Friday 7 June 2024

My teaching plan on the layer 2 (research approaches) of the onion model of research

My teaching plan on the layer 2 (research approaches) of the onion model of research

The study materials are organized by me in terms of three views on the research approaches: (1) the logic view, (2) the empirical research cycle view and (3) the enriched research approach view.

Four class activities to go through:

Class activity 1: introduce the logic view

Class activity 1a: introduce the topic of inductive and deductive logic. (A pre-study topic: what is an argument?)

Class activity 1b: scientific thinking: inductive and deductive reasoning.

Class activity 1c: deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning. (also study the slide presentation on abductive reasoning; a sophisticated discussion on abductive analysis.).

"Inductive reasoning is a method of drawing conclusions by going from the specific to the general. It's usually contrasted with deductive reasoning, where you proceed from general information to specific conclusions".  

Inductive reasoning is a logical approach to making inferences, or conclusions. Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions” 

(re: the source).

Class activity 2: introduce the empirical research cycle view

Choose either Class Activity 2a or 2b to introduce in the lecture is adequate: the empirical research cycle view.

Class activity 2a: introduce the empirical cycle of research (re: the video).

Class activity 2b: introduce the research approach cycle (re: the video).

Class activity 3: a more elaborated briefing on research approaches (e.g. discussion with reference to the topics of research philosophy and data types): the enriched research approach view (re: the video). Also take a closer look at the topics of (1) abductive reasoning (re: a sophisticated discussion on abductive analysis. [video]) and analytic induction for a more enriched discussion on the topic of the research approach.

Inductive research is a method of developing theories or generalizations based on specific observations or data. It begins with data collection and identifies patterns to form new theories or hypotheses” (re: the source)

Deductive research starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, and tests it through observation and evidence” (re: source)

Class activity 4: Class discussion on the topic of research approaches.

Additional reading: a tool to organize dissertation report discussion related to the topic of research approaches.

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