Tuesday 4 June 2024

On the first layer of the onion model related to the popular research methodology profile of the MBA dissertation projects

On the first layer of the onion model related to the popular research methodology profile of the MBA dissertation projects.

This practice note is for my MBA students doing dissertation projects with the agile literature review approach (ALRA).

When designing and evaluating the research methodology of your dissertation project, you should be able to make use of the onion model of research to conduct the design and evaluation exercise. This note deals with the first layer of the onion model, which is about the research philosophy layer. The main concern here is how to anchor your research methodology more explicitly on an appropriate research philosophy. I make use of the following diagram to offer a suggestion, primarily for students using the agile literature review approach (ALRA).

(re: the source video)

For my MBA students doing dissertation project with the agile literature review approach (the consulting-oriented project type), they do case study research, with both quantitative and qualitative research methods (also a kind of mixed method research in this case). As such, they would find the research philosophy of pragmatism most suitable to constitute philosophical foundation of their dissertation projects. In other words, their research design is to be linked to pragmatism (on the first layer of the onion model of research).

As to those students using the agile literature review approach (the academic-oriented project type), most likely, they do not do case study research; nevertheless, their method choice (layer 4 of the onion model) is very likely to be mixed methods research. Thus, the most attractive research philosophy choice (layer 1 of the onion model) for them is also pragmatism.

1. A related video to study: on research philosophy: the key concepts.

2. A video on: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research design


Saunders, M.N.K., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2019) Research methods for Business students. 8th edition. Harlow: Pearson.

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