Thursday 11 July 2024

Seeking ChatGPT's help to produce a proposal for application to study for a DBA Degree: an exercise

Seeking ChatGPT's help to produce a proposal for application to study for a DBA Degree: an exercise

The following account is on my attempt to ask ChatGPT (accessed via to produce a proposal to me in order to apply for the study of a Doctor of Business Administration of a UK university. 

Query 1

Joseph Ho (the DBA applicant): "I am a Department Head of the Information Technology of a bus company. With more than 10 years of working experience as well as an MBA Degree, I now intend to apply to study for a part-time Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree from a UK university. My current research interest is in Artificial Intelligence application in Human Resource Management. I need to submit a preliminary proposal in 1000 word to the UK university for consideration of my study application. Could you produce a proposal for me to consider that is appropriate for the application to study the DBA degree programme?"

The assistant bot: "Certainly, I'm happy to assist you with a preliminary proposal for your DBA degree application focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management. As an experienced IT Department Head with an MBA, your background is well-suited for advanced study in this area. Here is a 1000-word proposal for your consideration:

Title: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management


The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have transformed various industries, and the field of Human Resource Management (HRM) is no exception. As an experienced IT professional with a keen interest in the strategic application of emerging technologies, I am eager to explore how AI can be leveraged to enhance HR practices and drive organizational performance. For my Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) research, I propose to investigate the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI-powered solutions into core HRM functions, with the goal of developing a comprehensive framework to guide HR professionals in effectively harnessing the power of AI.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives of my proposed DBA research are:

To critically evaluate the current state of AI adoption and application in HRM, including the identification of use cases, benefits, and limitations.

To analyze the impact of AI-driven HR solutions on key HR processes, such as recruitment, performance management, employee development, and workforce planning.

To investigate the organizational and technological factors that facilitate or hinder the successful implementation of AI in HRM, including the role of HR professionals, data governance, and change management.

To develop a conceptual framework that provides HR leaders with a strategic roadmap for the effective integration of AI-powered tools and solutions into their HR practices.

Theoretical Foundation and Literature Review

The proposed research will be grounded in relevant management and technology-focused theories, such as the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm, the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, and the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) paradigm. These theoretical lenses will provide a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can leverage AI to enhance their HR capabilities, while also addressing the organizational and technological factors that influence the successful implementation of AI-driven HR solutions.

The literature review will explore the current state of AI adoption in HRM, examining empirical studies and industry reports that document the use cases, benefits, and challenges associated with the integration of AI technologies into HR processes. This review will also consider the potential impact of AI on the HR profession, including the changing roles and skill requirements of HR practitioners.


The proposed research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. The study will consist of the following phases:

Exploratory Phase: Conduct semi-structured interviews with HR leaders and AI experts to gain in-depth insights into the current state of AI adoption in HRM, the perceived benefits and challenges, and the future outlook.

Survey Phase: Design and administer a cross-sectional survey to a sample of organizations to quantify the extent of AI adoption, the level of integration into HR processes, and the perceived organizational and technological factors influencing implementation.

Case Study Phase: Perform multiple case studies of organizations that have successfully integrated AI-driven HR solutions to understand the critical success factors, implementation strategies, and organizational outcomes.

Framework Development: Synthesize the findings from the previous phases to develop a comprehensive framework that guides HR leaders in the effective integration of AI into their HR practices.

Expected Contributions

The proposed DBA research is expected to contribute to both the academic and practitioner domains in the following ways:

Academic Contributions:

Expand the existing knowledge base on the application of AI in HRM by providing empirical insights into the use cases, benefits, and challenges.

Develop a conceptual framework that integrates various theoretical perspectives to explain the organizational and technological factors influencing the successful implementation of AI-driven HR solutions.

Stimulate further research on the evolving role of HR professionals and the skills required to effectively leverage AI in HR practices.

Practical Contributions:

Provide HR leaders with a strategic roadmap for the effective integration of AI-powered tools and solutions into their HR practices.

Offer guidance on the organizational and technological considerations necessary for the successful implementation of AI-driven HR solutions.

Inform HR professionals on the potential impact of AI on their roles and the necessary skill development to remain competitive in the era of AI-powered HR.


The proposed DBA research aims to investigate the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Human Resource Management. By exploring the current state of AI adoption, the impact on HR processes, and the critical success factors for implementation, this study will contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this area and provide practical guidance for HR leaders seeking to harness the power of AI to drive organizational performance and competitiveness".

Query 2

Joseph Ho (the DBA applicant): "Could you provide more details on the expected academic and practical contributions of the proposed DBA research?"

The assistant bot: "Certainly, I'm happy to provide more details on the expected academic and practical contributions of the proposed DBA research on Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management.

Academic Contributions:

Expand the existing knowledge base on the application of AI in HRM:

The research will provide empirical insights into the specific use cases where AI is being adopted in HR processes, such as recruitment, performance management, and workforce planning.

It will analyze the perceived benefits and challenges associated with the integration of AI-powered solutions, drawing from the experiences of HR leaders and AI experts.

The findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of the current state of AI adoption in the HRM domain, which has been relatively underexplored in the academic literature.

Develop a conceptual framework that integrates various theoretical perspectives:

The research will draw on established management and technology theories, such as the Resource-Based View, the Technology-Organization-Environment framework, and the Human-Machine Interaction paradigm.

By synthesizing these theoretical lenses, the study will propose a comprehensive framework that explains the organizational and technological factors influencing the successful implementation of AI-driven HR solutions.

This conceptual framework will serve as a foundation for future research on the strategic management of AI in HRM.

Stimulate further research on the evolving role of HR professionals:

The research will provide insights into the potential impact of AI on the roles and skill requirements of HR practitioners.

It will explore how HR professionals can effectively adapt to the changing landscape, where AI-powered tools and solutions are increasingly integrated into HR practices.

The findings will inform future studies on the evolving competencies and training needs of HR professionals in the era of AI-powered HR.

Practical Contributions:

Provide HR leaders with a strategic roadmap for the effective integration of AI-powered tools and solutions:

The proposed conceptual framework will offer guidance on the critical factors to consider when implementing AI-driven HR solutions, such as data governance, change management, and the alignment with organizational goals.

The research will showcase successful case studies of organizations that have effectively integrated AI into their HR practices, highlighting the critical success factors and implementation strategies.

This roadmap will empower HR leaders to make informed decisions and develop effective deployment strategies for AI-powered HR solutions.

Offer guidance on the organizational and technological considerations for successful AI implementation:

The study will identify the key organizational and technological factors that facilitate or hinder the successful implementation of AI in HRM.

This knowledge will help HR leaders address the potential challenges, such as data quality, system integration, and employee resistance, when adopting AI-powered HR solutions.

The research findings will enable HR professionals to develop a comprehensive change management plan and ensure the successful integration of AI technologies into their HR practices.

Inform HR professionals on the potential impact of AI and the necessary skill development:

The research will explore how the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals may evolve due to the increasing integration of AI-powered tools and solutions.

It will provide insights into the emerging skill requirements, such as data analytics, AI literacy, and change management, that HR professionals will need to develop to remain competitive in the era of AI-powered HR.

These findings will help HR professionals proactively upskill and adapt to the changing landscape, ensuring their continued relevance and effectiveness in the organization.

By addressing these academic and practical contributions, the proposed DBA research will make a significant impact on the understanding and strategic application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Human Resource Management.".

Query 3

Joseph Ho (the DBA applicant): "What are the key challenges HR leaders face when integrating AI technologies into their HR practices?"

The assistant bot: "As AI continues to disrupt various business functions, HR leaders face several key challenges when integrating AI technologies into their HR practices. Here are some of the major challenges HR leaders need to address:

Data Quality and Governance:

Ensuring the availability, accuracy, and integrity of the data required to train and deploy AI-powered HR solutions is a significant challenge.

HR leaders need to establish robust data governance frameworks to manage data collection, storage, and security, while also addressing issues of bias and privacy.

System Integration and Compatibility:

Seamlessly integrating AI-powered HR tools and platforms with existing HR information systems and legacy technologies can be complex and resource-intensive.

HR leaders must carefully evaluate the compatibility of AI solutions with their organization's current technology infrastructure and develop a comprehensive integration strategy.

Workforce Readiness and Change Management:

Introducing AI-driven HR solutions can significantly impact the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals and other employees.

HR leaders must develop effective change management strategies to address employee concerns, resistance, and the need for upskilling to ensure successful AI adoption.

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations:

The use of AI in HR decision-making, such as hiring and performance management, raises ethical concerns around fairness, transparency, and accountability.

HR leaders need to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and ensure that their AI-powered HR practices comply with relevant laws and guidelines (e.g., data privacy, anti-discrimination).

Organizational Culture and Leadership:

Successful AI integration in HR requires a culture that embraces innovation, experimentation, and a willingness to adapt to new ways of working.

HR leaders must foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous learning to facilitate the acceptance and effective utilization of AI-powered HR solutions.

Talent Acquisition and Retention:

The increased use of AI in HR processes, such as recruitment and talent management, may lead to concerns about the dehumanization of the employee experience.

HR leaders must strike a balance between the efficiency and scalability offered by AI-powered solutions and the need to maintain a personalized, engaging, and empathetic approach to attract and retain top talent.

Measuring the Impact and ROI of AI:

Quantifying the tangible and intangible benefits of AI-driven HR initiatives can be challenging, making it difficult to justify the investment and secure ongoing support from stakeholders.

HR leaders must develop robust metrics and evaluation frameworks to demonstrate the value and impact of their AI-powered HR initiatives.

To address these challenges, HR leaders must adopt a strategic and holistic approach to AI integration, involving cross-functional collaboration, continuous learning, and a focus on ethical and responsible AI practices. By addressing these key challenges, HR leaders can effectively harness the power of AI to drive transformative outcomes for their organizations."

Some overall evaluation comments

The proposal produced by the assistant bot is well informed with quite concrete research issues and tasks suggestions. What the DBA student needs to do now is to examine the suggested research issues and tasks in the proposal and carry out some more focused literature review on the management and research methods topics so as to come up with a personalized version of own proposal for the DBA application. My advice is: do not just adopt the assistant bot's proposal for the DBA application without own review and refinement effort.

Reference: a collection of blog notes for researchers on using ChatGPT.

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