Tuesday 25 June 2024

Academic article numbers and research gap statement numbers: construction steps on them

Academic article numbers and research gap statement numbers: construction steps on them:

My suggested steps of exercise to construct research gap statements and research objective statements [for the purpose of research proposal formulation] is as follows:

For the formulation of an initial research gap statement (iRGS), an MBA student could cite from 1 to 4 academic articles. The MBA student, for clarity of discussion purpose, should also convert the iRGS into an initial research objective statement (iROS).

The iRGS and iROS  serve the purpose as the academic evidence (as subjectively interpreted by the MBA student-researcher), via the citation of them, to support the formulation of the derived research gap statement and the derived research objective statement. These derived statements are discussed next.

For the formulation of a derived research gap statement (dRGS), the MBA student need to make some localized and personalized adaptation effort (e.g. from some overseas countries to local Hong Kong context). In this case the MBA student could also cite 1 to 3 academic articles (and or local magazine or newspaper articles) to more potently justify the localized version of the derived research gap statement (dRGS). Anyway, 1 dRGS is derived from 1 iRGS.

An academic-oriented dissertation proposal mostly will have 2 to 3 related dRGS, which are then converted into their corresponding derived research objective statements (dROSs).

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