Monday, 9 October 2023

Research methodology and research method: a note

Research methodology and research method: a note

Research methodology = know-why (A) on know-how (B) [research method(s) choice + research method design choice] + know-how

Know-why: justification on (B) is based on:

Item 1. Research philosophy choice, which justifies a specific view [considered as appropriate by you] on (i) ontology (nature of reality) and (ii) epistemology (nature of knowledge and how learning (gaining justified belief [knowledge)

Item 2. Based on item 1 and your preliminary understanding of a particular topic of interest [based on preliminary literature review and other exploratory study], you (i) choose a specific research issue(s) and (ii) formulate your research objective(s) and research question(s) in a particular way. {In addition, knowledge of problem-exploration skills and consulting skills are useful to make decision on what specific research issue(s) to address. Such decision on issue choice is value-laden, not value-neutral.}


Based on items 1 and 2, you now justify your decision on (B) [research method(s)  choice + research method design choice]

In short: research methodologyResearch methodology = know-why (A) [justification on B] know-how (B)

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