral, negative) to categorize the emotional states of shoppers.

Consider taking discreet photographs or video clips to capture instances of emotional expressions, ensuring to respect the privacy and consent of shoppers.

Social Interactions:

Observe and record the prevalence of groups, couples, or families shopping together.

Note the nature and level of engagement in their social interactions (e.g., engaged, disengaged).

Consider unobtrusively listening to or recording snippets of conversations (with consent) to gain insights into the social dynamics.

Remember to maintain an unobtrusive and respectful approach to data collection, ensuring that you do not disrupt the natural shopping experience of the mall visitors. Additionally, consider seeking necessary permissions or approvals from mall management to conduct your research, and ensure compliance with any relevant privacy regulations.".

Some overall evaluation comments

In the conversation, the assistant bot was able to offer useful and specific suggestion on a research plan to conduct the observation research. It is now up to the student to (i) do some more study on the subject of observation research and (ii) conduct literature review on the topic of shopping mall atmosphere and shopping outcomes so as to produce his/ her own version of the research plan on observation research.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using ChatGPT for research purpose.

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