Friday 19 July 2024

Using Chatpdf to examine an academic article: a note for MBA students (note 2)

Using Chatpdf to examine an academic article: a note for MBA students (note 2)

The following is an account of my research methods test on the capability of to analyze an academic article, in this case on one related to International Business Management.

Sample screen 1 (the name of the article is "Emerging market internationals and international investment agreements")

Finding 1: on research gaps

My first question: "Does the article hint at certain research gaps that are addressed in the article?"

The reply from chatpdf: "Yes, the article identifies several research gaps that it aims to address. Specifically, it highlights the following:

  1. Limited Attention to EMNEs: The literature on emerging market multinationals (EMNEs) has not sufficiently explored how these firms respond to international economic agreements and political considerations. The study seeks to fill this gap by examining the relevance of investment treaties for firms from the Global South 3.

  2. Interdisciplinary Synergies: The article notes the unexplored opportunities for interdisciplinary synergies between research on EMNEs and international political economy, suggesting that there is a need for more integrated studies in these areas 3.

  3. Role of International Institutions: The study expands the POLI-framework to consider how international institutions can enhance the political and institutional capabilities of EMNEs, which has been underexplored in existing literature 3.

  4. Differences Between Advanced and Emerging MNEs: The article calls for further empirical examination of the differences in how advanced and emerging multinational enterprises react to political risk and institutional uncertainty, indicating a gap in understanding these dynamics 10.

  5. Content of Agreements: There is a need for more research on how EMNEs respond not only to investment treaties but also to preferential trade agreements (PTAs), particularly regarding the specific content and provisions of these agreements 10.

Overall, the article emphasizes the necessity for more comprehensive studies that address these gaps to better understand the internationalization strategies of EMNEs."

Finding 2: on theories

My second question: "What theories have been employed in the discussion by the writers?"

The reply from chatpdf: "The article employs several theoretical frameworks and concepts in its discussion:

  1. Institutionalist Approaches: The authors draw on insights from both International Business (IB) and International Political Economy (IPE) literatures, particularly focusing on how international and national institutions interact to influence the internationalization strategies of EMNEs 29.

  2. POLI Framework: The study builds on the POLI-advantages framework developed by Panibratov et al. (2022). This framework emphasizes the political capabilities and non-market strategies of EMNEs, arguing that bilateral investment treaties (BITs) can enhance these capabilities and facilitate internationalization 93.

  3. Neoliberal Institutionalism: The article references neoliberal institutionalist claims regarding the role of BITs and other investment agreements in promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) flows by discouraging host states from defecting from their contracts with multinational enterprises (MNEs) 9.

  4. Realist and Neomercantilist Approaches: The authors also consider Realist and Neomercantilist perspectives, which highlight the motivations of large developing countries to engage in international investment negotiations and the implications of these motivations for the international investment regime 9.

  5. Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm: The article mentions Dunning’s (1980) eclectic paradigm, which emphasizes ownership, location, and internalization advantages, as a foundational theory in the study of MNEs, although it notes disagreements among scholars regarding its applicability to EMNEs 3.

These theories collectively inform the analysis of how BITs and other international agreements impact the internationalization strategies of EMNEs, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding the dynamics at play."

Finding 3: on research methods

My third question: "What research methods have been employed in the discussion by the writers?"

The reply from chatpdf: "The authors employed a combination of research methods in their study, including:

  1. Firm-Level Survey Data: The study utilized original survey data collected from 713 firms across four emerging countries: Brazil, India, South Korea, and South Africa. This survey aimed to gather insights on the relevance of international economic agreements, particularly BITs, on the investment decisions of these firms 36.

  2. Regression Analysis: The authors aggregated the survey data at the country level and conducted regression analysis to test their hypotheses regarding the impact of bilateral investment treaties on EMNEs' location decisions. This analysis involved a sample of bilateral investment ties between the four countries and 158 host markets 3.

  3. Gravity-Type Model: The study extended its analysis to a larger sample of bilateral FDI flows between more than 100 countries over the period from 2010 to 2019, using a gravity-type model. This model focused on the same explanatory variables as the initial analysis but included a broader set of source countries classified as "developing" by the United Nations 3.

  4. Descriptive Statistics: The authors provided descriptive statistics from the survey data, detailing the characteristics of the firms interviewed and their awareness of BITs and preferential trade agreements. This helped to contextualize the findings and provide preliminary support for their hypotheses 6.

These methods combined allow the authors to analyze both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the impact of international investment agreements on EMNEs, providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic."

Finding 4: on research philosophy

My fourth question: Are there any indications that the research methods used in the discussion are linked to certain research philosophy stances?

The reply from chatpdf: "Yes, the research methods employed in the study indicate connections to certain research philosophy stances:

  1. Positivism: The use of quantitative methods, such as regression analysis and the gravity-type model, aligns with a positivist research philosophy. Positivism emphasizes the use of statistical and empirical data to test hypotheses and establish generalizable findings. The authors' reliance on firm-level survey data and aggregate country-level data reflects a commitment to objective measurement and analysis, which is characteristic of positivist approaches 63.

  2. Pragmatism: The combination of qualitative insights from firm-level surveys and quantitative analysis suggests a pragmatic research philosophy. Pragmatism values the use of multiple methods to address research questions and emphasizes practical outcomes. By integrating both qualitative and quantitative data, the authors aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of international investment agreements on EMNEs, which is a hallmark of pragmatic research 10.

  3. Interpretivism: While the primary focus is on quantitative methods, the firm-level survey also allows for some interpretivist elements, as it seeks to understand the perceptions and experiences of EMNEs regarding BITs and their investment decisions. This qualitative aspect acknowledges the subjective nature of human experiences and the importance of context in understanding how firms navigate international agreements 6.

Overall, the research methods reflect a blend of positivist and pragmatic philosophies, with some interpretivist elements, allowing the authors to explore the complexities of EMNEs' interactions with international investment agreements from multiple angles."

Finding 5: on practical value

My fifth question: Do the findings of the study offer any practical value in International Business Management?

The reply from chatpdf: "Yes, the findings of the study offer several practical values in the field of International Business Management (IBM):

  1. Informed Decision-Making: The study highlights the importance of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) in influencing the investment decisions of emerging market multinationals (EMNEs). Understanding the role of these agreements can help managers make more informed decisions about entering new markets, particularly in politically uncertain or distant locations. This knowledge can guide firms in assessing the risks and benefits associated with potential investments 10.

  2. Strategic Engagement with Governments: The findings suggest that EMNEs should actively engage with their governments to negotiate new BITs and other international agreements. By advocating for such treaties, firms can enhance their protection and clarity in investment processes, which can lead to more successful international expansions. This strategic engagement can be a critical component of a firm's internationalization strategy 910.

  3. Awareness of Agreements: The study reveals that many managers are not fully aware of the BITs and preferential trade agreements (PTAs) their countries are part of. This indicates a need for better communication and education regarding these agreements within firms. By increasing awareness, firms can leverage these treaties to mitigate risks and enhance their competitive advantage in foreign markets 6.

  4. Understanding Political Risk: The research underscores the significance of political risk and institutional uncertainty in international investments. By recognizing how BITs can offset these risks, managers can develop more robust risk management strategies and make better-informed choices about where to invest 10.

  5. Focus on Content of Agreements: The study emphasizes the need for EMNEs to understand the specific content and provisions of the investment agreements they are involved in, such as state-investor dispute settlement mechanisms. This understanding can help firms navigate potential challenges and utilize the protections offered by these agreements effectively 1010.

Overall, the findings provide valuable insights that can enhance the strategic planning and operational effectiveness of firms engaged in international business, particularly those from emerging markets."

Some overall evaluation comments

The replies from chatpdf adequately demonstrate that it has good application skill in Research Methods. As  such, this AI tool is very useful to support students' learning on Research Methods. This account of the test on an academic article from the Journal of International Business Review is particularly informative to MBA students.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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