Sunday, 11 March 2012

Performance evaluation on logistics performance

From time to time, some students would adopt dissertation  topics that are related to evaluation of corporate logistics performance. Based on NEVEM-workgroup (1989), I provide some discussion items on this topic:

  1. Definitions in logistics management
    • What is logistics
    • The control cycle
    • Basic ideas on performance indicators
  2. Structuring of logistics
    • Hierarchy of objectives
    • A classification of structuring
      • Horizontal structuring
      • Vertical structuring
      • Organisational structuring
    • Situational dependency
    • Steering instrument
  3. Norms setting and objectives quantification
  4. Performance indicators determination
    • Concern for coherence
    • Responsibility area and functions considerations
    • Organization structure considerations
    • Objectives determination
    • Fundamental measurements per objective considerations
    • Situational dependency considerations
  5. Measurement tools
  6. How to work with performance indicators
  7. Performance indicators for production organisations
  8. On logistic input-output model

NEVEM-workgroup (1989) Performance indicators in logistics, IFS Publications/ Springer-Verlag

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Research and consulting ethics

The following discussion items are on Research and Consulting Ethics for the subject of Dissertation and Consulting Management:

A. Consulting ethics
  1. Essence of professionalism
  2. Professionalism in Management Consutancy
    • Conflicts of interest
    • As a certified management consultant
    • Ethical norms
    • Ethical guidelines and how they are to be applied
    • Priinciple of vulnerability
    • Principle of transparency
  3. Considerations arising from the commercialization of service
    • Case 1: the engineering wave
    • Case 2: Performance management
    • Case 3: Leadership development
    • Case 4: Change management
    • Case 5: Using assessment as a way to market services
    • Case 6: Colluding with cosmetic change
    • Case 7: who takes credit
B. Research ethics:
  1. Stances on ethics:
    • Universalism ("ethical precepts should never be broken")
    • Situation ethics ("principled relativism")
      • The end justifies the means
      • No choice (sometimes, no choice if we want to investigate the issues of interest)

Some lecture notes in class:
  1. Ethics:
    • about right or wrong; good or bad
    • Diverse sources of criteria: indvidual, national culture, company; professional bodies; official sources, e.g. stock market regulator on board of directors' behaviours, etc
    • Different schools of thinking: western vs oriental perspective
    • Overall, the process is analytical, critical and logical
  2. Morality: culture/ tradition-bound perspective on what is right or wrong.
  3. Three topic areas need to be reviewed:
    • Consultant's ethics
    • Researcher's ethics
    • Ethical rules from institutions, notably educational institutions such as unversities.
  4. Students should note the main challenges in coping with ethical dilemmas and wicked problems in ethical analysis.

  1. Block, P. (2000) "Chapter 18: Ethics and the shadow side of consulting", Flawless consulting, Pfeiffer.
  2. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2011) Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press  [Chapter 5: Ethics in Business Research]
  3. Lynch, P. (2007) "Chapter 4: Professionalism and ethics" in Sadler, P. (editor) Management Consultancy, Kogan Page.
  4. Business research ethics link 1:
  5. Research ethics link 2:

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Research access and interventions in Dissertation projects

The following discussion agenda is on "Performing research access and interventions" in the subject of Dissertation and consulting management:

A. Consulting Management Perspective (based on Wickham (2004)
  1. Identify opportunities and issues by the client organization
    • Evaluate the problem
    • Evaluate assistors and inhibitors (re: Table 7.1 of Wickham  (2004.)
  2. Problem analysis, specification and quantification
    • Brainstorming
    • Grouping causes and identifying root causes
  3. Setting objectives, defining desired end state/ outcomes, and formulating actions
    • Reconcile your objectives as a consultant with those of your client
  4. Develop a strategy for the destination
    • Formulate a project charter
    • Team members
    • Project scope
    • Project time frame
    • Project measurements
  5. Consultant-client engagement for the project implementation
    • Spectrum of consultant-client interactions
  6. Benckmark project progression
  7. Hand over ownership of the project
B. Action Research Perspective (based on Checkland and Holwell (2007).)

  1. The cycle of action research in human situations
    • Real world problem situation
    • Research themes
    • Action in the situation
    • Reflection on the intervention
    • Findings
  2. The process of action research
    • Enter the problem situation
    • Establish roles
    • Declare methodology and frameworks of ideas
    • Take part in change process
    • Rethink the process of intervention
    • Exit
    • Reflect on the experience
  3. The "recoverability" criterion and the "transferability" of results to other situations

Class discussion:
compare and evaluate the approaches of Wickham and Checkland and Holwell

Specific discussion on Research methods as related to Marketing:

Lecture notes:

In this case: the table of content of the dissertation report has the following structure in general:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature reivew
* Literature review of theories -> formulation of a theoretical framework
Chapter 3: Background of the study
* Literature review of the subject matter/ area of concern
Chapter 4: Research design
* Describe a theory-driven research design with clear justifications; there should be a methodology, e.g. on Action Research, that further clarifies the research design; an example of a methodology is the soft systems methodology of Peter Checkland:
Chapter 5: Findings and Analysis
Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 7: Lessons learned and future research efforts

In the lecture, I have also briefly mentioned the quantitative method of multiple regression analysis:

  1. Checkland, P. and Holwell, S. (2007) "Chapter 1: Action Research" in Kock, N. (editor) Information Systems Action Research, Springer.
  2. Wickham, P. (2004) Management Consulting, Prentice-Hall [Mainly chapters 7-8]
  3. On Project Charter:
  4. Overall teaching schedule on Research methods and Consulting practices:
  5. On Qualitative Research Methods:
  6. Gill, J. and Johnson, P. (2010) "Chapter 7: Qualitative methodology: the case of ethnography" Research Methods for Managers, Sage.
  7. Marketing forum:!/groups/282669242406/

Business research project planning and management

The following discussion items on Business Research Project Planning and Management are based Keizer and Kempen (2006):

  1. Effective consulting criteria
    • Problem directed
    • External oriented
    • Change directed
    • Open contracting
    • Positioning
    • Coherent approach
    • State-of-the-art knowledge
  2. Main project phases
    • Phase 1: Orientation phase
      • culture
      • the problem in its context
      • support
      • the scope of the job
    • Phase 2: Research and solution phase
    • Phase 3: Inplementation phase
      • Involvement
      • Concreteness
      • Feasibility
  3. Preliminary steps to acquire a fieldwork project [need to consult project supervisor]
    • Write application letters to suitable companies
    • Follow up by telephones
    • Visit companies that are interested
    • Make final choice of client companies

Now, examine the general advices on good consulting practices as explained by Block (2000; Chaper 2):

  • Responsibility
  • Feelings
  • Trust
  • Your own needs
  • Consultant's assumptions
  • Consultant's goals
  • Choose consulant's roles
  • Develop client commitment

Class exercise:
Use the methodology of Keizer and Kempen (2006) to review the project planning and management practices underlying the reported case of Ho and Jackson (1987).

Related lecture notes:

  1. Block, P. (2000) Flawless Consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used, Pfeiffer.
  2. Ho, J.K.K. and Jackson, M.C. (1987) "Building a 'rich-picture' and assessing a 'quality management' program at Thornton Printing Company", Cybernetics and Systems: An international journal 18: 381-405.
  3. Keizer, J.A. and Kempen, P.M. (2006) Business Research Projects: A solution-oriented approach, Elsevier. Mainly chapters 1-3.
  4. Project life cycle:

Monday, 5 March 2012

How does the Internet affect MPSB compilation ability? A note

Drawing on the ideas as reported by Paul (2012), I note the main potential impacts of Internet on the critical thinking and analysis ability of our human mind, and subsequently on the multi-perspective, systems-based (MPSB) knowledge compilation ability of systems theorists in the following diagram:

In short, as we offload more memory tasks to the data resource pools in the cyberspace (trend 1), our analysis skill and critical thinking skill deteroriate (trend 2). At the same time, we have higher competence to locate required data and information on a more just-in-time basis with our PC tablets and smartphones, etc. (trend 3).  As a consequence, our ability to review management knowledge with multi-perspective, systems-based thinking can be affected as well (trend 4). Though we can now access more useful information and academic resources via the Internet, as systems theorists, we also need to maintain and develop our analysis and critical thinking skills via devoted study of all these academic resources.

  1. Paul, A.M. (2012) "10 ideas: Your head is in the cloud" in Time, March 12, pp. 40-41.
  2. On MPSB Research:

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Strategy methods and evaluation in Strategic Management

The following are the major discussion items  on the topic of Strategy Methods and Evaluation in Strategic Management based on Johnson et al., (2008):

  1. Methods to pursue strategies
    • Organic development
    • Strategic alliances
    • Mergers and acquisitions
  2. Evaluating strategic options
    • Success criteria
    • Techniques of evaluation
  3. Strategic alliances
    • Motives for alliances
    • Types of alliance
    • Ingredients of successful alliances
  4. Strategic options
    • Basis of competitive strategy
    • Strategy directions
    • Methods for pursuing strategies
  5. Success criteria
    • Suitability
    • Acceptability
    • Feasibility: financial feasibility, resource deployment
    • Criteria usage guidelines: consistency, management judgement; evaluation-implementation learning cycle
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall.

Innovation and entrepreneurship - a discussion agenda

The following are major items for discussion on the topic of Innovation and entrepreneurship in Strategic Management (based on Johnson et al., 2008):

  1. The innovation-entrepreneurship framework: timing, innovation, relationships and entrepreneurship
  2. Innovation dilemmas
    • Technology push vs market pull
    • Product vs process innovation
    • Technological vs business model innovation
  3. Innovation diffusion
    • The pace of diffusion
    • The diffusion S-curve
    • Disruptive  innovation (Exhibit 9.4)
  4. To be innovators or followers
    • First movers or second movers: pros and cons
    • Portfolio of innovation options: positioning options, stepping stones, platform launches, and scouting options
  5. Entrepreneurship and relationship
    • Stages of entrepreneurial growth and challenges
    • Social entrepreneurship

Related notes:

  1. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall.
  2. Innovation and competitiveness (from Michael Porter):

International Strategy - a discussion agenda

The following items are noted for discussion of International Strategy based on Johnson et al. (2008):

  1. International strategy framework (Exhibit 8.1)
  2. Internationalization drivers: market drivers, government drivers, cost drivers and competitive drivers
  3. National sources of advantage and Porter's Diamond model
  4. International strategies: global,complex export, multidomestic and simple export
  5. Market selection and entry options and approaches
    • Market entry modes: Exporting, Joint ventures and alliances, Licensing, and Foreign Direct Investment
  6. Internationalisation and performance
  7. Main roles in internatioanl portfolio
    • Subsidiaries: as black holes, strategic leaders, implementers and contributors
    • Headquarters

  1. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall.
  2. On international strategy: video:; another video:
  3. Diamond model of Michael Porter (video):
  4. Market entry strategy (video):; licensing:; on equity ownership:; strategic alliance:; JV:; special licensing agreement:

Academic literature on Conflict Managment

Academic articles on conflict management can be found in academic journals such as Systems Research and Behavioral Science (from Wiley), Organizational Dynamics (from Elsevier), and Academy of Management Journal.  You should especially note this journal devoted on this subject:

  • International Journal of Conflict Management, published by Emerald.