Sunday 21 July 2024

Asking ChatGPT to clarify the topic of contextualization with regard to dissertation project planning: a note for DBA students

Asking ChatGPT to clarify the topic of contextualization with regard to dissertation project planning: a note for DBA students

The following dialogue of mine with the ChatGPT (via is on the topic of contextualization with regard to dissertation project planning: a note mainly for DBA students.

Finding 1

My first question was: "As a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student preparing for my dissertation proposal, I have a query about the following question: "what are the underlying ideas of contextualization for dissertation project planning?"

The reply from the assistant bot was: "The underlying ideas of contextualization for dissertation project planning refer to the importance of situating your research within the broader academic and social context. This involves several key considerations:

 Literature Review: Conducting a thorough review of the existing literature in your field of study is crucial. This helps you understand the current state of knowledge, identify gaps or areas that need further exploration, and position your research within the broader scholarly discourse.

Theoretical Framework: Selecting an appropriate theoretical framework or conceptual model to guide your research is important. This provides a lens through which you can analyze your research problem and interpret your findings.

Disciplinary Norms and Conventions: Familiarizing yourself with the norms, conventions, and best practices within your specific academic discipline is essential. This includes understanding the preferred research methodologies, writing styles, and publication channels.

Institutional and Departmental Context: Considering the specific requirements, resources, and expectations of your university or department can help you align your dissertation project with the institutional context.

Socio-Cultural Considerations: Acknowledging the broader social, cultural, and political factors that may influence your research topic, methods, and potential implications is important. This can help you navigate ethical and practical considerations in your dissertation work.

Stakeholder Perspectives: Identifying and engaging with relevant stakeholders, such as industry partners, policymakers, or community organizations, can provide valuable insights and contextual information to inform your research.

By thoroughly understanding and incorporating these contextual elements into your dissertation project planning, you can ensure that your research is well-grounded, relevant, and responsive to the academic and societal landscape. This contextualization process can strengthen the overall coherence, significance, and impact of your dissertation."

Finding 2

My second question was: "What then are the specific contextualization issues to pay attention to with regard to my research theme of "the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Management practices in Hong Kong"?"

The reply from the assistant bot was: "Excellent, let's dive deeper into the specific contextualization issues to consider for your research theme on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in Hong Kong. Here are some key aspects to pay attention to:


Literature Review:

Thoroughly review the existing literature on AI applications in HRM, particularly within the Hong Kong context.

Identify any gaps or areas that need further exploration, such as unique challenges or opportunities in the Hong Kong business landscape.

Theoretical Framework:

Explore relevant theories and models that can guide your analysis of the AI-HRM relationship, such as technology acceptance models, organizational change theories, or human-computer interaction frameworks.

Consider how these theories may need to be adapted or expanded to account for the Hong Kong cultural and institutional environment.

Disciplinary Norms and Conventions:

Familiarize yourself with the preferred research methodologies, data collection techniques, and reporting standards within the fields of HRM and AI/technology management.

Ensure that your research design and analysis align with the established norms and expectations in these disciplines.

Institutional and Departmental Context:

Understand the research priorities, resources, and support available within your university or department for conducting interdisciplinary research on AI and HRM.

Identify any potential collaborations or partnerships that could enhance your research project.

Socio-Cultural Considerations:

Examine the unique socio-cultural factors that may influence the adoption and implementation of AI-driven HRM practices in Hong Kong, such as cultural attitudes towards technology, privacy concerns, or labor regulations.

Explore how these contextual factors might shape the perceptions and experiences of HR professionals and employees.

Stakeholder Perspectives:

Identify and engage with key stakeholders, such as HR managers, technology leaders, policymakers, and labor unions, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with AI-enabled HRM in Hong Kong.

Incorporate their insights and feedback into your research design and analysis.

By thoroughly considering these contextualization issues, you can ensure that your dissertation project on the impact of AI on HRM practices in Hong Kong is well-grounded, relevant, and responsive to the unique characteristics of the local business environment. This contextualized approach will strengthen the overall rigor and impact of your research."

Finding 3

My third question was: "How can I best incorporate the perspectives of different stakeholders in my research on the impact of AI on HRM in Hong Kong?

The reply from the assistant bot was: "Incorporating the perspectives of different stakeholders is a crucial aspect of contextualizing your research on the impact of AI on HRM practices in Hong Kong. Here are some strategies you can consider:


Stakeholder Identification:

Identify the key stakeholder groups that are likely to be affected by or involved in the implementation of AI-enabled HRM practices in Hong Kong. This may include HR professionals, IT/technology leaders, employees, labor unions, policymakers, and industry experts.

Stakeholder Analysis:

Conduct a stakeholder analysis to understand the interests, concerns, and potential influence of each stakeholder group. This will help you prioritize and tailor your engagement strategies.

Qualitative Data Collection:

Utilize qualitative research methods, such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, or expert panel discussions, to gather rich, contextual data from the various stakeholder perspectives.

Design your interview protocols and discussion guides to elicit insights into the opportunities, challenges, and concerns that different stakeholders have regarding the integration of AI in HRM.

Quantitative Surveys:

Develop and distribute surveys to a broader sample of stakeholders to capture their perceptions, attitudes, and experiences with AI-enabled HRM practices.

Ensure that your survey design, sampling, and analysis techniques are robust and representative of the diverse stakeholder groups.


Combine the qualitative and quantitative data collected from different stakeholder groups to gain a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the research problem.

Use triangulation to corroborate findings, identify divergent perspectives, and develop a comprehensive picture of the AI-HRM landscape in Hong Kong.

Collaborative Engagement:

Organize workshops, roundtable discussions, or co-creation sessions to facilitate dialogue and collaboration among the different stakeholder groups.

This interactive approach can help you gather real-time feedback, identify shared concerns, and explore potential solutions.

Stakeholder Validation:

Seek feedback and validation from key stakeholders throughout the research process, from the initial design to the final analysis and recommendations.

This will help ensure that your findings and conclusions accurately reflect the diverse perspectives and contextual factors.

By incorporating the voices and experiences of multiple stakeholders, you can develop a more comprehensive and contextually grounded understanding of the impact of AI on HRM practices in Hong Kong. This will strengthen the relevance, credibility, and practical implications of your dissertation research."

Some overall evaluation comments

The replies from the assistant bot are quite useful for clarification of the contextualization topic. They point to the need for DBA students to study specific academic topics on developing their dissertation project topics and project plans.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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