Thursday 27 June 2024

My experience on using an AI tool: for Housing Studies students

My experience on using an AI tool: a note for Housing Studies students

I tried four tests (in the forms of questions) on the capability of chatgpt via the following access path (Poe):

The link (poe) (re:

My question 1: what is the agile literature review approach for?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

The Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach is used in academic research to conduct systematic literature reviews in an iterative and flexible manner. It draws inspiration from the Agile software development methodology and adapts its principles to the process of reviewing and synthesizing existing literature. Here are some key purposes and benefits of using the Agile Literature Review approach:

Efficient and iterative process: The ALR approach aims to streamline the literature review process by breaking it into small, manageable tasks. It encourages an iterative approach, where researchers can constantly refine their research questions, search strategies, and inclusion/exclusion criteria based on the emerging insights from the literature.
Adaptability and flexibility: The ALR approach allows researchers to adapt their review process based on the findings and evolving research questions. It recognizes that research questions and objectives may evolve as researchers gain a deeper understanding of the literature.
Timeliness: By adopting an iterative approach, the ALR method enables researchers to publish interim findings or partial results throughout the review process. This can be particularly useful in fast-moving research fields where up-to-date knowledge is essential.
Collaboration and teamwork: The ALR approach encourages collaboration among researchers. It allows multiple researchers to work together on different aspects of the review simultaneously, promoting efficiency and encouraging diverse perspectives.
Stakeholder engagement: The ALR approach emphasizes engagement with stakeholders throughout the review process. Researchers can involve stakeholders, such as practitioners or policymakers, in defining research questions, interpreting findings, and validating the relevance of the review's outcomes.
Transdisciplinary research: The ALR approach can facilitate the integration of findings from diverse disciplines or fields of study. It encourages researchers to consider a wide range of literature sources, beyond their own specific field, to gain a holistic understanding of the research topic.
Quality assurance: The ALR approach incorporates mechanisms for quality assurance, such as peer review or expert feedback, throughout the review process. This helps ensure rigor and reliability in the synthesis of literature.
Knowledge synthesis and gap identification: The ALR approach enables researchers to synthesize and analyze a large body of literature systematically. It helps identify existing knowledge gaps, inconsistencies, or areas that require further investigation, leading to more targeted and focused future research.

My comment: a student using this answer in my course will fail. The answer is simply not informed by the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach.

My question 2: Is the agile literature review approach invented by Joseph K.K. Ho?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:
I apologize for the confusion, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no widely recognized academic or researcher named Joseph KK Ho associated with the invention or development of the Agile Literature Review (ALR) approach. The ALR approach is an adaptation of Agile methodologies from software development to the field of literature review, and it has been implemented and discussed by various researchers and scholars in the academic community. However, it is important to note that new research and developments may have occurred since then, and there may be individuals who have made contributions to the ALR approach that I am not aware of.

My comment: if my student offers this answer for my course assignment, the student will fail in his/her assignment work. The answer is not informed at all, especially on the relevant academic literature on the agile literature review approach of Joseph K.K. Ho.

My question 3: How to formulate a Housing Studies dissertation proposal that is easy to do?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Here are some suggestions for formulating a Housing Studies dissertation proposal that is manageable to complete:

Choose a Focused, Feasible Topic: Select a specific aspect of housing that interests you and can be thoroughly investigated within the scope of a dissertation. Avoid topics that are overly broad or ambitious.
Conduct a Thorough Literature Review: Thoroughly review the existing research in your chosen area of housing studies. This will help you identify gaps in the literature that your study can address.
Develop a Clear Research Question: Based on your literature review, formulate a focused, answerable research question that your dissertation will seek to address.
Outline Your Methodology: Explain the research methods you will use to collect and analyze data to answer your research question. Consider using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods if appropriate.
Discuss Potential Challenges and Limitations: Acknowledge any foreseeable challenges or limitations in your proposed research and explain how you plan to address them.
Provide a Realistic Timeline: Create a detailed timeline for completing each stage of your dissertation, including data collection, analysis, writing, and defense.
Highlight Expected Contributions: Explain how your proposed research will contribute to the field of housing studies and advance academic understanding of your topic.
Outline a Feasible Scope: Ensure that the scale and depth of your proposed research is manageable given your resources and the timeline of a typical dissertation.
Consult with Your Advisor: Work closely with your dissertation advisor to refine your proposal and ensure it is well-designed and feasible.
Remember, the key is to choose a focused, realistic topic that you are passionate about and can thoroughly investigate within the constraints of a doctoral program. With careful planning and execution, you can develop a strong, achievable Housing Studies dissertation proposal.

My comment: the answer remains somewhat evasive and unfocused; no concrete insights are directly offered in response to the question. In particular, the issue of "easy to do" needs to be more clearly examined.

My question 4: How can a clumsy university lecturer become a popular lecturer?

GPT 3.5 answers as follows:

Becoming a popular lecturer is not solely dependent on being naturally charismatic or graceful. Even if you consider yourself clumsy, you can still become a popular lecturer by focusing on improving your teaching skills and creating a positive learning environment. Here are some tips to help you become a popular lecturer:

Embrace your authentic style: It's essential to embrace your unique teaching style and personality. Recognize your strengths and leverage them in your teaching. Authenticity can engage students and make them feel more connected to you as a lecturer.
Prepare thoroughly: Thorough preparation is key to delivering effective lectures. Create a well-structured lesson plan, organize your materials, and anticipate potential questions or challenges. Being well-prepared enhances your confidence and helps you deliver information more effectively.
Improve your communication skills: Work on improving your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Practice clear and concise articulation, use appropriate body language, and maintain eye contact with your students. Effective communication helps convey your ideas more confidently and engages your audience.
Use visual aids and multimedia: Incorporate visual aids, multimedia presentations, or interactive tools to enhance student engagement. Visual elements can help clarify complex concepts and make your lectures more dynamic and interesting.
Foster student participation: Encourage student participation and interaction during your lectures. Incorporate activities, discussions, or group work that allow students to actively engage with the material. This creates a more dynamic learning environment and helps students feel involved and invested in the class.
Incorporate real-world examples: Relate your lectures to real-world examples or current events to make the content more relevant and relatable to students. Connecting theory to practical applications helps students see the value and applicability of what they are learning.
Show enthusiasm and passion: Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for the subject matter. Your passion can be contagious and inspire students to be more engaged and interested in the material. Infuse energy into your delivery and demonstrate your genuine excitement for the topics you teach.
Use humor appropriately: Incorporating humor can help create a positive and engaging learning environment. Use appropriate humor to lighten the atmosphere and connect with your students. However, be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid anything that may offend or alienate your audience.
Provide constructive feedback: Give timely and constructive feedback to students, both individually and as a group. Encourage student questions and provide guidance to help them improve their understanding and skills. Showing that you care about their progress and development fosters a supportive and positive learning environment.
Continuously seek feedback and self-improvement: Actively seek feedback from students, colleagues, or mentors to understand how you can improve your teaching style. Reflect on your performance, identify areas for growth, and take steps to develop your teaching skills through workshops, seminars, or professional development opportunities.
Remember, becoming a popular lecturer takes time and effort. By focusing on your teaching skills, creating an engaging learning environment, and continuously seeking self-improvement, you can enhance your effectiveness as a lecturer and cultivate a positive reputation among your students.

My comment: what is provided is a reasonable answer, though not innovative, critical nor sophisticated. Also, the concern of "clumsiness" needs to be more clearly examined. Lastly, no illustrative examples are offered in the discussion.

Overall comments:
Maybe, my four questions (i.e., the tests) can be further refined so as to enable chatgpt to come up with more useful, concise and concrete answers. Nevertheless, I hope my four test results and evaluation comments are able to provide some useful information on the capability of AI tools for Housing Studies students' learning purpose when using chatgpt.

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