Saturday 6 July 2024

Seeking ChatGPT 3.5 advice on detailed research method plans: a note for Housing Studies students

Seeking an AI tool's advice on detailed research method plans: a note for Housing Studies students

(Assessing General purpose assistant bot, powered by GPT-4o, via

I have carried out three tests on the assistant bot's ability to provide detailed research method plans related to the Housing Studies  topic of homelessness. The tests demonstrate the bot's capability to serve as a virtual intellectual advisor to Housing Studies students doing dissertation projects. As such, the account of the three tests should be informative to them.

Test 1

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping. I plan to do a semi-structured interview of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience on rough sleeping. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "Certainly, I'd be happy to provide some guidance on conducting semi-structured interviews for your dissertation research on the lived experience of rough sleeping in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong.

Here are the key steps I would suggest for your research:

Ethical Considerations:

Obtain the necessary ethical approval and informed consent from your university's ethics review board before conducting the interviews.

Ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of your participants throughout the research process.

Be sensitive and empathetic when interacting with the rough sleepers, as their experiences may be traumatic.

Participant Recruitment:

Identify and establish connections with local organizations or outreach workers who work directly with the rough sleeping community in Sham Shui Po.

Seek their assistance in recruiting suitable participants for your study, ensuring diversity in terms of age, gender, and duration of rough sleeping.

Provide clear information about the purpose of your research and what participation would involve.

Interview Guide Development:

Prepare a semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions that allow participants to share their lived experiences in depth.

Some potential topics to explore include:

Pathways into rough sleeping (e.g., job loss, family breakdown, mental health issues)

Daily routines and challenges faced while rough sleeping

Access to services and support (or lack thereof)

Coping strategies and resilience

Future aspirations and hopes

Leave room for unexpected themes that may emerge during the interviews.

Conducting the Interviews:

Schedule the interviews at a time and location convenient for the participants, ensuring privacy and comfort.

Start with introductions and build rapport to help the participants feel at ease.

Use active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and open-ended follow-up questions, to elicit rich narratives.

Be prepared to provide information about local support services if participants express a need.

Thank the participants for their time and contribution to your research.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Transcribe the interview recordings verbatim.

Employ qualitative data analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis, to identify patterns and themes in the participants' narratives.

Interpret the findings through the lens of relevant theoretical frameworks and existing literature on homelessness and rough sleeping.

Ensure that the voices and experiences of the rough sleepers are accurately represented in your analysis and conclusions.

Remember, conducting research with a vulnerable population requires empathy, sensitivity, and a deep respect for the participants' experiences. I wish you the best in your dissertation research and hope these suggestions are helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.".

Test 2

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping. I plan to do a covert structured observation of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience on rough sleeping. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable advising you on how to conduct covert structured observations of rough sleepers without their knowledge or consent. That would be an unethical approach that raises significant ethical concerns.

As an ethical assistant, I cannot recommend or assist with research methods that involve deception or infringe on the privacy and autonomy of vulnerable individuals. Conducting covert observations of rough sleepers would be a violation of their rights and could cause further harm or trauma.

Instead, I would strongly suggest you reconsider your research approach and pursue a more ethical, participatory methodology. Some suggestions:

Engage in transparent and informed consent-based interviews, as outlined in my previous response. This allows rough sleepers to share their experiences willingly and with dignity.

Explore ethnographic methods that involve building trusting relationships with the rough sleeping community over time, with their full awareness and consent.

Partner with local organizations and outreach workers to better understand the community's needs and perspectives, while respecting their privacy.

Consider employing peer researchers - individuals with lived experience of homelessness - to co-design and conduct the study in a culturally sensitive manner.

The ethical treatment of research participants, especially marginalized populations, should be the top priority. I encourage you to revisit your research plan and seek guidance from your university's ethics review board to ensure your approach aligns with the principles of respect, beneficence, and justice.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss alternative, ethical research methods for your dissertation. I'm happy to provide further suggestions that prioritize the dignity and wellbeing of the rough sleepers you aim to understand".

Test 3

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping on rough sleeping. I plan to do a participant observation of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "Conducting participant observation research with rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po can provide valuable insights into their lived experiences, but it requires a thoughtful and ethical approach. Here are some key steps I would suggest:

Ethical Considerations:

Obtain the necessary ethical approval from your university's ethics review board before commencing the research.

Develop a clear protocol for informed consent, ensuring participants understand the purpose of the study and their right to withdraw at any time.

Be mindful of any risks or potential harms to the participants and have appropriate support measures in place.

Building Rapport and Trust:

Spend significant time in the Sham Shui Po community, engaging with rough sleepers and local organizations.

Adopt a non-judgmental, empathetic, and respectful attitude to establish trust and rapport.

Consider involving peer researchers with lived experience of homelessness to facilitate access and understanding.

Participant Observation:

Immerse yourself in the daily lives and routines of the rough sleepers, observing their activities, interactions, and coping strategies.

Take detailed field notes, but be discreet and avoid disrupting their normal activities.

Participate in activities, such as sharing meals or accessing services, to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences.

Interviews and Conversations:

Conduct informal, open-ended interviews and conversations with the rough sleepers you have built relationships with.

Explore topics such as:

Pathways into homelessness (e.g., job loss, family breakdown, mental health issues)

Daily challenges and coping mechanisms

Access to and experiences with support services

Social connections and community

Future aspirations and hopes

Use active listening techniques to encourage participants to share their stories.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Transcribe your field notes and interview recordings, if applicable.

Employ qualitative data analysis methods, such as thematic analysis, to identify patterns and themes in the data.

Interpret the findings through the lens of relevant theoretical frameworks and existing literature on homelessness.

Ensure the voices and experiences of the rough sleepers are accurately represented in your analysis and conclusions.

Remember, participant observation research requires a significant time investment and a deep commitment to ethical practices. It's crucial to maintain sensitivity, respect, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the rough sleepers throughout the research process.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or need further guidance on conducting this type of research ethically".

Some overall evaluation comments

The assistant bot is able to offer reasonably detailed research method plans in respond to the student's detailed research objectives. It is also appropriate for the assistant bot to reject the student's initial request (re: test 2) when it is not ethical to do so; nonetheless, it is helpful to offer an alternative research method plan that is ethically acceptable. Indeed, it is not clear whether structured observation is a useful method to learn the lived experience of the rough sleepers, to begin with.

All in all, the assistant bot demonstrates that it is a very helpful virtual advisor to support Housing Studies students doing dissertation projects. Nevertheless, it remains essential for the student to do literature review on the topic under investigation (e.g. on homelessness) as well as to study the subject of research methods in order to do well with their dissertation projects. In particular, the assistant bot does not support its advice with reference to specific academic works (e.g. academic articles), research methods books and academic theories with citations. Another reason to take up own study effort is that the students, inevitably, have to adapt the proposed research method plans from the assistant bot in response to the various resource and capability constraints of the students.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using ChatGPT.

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