Sunday 30 June 2024

My experience with using an AI tool: note 2 for MBA students

My experience with using an AI tool: note 2 for MBA students:

(also refer to note 1)

I post four tests (in the form of questions) to evaluate the intelligence of GBT 3.5 Turbo. The tests are performed via the platform of The four tests, their results and my evaluation comments are provided as follows:


Test 1a: How to detect MBA students copying chatgpt result content into their dissertation reports?

GBT 3.5 Turbo result:

Detecting whether MBA students have copied content from ChatGPT or any other source into their dissertation reports can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can employ to identify potential plagiarism. Here are some suggestions:

Familiarize yourself with the content generated by ChatGPT: Spend some time interacting with ChatGPT or similar language models to understand the type of responses they provide. This will help you recognize patterns or language that may indicate the use of AI-generated content.

Conduct plagiarism checks: Utilize plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin, Grammarly, or Copyscape to compare the student's dissertation with online sources, including ChatGPT-generated text. These tools can highlight similarities and provide a similarity score, giving you an indication of potential plagiarism.

Analyze writing style and language: Compare the writing style and language used in the dissertation with the student's previous work or other submissions. Look for inconsistencies or discrepancies in vocabulary, sentence structure, or tone, which could suggest the presence of copied content.

Check for academic rigor: Evaluate the depth and complexity of the content presented in the dissertation. If the student's writing suddenly demonstrates a significant improvement in knowledge or expertise, it may be worth investigating further to determine the source of the newfound information.

Interview the student: Conduct an oral defense or interview with the student to discuss their research and ask specific questions about the content of their dissertation. This can help gauge their understanding of the material and identify any inconsistencies or lack of familiarity with the concepts presented.

Seek expert opinions: Consult with other faculty members or subject matter experts in the field to review the dissertation. Their expertise and familiarity with the topic may help identify discrepancies or instances of copied content.

Utilize online search and academic databases: Search relevant keywords or unique phrases from the student's dissertation in search engines and academic databases. This can help identify potential sources from which the content may have been copied.

It's important to note that these strategies are not foolproof, and detecting plagiarism requires careful analysis and investigation. If you suspect a student has copied content from ChatGPT or any other source, it's crucial to follow your institution's established procedures for handling academic misconduct and consult with relevant faculty or academic integrity committees.

My evaluation comments: the advice is quite practical and informative. The quality of the answer from GBT 3.5 is quite satisfactory.

Test 1b: Tell me more

GPT 3.5 Turbo result:

Certainly! Here are some additional details to consider when attempting to detect whether MBA students have copied ChatGPT-generated content into their dissertation reports:

Analyze citation and referencing: Check the accuracy and consistency of the student's citations and references. Look for any discrepancies or irregularities that may indicate improper sourcing or the absence of proper attribution. ChatGPT-generated content is unlikely to have appropriate citations or references.

Cross-reference with sources: Take note of any references or sources cited in the dissertation and cross-reference them with the actual content. Look for matches or similarities in the language, structure, and ideas presented. If there are substantial similarities without proper attribution, it could indicate plagiarism.

Review the introduction and conclusion: The introduction and conclusion sections of a dissertation often provide an overview of the research topic and summarize the findings. Compare these sections with the body of the dissertation to check for inconsistencies in tone, language, or content. If there is a significant disparity in writing style, it could suggest the inclusion of copied content.

Consult with subject matter experts: If you suspect that specific sections or topics within the dissertation have been copied from ChatGPT or other sources, seek the expertise of subject matter experts in those areas. They can help identify whether the content is original or derived from existing sources.

Look for disjointed content: AI-generated content like ChatGPT responses may lack coherence or relevance to the research topic. If certain sections of the dissertation appear disjointed or disconnected from the overall argument or research question, it could be an indicator that the student has copied content without integrating it effectively.

Pay attention to language proficiency: AI-generated content may exhibit a higher level of language proficiency or vocabulary than the student typically uses. If there is a sudden improvement in the overall language quality without a corresponding improvement in other aspects of the student's writing, it may suggest the inclusion of copied content.

Conduct face-to-face meetings: Schedule one-on-one meetings with the student to discuss their research in-depth. Engage them in conversation about the dissertation topic and ask probing questions to gauge their understanding of the subject matter. If they struggle to explain or elaborate on certain sections, it could indicate that the content was copied.

Remember, these methods are not foolproof, and it's essential to approach any suspicions of plagiarism with fairness and due process. Always follow your institution's guidelines and procedures for handling academic misconduct and consult with relevant faculty or academic integrity committees for guidance and support.

My evaluation comments: the additional advice from GPT 3.5 is quite practical and informative. The quality of the answer from GBT 3.5 is quite satisfactory.


Test 2: How to encourage part-time MBA students to participate more, e.g. discussion, in online lectures?

GPT 3.5 Turbo result: 

Encouraging part-time MBA students to actively participate in online lectures and discussions can enhance their learning experience and contribute to a more engaging and collaborative learning environment. Here are some strategies to promote participation:

Set clear expectations: Communicate the importance of active participation and its benefits to the students. Clearly outline your expectations for their involvement in online lectures and discussions from the beginning of the course. Emphasize how participation can enhance their understanding, critical thinking, and networking opportunities.

Create a supportive and inclusive environment: Foster a positive and inclusive online learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. Encourage respectful and constructive dialogue among participants. Address any disruptive behavior promptly to maintain a productive atmosphere.

Use a variety of engagement techniques: Employ a mix of interactive teaching methods to cater to different learning preferences and encourage participation. Incorporate polls, quizzes, case studies, group activities, and multimedia content to maintain student engagement and promote active involvement.

Assign pre-reading and preparatory work: Share relevant reading materials or resources before each lecture to encourage students to come prepared. This will provide a foundation for meaningful discussions and allow students to contribute more thoughtfully during online sessions.

Ask open-ended questions: Pose open-ended questions during lectures and discussions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to share their perspectives. Encourage them to provide reasoned arguments and support their viewpoints with evidence or examples.

Utilize breakout rooms: Divide students into smaller groups using breakout rooms during online lectures or discussions. This facilitates more intimate and focused conversations, enabling students to actively participate and engage with their peers. Assign specific tasks or discussion topics to each group and then reconvene to share the key insights.

Provide regular feedback and recognition: Offer constructive feedback to students who actively participate and contribute insightful ideas. Recognize their contributions publicly, such as through praising them in class or mentioning their valuable input in subsequent sessions. Positive reinforcement can motivate students to continue participating actively.

Incorporate real-world examples and case studies: Relate course concepts to real-world scenarios and current events. Use relevant case studies to illustrate the application of theoretical knowledge. This approach can generate interest and encourage students to share their insights or experiences related to the topic.

Foster a sense of community: Create opportunities for students to connect with their peers outside of formal class sessions. Establish online discussion forums or platforms where students can interact, share resources, ask questions, and engage in informal conversations related to the course. This sense of community can motivate students to participate more actively during lectures.

Be an engaging facilitator: As the instructor, model active participation and enthusiasm for the subject matter. Be approachable, responsive, and encouraging. Show genuine interest in students' contributions and provide timely feedback. By demonstrating your own engagement, you can inspire students to participate more actively.

Remember that creating a culture of participation takes time and consistent effort. Be patient and proactive in implementing these strategies, and continuously assess and adjust your approach based on student feedback and evolving needs.

My evaluation comments: the advice from GBT 3.5 is quite practical and informative. The quality of the answer from GBT 3.5 is quite satisfactory. It would be useful to provide specific advice based on different contingent factors, e.g. class size, the intellectual maturity level of the students, and the prevailing workload and work stress facing the students from their jobs, etc. 


Test 3a: What learning strategy should MBA students employ if they are only interested in getting a bare pass for their dissertation project work?

GBT 3.5 Turbo result: 

While it's important to strive for excellence in academic endeavors, I understand that some MBA students may prioritize obtaining a bare pass for their dissertation project work due to various reasons or constraints. If this is the case, here are some learning strategies they can consider:

Clarify the minimum requirements: Understand the minimum criteria or expectations for a bare pass in the dissertation project. Review the grading rubric, guidelines, or any specific requirements provided by your institution or faculty. This will help you focus your efforts on meeting those minimum standards.

Seek guidance from the supervisor: Establish clear communication with your dissertation supervisor and explain your goal of achieving a bare pass. Discuss what is required to meet the minimum standards and seek their guidance on the essential elements you should prioritize. Their expertise can help you understand the key areas that need your attention.

Identify the critical components: Identify the core components of the dissertation project that carry the most weight in evaluation. Focus your efforts on these areas to ensure you meet the minimum requirements. Allocate your time and resources accordingly to address these critical components effectively.

Develop a structured plan: Create a well-structured plan and timeline to complete the dissertation project. Break down the work into manageable tasks and set realistic deadlines. This approach will help you stay organized and ensure that you allocate sufficient time to each essential component.

Manage your time effectively: Time management is crucial when pursuing a bare pass. Allocate dedicated time for research, writing, and revisions. Avoid procrastination and maintain a consistent work schedule to make steady progress towards completing the dissertation within the given timeframe.

Focus on meeting the objectives: Clearly identify the objectives or research questions of your dissertation project. Concentrate your efforts on addressing these objectives adequately. Ensure that you provide sufficient evidence, analysis, and discussion to meet these objectives, even if you are not aiming for an extensive or in-depth exploration.

Prioritize essential research: Conduct targeted research to gather information and literature that directly supports your dissertation objectives. Focus on key sources and references that are directly relevant to your research questions. This approach will help you streamline your efforts and avoid unnecessary explorations.

Seek feedback and revise accordingly: Share your work with your supervisor regularly and seek their feedback. Incorporate their suggestions and recommendations to improve your work and align it with the minimum requirements. Revising based on feedback can enhance the clarity and coherence of your dissertation.

Proofread and edit carefully: Even when aiming for a bare pass, it's crucial to ensure that your dissertation is coherent, well-structured, and free of major errors. Proofread and edit your work thoroughly to eliminate grammatical mistakes, improve clarity, and enhance the overall quality of your writing.

Maintain a positive mindset: Stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Remember that achieving a bare pass still requires effort and dedication. Approach the project with a sense of professionalism and commitment, even if your goal is to meet the minimum requirements.

While pursuing a bare pass may be a personal choice, I would also encourage you to consider the long-term benefits of investing more effort and aiming for a higher quality dissertation. A well-executed and comprehensive project can provide you with a deeper understanding of the subject matter and may have positive implications for your future career or academic pursuits.

My evaluation comments: the GBT advice is reasonable, comprehensible and practical. Nevertheless, its effectiveness is doubtful by solely relying on (i) the rational analysis stance and (ii) the endorsement of honesty of student behavior in their study.

Test 3b: Tell me more

GBT 3.5 Turbo result:

Certainly! Here are some additional points to consider when pursuing a bare pass for an MBA dissertation project:

Focus on the essentials: Prioritize the key elements required for a successful dissertation, such as a clear research question, a logical structure, and appropriate referencing. Concentrate your efforts on these core aspects and allocate your time and resources accordingly.

Streamline your research: Instead of conducting an extensive literature review, focus on identifying a few key sources that directly support your research question. This targeted approach will save time and help you gather the necessary information without getting overwhelmed.

Stay organized: Keep track of your research materials, notes, and references to ensure easy access when writing the dissertation. Utilize citation management tools, such as Zotero or Mendeley, to organize your references and streamline the citation process.

Manage your expectations: Recognize that aiming for a bare pass means focusing on meeting the minimum requirements rather than pursuing excellence. Set realistic expectations for the quality and scope of your dissertation project while ensuring you meet the necessary criteria.

Seek clarification: If you have any doubts or uncertainties about the requirements or expectations for a bare pass, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your supervisor or the relevant faculty members. Understanding the specific criteria will help you align your efforts accordingly.

Follow the provided guidelines: Carefully review and adhere to the guidelines provided by your institution or faculty. Pay attention to formatting requirements, word limits, and any specific instructions regarding the structure or content of the dissertation. Adhering to these guidelines demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.

Use templates and examples: Leverage existing templates or examples provided by your institution or previous students to guide your writing process. These resources can give you a sense of the expected structure, content, and formatting for your dissertation.

Stay focused and disciplined: Maintain your focus throughout the dissertation project by managing distractions and creating a conducive work environment. Set aside dedicated time for writing and research, and adhere to your schedule to ensure steady progress.

Seek support from peers: Engage with your fellow MBA students who are also working on their dissertations. Form study groups or discussion forums where you can share ideas, provide feedback, and support each other through the process. Collaborating with peers can provide valuable insights and motivation.

Utilize available resources: Take advantage of any resources or support services offered by your institution, such as writing centers or research assistance. These resources can provide guidance, feedback, and additional support to help you meet the minimum requirements for your dissertation.

Remember, while pursuing a bare pass may be a valid choice in certain circumstances, it's important to approach your academic work with integrity and professionalism. Strive to produce the best work possible within the parameters you've set for yourself.

My evaluation comments: again, the additional GBT advice is reasonable, comprehensible and practical. Nevertheless, its effectiveness is doubtful by solely relying on (i) the rational analysis stance and (ii) the endorsement of honesty of student behavior in their study.


Test 4: How can an MBA student do primary research for his/ her dissertation project, if the student is unemployed and his/ her friends, ex-colleagues and family members are unwilling to help?

GBT 3.5 Turbo result:

As an Assistant created by Anthropic, I would be happy to provide some suggestions for how an unemployed MBA student can conduct primary research for their dissertation project without the support of friends, ex-colleagues, or family members.

Given the student's limited resources, here are a few options to consider:

Leverage Online Surveys and Interviews: Use free or low-cost online survey tools to reach a wider audience. Platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Qualtrics allow you to create and distribute surveys. You can also reach out to potential participants through social media, online forums, or platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk to conduct virtual interviews.

Tap into Academic Networks: Reach out to professors or researchers at your university or other institutions who may be willing to assist you or provide access to their research participants. Many academics are often eager to support student research.

Attend Industry Events and Conferences: Look for relevant industry events, trade shows, or conferences (either in-person or virtual) where you can network and potentially recruit participants for your research. This can be a great way to connect with professionals in your field of study.

Partner with Local Organizations: Identify relevant local businesses, non-profits, or community organizations that may be willing to assist with your research, either by providing access to their clients/members or by helping you recruit participants.

Leverage Online Communities: Engage with relevant online communities, such as industry-specific forums, Reddit threads, or LinkedIn groups, to recruit participants for your research. Offer incentives, such as gift cards or a summary of your findings, to encourage participation.

Utilize Secondary Data Sources: If primary data collection is particularly challenging, consider leveraging secondary data sources, such as industry reports, government databases, or academic journals, to supplement your research.

Remember to ensure that your research methods are ethical, adhere to your university's guidelines, and comply with any relevant data privacy regulations. Additionally, be persistent and creative in your approach to overcome the challenges presented by your circumstances.

I hope these suggestions are helpful as you navigate your dissertation research project. Let me know if you have any other questions!

My evaluation comments: the GBT 3.5 Turbo advice is useful and informed, with some concrete suggestions. However, to secure the support and response from these external communities and networks remains a substantial challenge to the MBA student. This is especially the case if the prevailing society atmosphere is prudent to requests by strangers to participate in dissertation project research investigation, e.g. in questionnaire survey. Also, some universities prefer their MBA students to conduct primary research for their dissertation projects. Despite that, secondary research is still acceptable for this kind of dissertation project work. It would be desirable if GBT 3.5 is able to offer additional advice to address the challenges from its recommended research method practices. A follow-up question to GBT 3.5 Turbo on how to address these challenges should be made to more clearly test the capability of GBT 3.5 Turbo.

Overall comments

All the GBT 3.5 Turbo results for questions that seek for practical advice are quite comprehensible and informative. GBT 3.5 Turbo is able to provide additional practical advice in response to the question of "Tell me more". It would be useful if GBT 3.5 Turbo is able to offer advices that take into consideration of more specific situational factors; in addition, advices that show more environmental (e.g. social and economic), psychological and critical awareness would be even better. In this regard, additional dialogue with GBT 3.5  Turbo should shed more light on its capability.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using ChatGPT.

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