Thursday 27 June 2024

My experience on using an AI tool: a note for MBA students

My experience on using an AI tool: a note for MBA students

 I tried four tests (in the forms of questions) on the capability of chatgpt via the following access path (Poe):

The link (poe) (re:

My question 1: what is the agile literature review approach for?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

The Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach is used in academic research to conduct systematic literature reviews in an iterative and flexible manner. It draws inspiration from the Agile software development methodology and adapts its principles to the process of reviewing and synthesizing existing literature. Here are some key purposes and benefits of using the Agile Literature Review approach:

Efficient and iterative process: The ALR approach aims to streamline the literature review process by breaking it into small, manageable tasks. It encourages an iterative approach, where researchers can constantly refine their research questions, search strategies, and inclusion/exclusion criteria based on the emerging insights from the literature.
Adaptability and flexibility: The ALR approach allows researchers to adapt their review process based on the findings and evolving research questions. It recognizes that research questions and objectives may evolve as researchers gain a deeper understanding of the literature.
Timeliness: By adopting an iterative approach, the ALR method enables researchers to publish interim findings or partial results throughout the review process. This can be particularly useful in fast-moving research fields where up-to-date knowledge is essential.
Collaboration and teamwork: The ALR approach encourages collaboration among researchers. It allows multiple researchers to work together on different aspects of the review simultaneously, promoting efficiency and encouraging diverse perspectives.
Stakeholder engagement: The ALR approach emphasizes engagement with stakeholders throughout the review process. Researchers can involve stakeholders, such as practitioners or policymakers, in defining research questions, interpreting findings, and validating the relevance of the review's outcomes.
Transdisciplinary research: The ALR approach can facilitate the integration of findings from diverse disciplines or fields of study. It encourages researchers to consider a wide range of literature sources, beyond their own specific field, to gain a holistic understanding of the research topic.
Quality assurance: The ALR approach incorporates mechanisms for quality assurance, such as peer review or expert feedback, throughout the review process. This helps ensure rigor and reliability in the synthesis of literature.
Knowledge synthesis and gap identification: The ALR approach enables researchers to synthesize and analyze a large body of literature systematically. It helps identify existing knowledge gaps, inconsistencies, or areas that require further investigation, leading to more targeted and focused future research.

My comment: a student using this answer in my course will fail. The answer is simply not informed by the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach.

My question 2: Is the agile literature review approach invented by Joseph K.K. Ho?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:
I apologize for the confusion, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no widely recognized academic or researcher named Joseph KK Ho associated with the invention or development of the Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach. The ALR approach is an adaptation of Agile methodologies from software development to the field of literature review, and it has been implemented and discussed by various researchers and scholars in the academic community. However, it is important to note that new research and developments may have occurred since then, and there may be individuals who have made contributions to the ALR approach that I am not aware of.

My comment: if my student offers this answer for my course assignment, the student will fail in his/her assignment work. The answer is not informed at all, especially on the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach of Joseph K.K. Ho.

My question 3: How to formulate an MBA dissertation proposal that is easy to do?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Formulating an MBA dissertation proposal that is feasible and manageable requires careful planning and consideration. While there is no guarantee that the process will be "easy," the following steps can help you create a proposal that is realistic and achievable:

Choose a focused research topic: Select a research topic that is specific, manageable, and aligned with your interests and career goals. Narrow down your focus to a particular aspect or problem within your field of study. A well-defined and focused topic will make the research process more manageable.
Conduct a literature review: Before formulating your proposal, conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing research and knowledge in your chosen area. Identify gaps or unresolved issues that you can address in your research. This will help you refine your research question and establish the relevance of your study.
Define your research objectives and questions: Clearly define the objectives of your research and formulate research questions that align with these objectives. Your research questions should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should guide your research and provide a clear direction for your dissertation.
Determine the research methodology: Select an appropriate research methodology based on your research questions, available resources, and the nature of your research topic. Common research methodologies in business and management include quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods approaches. Consider the data collection methods, sampling techniques, and data analysis procedures that are most suitable for your research.
Develop a research plan and timeline: Create a detailed research plan that outlines the steps and activities involved in conducting your research. Break down the research process into manageable tasks and allocate time for each task. Establish a realistic timeline that considers the duration of data collection, analysis, and writing.
Consider feasibility and resources: Assess the feasibility of your proposed research in terms of time, access to data, and available resources. Consider the practicality of data collection methods and any potential constraints you may face. Ensure that you have access to necessary research materials, databases, or contacts for data collection.
Seek feedback and guidance: Share your proposal with your advisor or faculty members to seek their feedback and guidance. They can provide valuable insights, suggest improvements, and help you refine your research approach. Take their feedback into account and make necessary revisions to your proposal.
Write a clear and concise proposal: Structure your proposal with a clear introduction, research objectives, methodology, and anticipated outcomes. Provide a brief overview of the relevant literature and emphasize the significance of your research. Ensure that your proposal is well-organized, coherent, and written in a concise manner.
Revise and refine: Review your proposal multiple times to ensure clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Seek input from peers or other experts in your field to gather additional perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
Stay open to adjustments: Keep in mind that your proposal may require adjustments as you progress through your research. Be open to refining your research questions, modifying your methodology, or making adjustments based on new insights or limitations you encounter during the research process.
Remember, formulating an MBA dissertation proposal requires effort and careful planning. By selecting a focused topic, developing realistic research objectives, and seeking guidance from your advisor, you can increase the chances of creating a proposal that is feasible and manageable.

My comment: The answer remains somewhat evasive and unfocused; no concrete insights are directly offered in response to the question. In particular, the issue of "easy to do" needs to be more clearly examined.

My question 4: How can a clumsy university lecturer become a popular lecturer?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Becoming a popular lecturer is not solely dependent on being naturally charismatic or graceful. Even if you consider yourself clumsy, you can still become a popular lecturer by focusing on improving your teaching skills and creating a positive learning environment. Here are some tips to help you become a popular lecturer:

Embrace your authentic style: It's essential to embrace your unique teaching style and personality. Recognize your strengths and leverage them in your teaching. Authenticity can engage students and make them feel more connected to you as a lecturer.
Prepare thoroughly: Thorough preparation is key to delivering effective lectures. Create a well-structured lesson plan, organize your materials, and anticipate potential questions or challenges. Being well-prepared enhances your confidence and helps you deliver information more effectively.
Improve your communication skills: Work on improving your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Practice clear and concise articulation, use appropriate body language, and maintain eye contact with your students. Effective communication helps convey your ideas more confidently and engages your audience.
Use visual aids and multimedia: Incorporate visual aids, multimedia presentations, or interactive tools to enhance student engagement. Visual elements can help clarify complex concepts and make your lectures more dynamic and interesting.
Foster student participation: Encourage student participation and interaction during your lectures. Incorporate activities, discussions, or group work that allow students to actively engage with the material. This creates a more dynamic learning environment and helps students feel involved and invested in the class.
Incorporate real-world examples: Relate your lectures to real-world examples or current events to make the content more relevant and relatable to students. Connecting theory to practical applications helps students see the value and applicability of what they are learning.
Show enthusiasm and passion: Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the subject matter. Your passion can be contagious and inspire students to be more engaged and interested in the material. Infuse energy into your delivery and demonstrate your genuine excitement for the topics you teach.
Use humor appropriately: Incorporating humor can help create a positive and engaging learning environment. Use appropriate humor to lighten the atmosphere and connect with your students. However, be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid anything that may offend or alienate your audience.
Provide constructive feedback: Give timely and constructive feedback to students, both individually and as a group. Encourage student questions and provide guidance to help them improve their understanding and skills. Showing that you care about their progress and development fosters a supportive and positive learning environment.
Continuously seek feedback and self-improvement: Actively seek feedback from students, colleagues, or mentors to understand how you can improve your teaching style. Reflect on your performance, identify areas for growth, and take steps to develop your teaching skills through workshops, seminars, or professional development opportunities.
Remember, becoming a popular lecturer takes time and effort. By focusing on your teaching skills, creating an engaging learning environment, and continuously seeking self-improvement, you can enhance your effectiveness as a lecturer and cultivate a positive reputation among your students.

My comment: What is offered is a reasonable answer, though not innovative, critical nor sophisticated. Also, the concern of "clumsiness" needs to be more clearly examined. Lastly, no illustrative examples are provided in the discussion.

Overall comments:
Maybe, my four questions (i.e., the tests) can be further refined so as to enable chatgpt to come up with more useful, concise and concrete answers. Nevertheless, I hope my four test results and evaluation comments are able to provide some useful information on the capability of AI tools for MBA students' learning purpose when using chatgpt.

My experience on using an AI tool: for Housing Studies students

My experience on using an AI tool: a note for Housing Studies students

I tried four tests (in the forms of questions) on the capability of chatgpt via the following access path (Poe):

The link (poe) (re:

My question 1: what is the agile literature review approach for?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

The Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach is used in academic research to conduct systematic literature reviews in an iterative and flexible manner. It draws inspiration from the Agile software development methodology and adapts its principles to the process of reviewing and synthesizing existing literature. Here are some key purposes and benefits of using the Agile Literature Review approach:

Efficient and iterative process: The ALR approach aims to streamline the literature review process by breaking it into small, manageable tasks. It encourages an iterative approach, where researchers can constantly refine their research questions, search strategies, and inclusion/exclusion criteria based on the emerging insights from the literature.
Adaptability and flexibility: The ALR approach allows researchers to adapt their review process based on the findings and evolving research questions. It recognizes that research questions and objectives may evolve as researchers gain a deeper understanding of the literature.
Timeliness: By adopting an iterative approach, the ALR method enables researchers to publish interim findings or partial results throughout the review process. This can be particularly useful in fast-moving research fields where up-to-date knowledge is essential.
Collaboration and teamwork: The ALR approach encourages collaboration among researchers. It allows multiple researchers to work together on different aspects of the review simultaneously, promoting efficiency and encouraging diverse perspectives.
Stakeholder engagement: The ALR approach emphasizes engagement with stakeholders throughout the review process. Researchers can involve stakeholders, such as practitioners or policymakers, in defining research questions, interpreting findings, and validating the relevance of the review's outcomes.
Transdisciplinary research: The ALR approach can facilitate the integration of findings from diverse disciplines or fields of study. It encourages researchers to consider a wide range of literature sources, beyond their own specific field, to gain a holistic understanding of the research topic.
Quality assurance: The ALR approach incorporates mechanisms for quality assurance, such as peer review or expert feedback, throughout the review process. This helps ensure rigor and reliability in the synthesis of literature.
Knowledge synthesis and gap identification: The ALR approach enables researchers to synthesize and analyze a large body of literature systematically. It helps identify existing knowledge gaps, inconsistencies, or areas that require further investigation, leading to more targeted and focused future research.

My comment: a student using this answer in my course will fail. The answer is simply not informed by the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach.

My question 2: Is the agile literature review approach invented by Joseph K.K. Ho?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:
I apologize for the confusion, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no widely recognized academic or researcher named Joseph KK Ho associated with the invention or development of the Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach. The ALR approach is an adaptation of Agile methodologies from software development to the field of literature review, and it has been implemented and discussed by various researchers and scholars in the academic community. However, it is important to note that new research and developments may have occurred since then, and there may be individuals who have made contributions to the ALR approach that I am not aware of.

My comment: if my student offers this answer for my course assignment, the student will fail in his/her assignment work. The answer is not informed at all, especially on the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach of Joseph K.K. Ho.

My question 3: How to formulate a Housing Studies dissertation proposal that is easy to do?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Here are some suggestions for formulating a Housing Studies dissertation proposal that is manageable to complete:

Choose a Focused, Feasible Topic: Select a specific aspect of housing that interests you and can be thoroughly investigated within the scope of a dissertation. Avoid topics that are overly broad or ambitious.
Conduct a Thorough Literature Review: Thoroughly review the existing research in your chosen area of housing studies. This will help you identify gaps in the literature that your study can address.
Develop a Clear Research Question: Based on your literature review, formulate a focused, answerable research question that your dissertation will seek to address.
Outline Your Methodology: Explain the research methods you will use to collect and analyze data to answer your research question. Consider using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods if appropriate.
Discuss Potential Challenges and Limitations: Acknowledge any foreseeable challenges or limitations in your proposed research and explain how you plan to address them.
Provide a Realistic Timeline: Create a detailed timeline for completing each stage of your dissertation, including data collection, analysis, writing, and defense.
Highlight Expected Contributions: Explain how your proposed research will contribute to the field of housing studies and advance academic understanding of your topic.
Outline a Feasible Scope: Ensure that the scale and depth of your proposed research is manageable given your resources and the timeline of a typical dissertation.
Consult with Your Advisor: Work closely with your dissertation advisor to refine your proposal and ensure it is well-designed and feasible.
Remember, the key is to choose a focused, realistic topic that you are passionate about and can thoroughly investigate within the constraints of a doctoral program. With careful planning and execution, you can develop a strong, achievable Housing Studies dissertation proposal.

My comment: the answer remains somewhat evasive and unfocused; no concrete insights are directly offered in response to the question. In particular, the issue of "easy to do" needs to be more clearly examined.

My question 4: How can a clumsy university lecturer become a popular lecturer?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Becoming a popular lecturer is not solely dependent on being naturally charismatic or graceful. Even if you consider yourself clumsy, you can still become a popular lecturer by focusing on improving your teaching skills and creating a positive learning environment. Here are some tips to help you become a popular lecturer:

Embrace your authentic style: It's essential to embrace your unique teaching style and personality. Recognize your strengths and leverage them in your teaching. Authenticity can engage students and make them feel more connected to you as a lecturer.
Prepare thoroughly: Thorough preparation is key to delivering effective lectures. Create a well-structured lesson plan, organize your materials, and anticipate potential questions or challenges. Being well-prepared enhances your confidence and helps you deliver information more effectively.
Improve your communication skills: Work on improving your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Practice clear and concise articulation, use appropriate body language, and maintain eye contact with your students. Effective communication helps convey your ideas more confidently and engages your audience.
Use visual aids and multimedia: Incorporate visual aids, multimedia presentations, or interactive tools to enhance student engagement. Visual elements can help clarify complex concepts and make your lectures more dynamic and interesting.
Foster student participation: Encourage student participation and interaction during your lectures. Incorporate activities, discussions, or group work that allow students to actively engage with the material. This creates a more dynamic learning environment and helps students feel involved and invested in the class.
Incorporate real-world examples: Relate your lectures to real-world examples or current events to make the content more relevant and relatable to students. Connecting theory to practical applications helps students see the value and applicability of what they are learning.
Show enthusiasm and passion: Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the subject matter. Your passion can be contagious and inspire students to be more engaged and interested in the material. Infuse energy into your delivery and demonstrate your genuine excitement for the topics you teach.
Use humor appropriately: Incorporating humor can help create a positive and engaging learning environment. Use appropriate humor to lighten the atmosphere and connect with your students. However, be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid anything that may offend or alienate your audience.
Provide constructive feedback: Give timely and constructive feedback to students, both individually and as a group. Encourage student questions and provide guidance to help them improve their understanding and skills. Showing that you care about their progress and development fosters a supportive and positive learning environment.
Continuously seek feedback and self-improvement: Actively seek feedback from students, colleagues, or mentors to understand how you can improve your teaching style. Reflect on your performance, identify areas for growth, and take steps to develop your teaching skills through workshops, seminars, or professional development opportunities.
Remember, becoming a popular lecturer takes time and effort. By focusing on your teaching skills, creating an engaging learning environment, and continuously seeking self-improvement, you can enhance your effectiveness as a lecturer and cultivate a positive reputation among your students.

My comment: what is provided is a reasonable answer, though not innovative, critical nor sophisticated. Also, the concern of "clumsiness" needs to be more clearly examined. Lastly, no illustrative examples are offered in the discussion.

Overall comments:
Maybe, my four questions (i.e., the tests) can be further refined so as to enable chatgpt to come up with more useful, concise and concrete answers. Nevertheless, I hope my four test results and evaluation comments are able to provide some useful information on the capability of AI tools for Housing Studies students' learning purpose when using chatgpt.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Academic article numbers and research gap statement numbers: construction steps on them

Academic article numbers and research gap statement numbers: construction steps on them:

My suggested steps of exercise to construct research gap statements and research objective statements [for the purpose of research proposal formulation] is as follows:

For the formulation of an initial research gap statement (iRGS), an MBA student could cite from 1 to 4 academic articles. The MBA student, for clarity of discussion purpose, should also convert the iRGS into an initial research objective statement (iROS).

The iRGS and iROS  serve the purpose as the academic evidence (as subjectively interpreted by the MBA student-researcher), via the citation of them, to support the formulation of the derived research gap statement and the derived research objective statement. These derived statements are discussed next.

For the formulation of a derived research gap statement (dRGS), the MBA student need to make some localized and personalized adaptation effort (e.g. from some overseas countries to local Hong Kong context). In this case the MBA student could also cite 1 to 3 academic articles (and or local magazine or newspaper articles) to more potently justify the localized version of the derived research gap statement (dRGS). Anyway, 1 dRGS is derived from 1 iRGS.

An academic-oriented dissertation proposal mostly will have 2 to 3 related dRGS, which are then converted into their corresponding derived research objective statements (dROSs).

Wednesday 19 June 2024

My teaching plan on research methods in terms of the onion model

My teaching plan on research methods in terms of the onion model

Introduce the onion model of research methods (video resources). [a related video on the onion model]

Lecture 1: on the first layer of the onion model and its relatedness to the ALRA practice.


    Lecture 2: On research approaches: inductive and deductive approaches. [Layer 2 of the onion model]. 

*** the teaching plan on research approaches.

 Lecture 3: On the onion model of research:  layer 3 (research strategies)

Topic 1: case study

1.1.: case study: definition.

1.2.: case study: illustration of the steps involved.

1.3.: design a case study protocol.

Topic 2: grounded theory

2.1.: introduction.

2.2.: versions of grounded theory.

2.3.: coding in grounded theory.

Topic 3: action research

3.1.: history of action research.

3.2.: research design: action research.

3.3.: an example of an action research.

Topic 4: ethnography

4.1.: what is ethnography?

4.2.: understanding ethnography.

4.3.: participant observation.

Topic 5: survey research

5.1.: survey research.

5.2.: survey, questionnaire and test.

5.3.: analysing questionnaires.

Topic 6: experiment/ quasi-experiment

6.1.: true experiments.

6.2a.: types of experiments

6.2b.: experimental studies and other related ones.

Lecture 4: On the onion model of research (layer 4 : time horizons):

Topic 1: longitudinal

Topic 1.1: what are longitudinal studies.

Topic 2: cross-sectional

Topic 2.1.: what is cross-sectional data?

Topic 2.2.: analytic cross-sectional study design (an illustration).

Topic 2.3a.: stratified vs cluster sampling.

Topic 2.3b.: types of sampling techniques. (more detailed)

Topic 3: cross-sectional study vs longitudinal studies.

Topic 3.1.: cross-sectional study vs longitudinal studies.

Topic 3.2.: time series vs cross-sectional data.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

An illustration to come up with a research gap statement from an academic article review: an example related to waste disposal

An illustration to come up with a research gap statement from an academic article review. 

The name of the article is : Milica Paut Kusturica, Svetlana Golocorbin-Kon, Tijana Ostojic, Milena Kresoja, Marko Milovic, Olga Horvat, Tihomir Dugandzija, Nada Davidovac, Anica Vasic, Ana Tomas. 2020. "Consumer willingness to pay for a pharmaceutical disposal program in Serbia: A double hurdle modeling approach" Waste Management Volume 104, March 1: 246-253.

Content extract:

“Although more than half of the participants were aware that medicines may negatively impact the environment, environmental awareness did not necessarily equate with behavior that initiated proper disposal of unused medicines, indicating that other issues, such as the availability of an organized disposal system, play an important role (Paut Kusturica et al., 2012).

…. However, the new legislation has created many problems due to the vagueness of relevant regulations and inadequately defined responsibilities for drug wholesalers and manufacturers. In practice, there are many unresolved issues arising from unclearly identified financial responsibility, which allows both manufacturers and wholesalers to avoid their financial obligations, so that operators who may have an interest in this business do not know who will pay for this service….

… Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the current methods of disposal of unused medicines from households in Serbia, as well as the willingness of Serbian residents to participate and bear the costs of organizing the unused or unwanted medicines collection program. Secondly, this research aims to define factors contributing to an individual’s willingness to participate and pay for a medicine collection program….”

Research gap statement 1: the existing academic literature has inadequate evaluation findings on the current methods of disposal of unused medicines from households in Serbia.

Research gap statement 2: the existing academic literature has inadequate knowledge on “the willingness of Serbian residents to participate and bear the costs of organizing unused or unwanted medicines collection program”, specifically on the “contribution factors on resident participation willingness”.

The next step for the research student to do is to adapt the research gap statements 1 and 2 above to produce a localized and personalized version of the research gap statements; and from which to derive the localized and personalized version of the research objective statements.


Friday 7 June 2024

e-resource on primary (or empirical) research

 e-resource (mainly videos) on primary (or empirical) research

1a. Empirical research

1b. Empirical research

2. Top three primary research methods

3. Primary vs secondary research

4. Primary vs secondary sources

My teaching plan on the layer 2 (research approaches) of the onion model of research

My teaching plan on the layer 2 (research approaches) of the onion model of research

The study materials are organized by me in terms of three views on the research approaches: (1) the logic view, (2) the empirical research cycle view and (3) the enriched research approach view.

Four class activities to go through:

Class activity 1: introduce the logic view

Class activity 1a: introduce the topic of inductive and deductive logic. (A pre-study topic: what is an argument?)

Class activity 1b: scientific thinking: inductive and deductive reasoning.

Class activity 1c: deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning. (also study the slide presentation on abductive reasoning; a sophisticated discussion on abductive analysis.).

"Inductive reasoning is a method of drawing conclusions by going from the specific to the general. It's usually contrasted with deductive reasoning, where you proceed from general information to specific conclusions".  

Inductive reasoning is a logical approach to making inferences, or conclusions. Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions” 

(re: the source).

Class activity 2: introduce the empirical research cycle view

Choose either Class Activity 2a or 2b to introduce in the lecture is adequate: the empirical research cycle view.

Class activity 2a: introduce the empirical cycle of research (re: the video).

Class activity 2b: introduce the research approach cycle (re: the video).

Class activity 3: a more elaborated briefing on research approaches (e.g. discussion with reference to the topics of research philosophy and data types): the enriched research approach view (re: the video). Also take a closer look at the topics of (1) abductive reasoning (re: a sophisticated discussion on abductive analysis. [video]) and analytic induction for a more enriched discussion on the topic of the research approach.

Inductive research is a method of developing theories or generalizations based on specific observations or data. It begins with data collection and identifies patterns to form new theories or hypotheses” (re: the source)

Deductive research starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, and tests it through observation and evidence” (re: source)

Class activity 4: Class discussion on the topic of research approaches.

Additional reading: a tool to organize dissertation report discussion related to the topic of research approaches.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Work-in-progress dissertation content review worksheet: a note for the ALRA (academic-oriented type) users

Work-in-progress dissertation content review worksheet: a note for the ALRA (academic-oriented type) users

From time to time, a researcher using the agile literature review approach (ALRA) (academic-oriented type) needs to perform a stock-take and review of the major dissertation project ingredients to ensure that the project direction is in order. In this case, the researcher can make use of an inventory list (i.e. the work-in-progress (WIP) dissertation content review worksheet) to review the WIP dissertation quality. The worksheet template is shown as follows:

The research gap statements

The derived research objective statements

The subsuming research questions

Academic ideas to use

Research methods to use

Research gap statement 1

Research objective statement 1

Research question 1.1

Research question 1.2

… etc.

Academic idea 1.1

Academic idea 1.2

Academic idea 1.3

Research method 1.1

Research method 1.2

Research gap statement 2

Research objective statement 2

Research question 2.1

Research question 2.2

… etc.

Academic idea 2.1

Academic idea 2.2

Academic idea 2.3

Research method 2.1

Research method 2.2

Research gap statement 3

Research objective statement 3

Research question 3.1

Research question 3.2

… etc.

Academic idea 3.1

Academic idea 3.2

Academic idea 3.3

Research method 3.1

… etc.

… etc.

… etc.

… etc.

… etc.


There are a number of review questions to consider when studying this review worksheet:

Question 1: Do these lower-level research gap and objective statements constitute a coherent pair of overall research gap and objective statements?

Question 2: Do the research questions appear convincing to be subsumed under their respective research objectives?

Question 3: Do the academic ideas appear to be relevant to inform the investigation of their respective research objectives and research questions? Is it necessary to increase (or decrease) the number of academic ideas to use? Is it necessary to improve the quality of the academic ideas to use?

Question 4: Do the research methods appear to be relevant to inform the the investigation of their respective research objectives and research questions? Is it necessary to increase (or decrease) the number of research methods to use? Is it necessary to improve the quality of the research methods to use?

If some of the answers to the four questions are negative, the students need to spend additional effort to: (i) carry out research gap analysis,  (ii) carry out literature review, and (iii) study the subject of Research Methods. The effort then enables the researcher to refine the quality of the research gap and research objective statements, the quality of the research questions and the quality of the research methodology and the research method design.

** Some of the suggested research questions and academic ideas (e.g. theories to use) could come from your dissertation project supervisor. You, the researcher, can then include these suggestions into your review worksheet in order to carry out a holistic review of the WIP dissertation content.

Lastly, the review worksheet is for work-in-progress project review, it is thus not recommended to incorporate it into the researcher's dissertation report.

On the first layer of the onion model related to the popular research methodology profile of the MBA dissertation projects

On the first layer of the onion model related to the popular research methodology profile of the MBA dissertation projects.

This practice note is for my MBA students doing dissertation projects with the agile literature review approach (ALRA).

When designing and evaluating the research methodology of your dissertation project, you should be able to make use of the onion model of research to conduct the design and evaluation exercise. This note deals with the first layer of the onion model, which is about the research philosophy layer. The main concern here is how to anchor your research methodology more explicitly on an appropriate research philosophy. I make use of the following diagram to offer a suggestion, primarily for students using the agile literature review approach (ALRA).

(re: the source video)

For my MBA students doing dissertation project with the agile literature review approach (the consulting-oriented project type), they do case study research, with both quantitative and qualitative research methods (also a kind of mixed method research in this case). As such, they would find the research philosophy of pragmatism most suitable to constitute philosophical foundation of their dissertation projects. In other words, their research design is to be linked to pragmatism (on the first layer of the onion model of research).

As to those students using the agile literature review approach (the academic-oriented project type), most likely, they do not do case study research; nevertheless, their method choice (layer 4 of the onion model) is very likely to be mixed methods research. Thus, the most attractive research philosophy choice (layer 1 of the onion model) for them is also pragmatism.

1. A related video to study: on research philosophy: the key concepts.

2. A video on: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research design


Saunders, M.N.K., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2019) Research methods for Business students. 8th edition. Harlow: Pearson.

A tool to organize the discussion on the onion model layer of "approaches" in the agile literature review approach

A tool to organize the discussion on the onion model layer of "approaches" in the agile literature review approach (ALRA).

This practice note is for the MBA students doing dissertation project with the agile literature review approach.

On writing the dissertation report chapter of Research Methodology, students using the agile literature review approach make use of the diagrams of the theoretical framework level-1c (for the consulting-oriented project type) and the academic literature review tree-b (for the academic-oriented project type). It is expected that the students will then evaluate his/her research methodology in terms of the onion model of research. This practice note deals with layer 2 of the onion model, which is about the approaches to theory development (re: a brief video on this Research Method topic).

This note proposes using the following table to make explicit what specific approaches (to theory development) [layer 2 of the onion model] are employed in the research methods employed in the dissertation project under examination. The table template is as follows:

 Table 1: The research approach tasks involved by the research methods in the dissertation project.

Research methods employed

Research approach tasks involved

Research method 1: semi-structured interview

Induction task 1.1:

Induction task 1.2:

Deduction task 1.1:

Deduction task 1.2:

Research method 2: questionnaire survey

Deductive task 2.1:

Research method 3: document study of exit interview records of ABC Ltd.

Induction task 3.1:

Deduction task 3.1:




Further reading: examples of inductive and deductive reasoning.


Saunders, M.N.K., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2019) Research methods for Business students. 8th edition. Harlow: Pearson.