Tuesday, 30 November 2021

e-learning videos related to research methods

 e-learning videos related to research methods 

Research methods

Videos to study

1.    Interview research

Video 1a

Video 1b. What is an interview?

Video 2a: semi structured interview. Also study types of qualitative interviewing and questions for semi-structured interviews.

Video 2b: unstructured interview.

Video 2c: how-to guide on qualitative interviews and how to conduct a research interview.

Video 2d: how to develop an interview guide.

Video 2e: a lecture on preparation for a research interview.

Video 2f: qualitative analysis of interview data.

Video 3a: Interview research might make use of narrative inquiry [a vide on narrative inquiry research].

Video 3b: on narrative interview research.

Video 3c. Narrative research design.

Video 3d: on in-depth interviews.

Video 4: tips for online interviewing.

Video 5a: formulating questions for qualitative interviewing.

Video 5b: conducting [qualitative] interviews.

Video 5c: Things to do after the qualitative interviews.

Video 6a: qualitative interviewing: best practices.

Video 6b: 6 tips for conducting semi-structured interviews.; also 5 tips for semi-structured interviews.

Video 7: visions on interviewing.

Video 8: interviewer behaviour.

Video 9: probing in interview research.; also on probing tactics and rapport in interviewing.

Video 10: how to analyze qualitative data for a semi-structured interview.

Video 11: analyzing depth interview findings.

** a study note on research interview.

** a study note on producing a detailed research interview plan.

** a study note on [insider] research interview.

2.    Focus group

Video 1 (a lecture).

Video 2 (a lecture).

Video 3a: the process of conducting focus groups. (especially note the topics of [i] "introduction and first steps" and [ii] "moderators and location").

Video 3b: how to run a focus group.

Video 3c: Focus Group: Participants & Questions

Video 4 (conducting virtual focus group)

Video 5a: tips for running online focus group.

Video 5b: tips for online focus group.

* a study note on focus group.

3.    Survey research

Video 1

Video 2: questionnaire survey research.

Video 3a: questionnaire design. (another one on questionnaire design - part 1; part 2; part 3).

Video 3b: how to design a questionnaire. [basics]

Video 4a: tips for questionnaire survey research.

Video 4b: writing survey questions.

Video 4c: Basics of designing a survey. [with illustrative examples]

Video 4d: key issues when designing research questionnaire.

Video 5: survey research design.

Video 6: research strategy: survey (a briefing).

Video 7: survey design and analysis.

Video 8: analyzing questionnaire

** a study note on questionnaire survey.

4.    Observational research

Video 1a

Video 1b: what is observational research (marketing).

Video 1c:  participant observation and structured observation: a briefing. From participant observation, one could consider to consider autoethnography, as a more specific form of participant observation.

Video 2a: on participant observation. (another one on participant observation: a brief lecture); another discussion from the sociological perspective.

Video 2b: Ethnography (related to participant observation).

Video 3a: Observational Research (a briefing).

Video 3b: Observational focus.

Video 3c: Field notes in observational research.

Video 3d: Observation and interpretation.

Video 3e: Field organisation.

Video 3f: designing observations (structured ones).

Video 3g: Research instruments: observational checklist. [quantitative]

Video 4a: Privatizing public space.

Video 4b: Observational research, with reference to marketing.

Video 5: Observation and interpretation.

Video 6: Hawthorne studies.

** a study note on the ethnographic approach.

** a research plan with observation research.

** A study note on how to conduct a participant observation.

** a study note on time-constrained participant observation.

** a study note on observational research.

5.    Action research

Video 1a

Video 1b: Introduction to action research.

Video 2a: overview of action research.

Video 2b: participatory action research. Another presentation on PAR.

Video 2c: understanding AR.

Video 3a: how to conduct action research.

Video 3b: collecting data for AR.

Video 4: Action research in development.

6.    Case study research

Video 1 ; Part 2 (on planning a case study); part 3: replication or not.

Video 2: a brief overview of case study research.

Video 3: Case study research part 1; part 2.

Video 4: case study research.

** also an academic article about the role of gatekeepers in case study research (pdf).

** a study note on the case study research.

7.    Grounded theory

Video 1a (a brief lecture on grounded theory)**

1b: an introduction to grounded theory. (also: versions of grounded theory)**

Video 1c: grounded theory and qualitative research.

Video 1d: grounded theory explained in simple terms.

Video 2: using grounded theory approach.

Video 3 on theoretical saturation.

Video 4a: beginners guide to coding.

Video 4b: on open, axial and selective coding. (another one: what is open, axial and selective coding?)

Video 4c: coding qualitative data for categories and themes.

Video 4d: codes, categories and themes: understand the difference.

** a study note on the grounded theory.


1. Also study the blog note on the onion model.

2. Note that the agile literature review approach utilizes evaluation research a lot.

3. Visual research methods are mainly studied by Housing Studies students, not MBA students.

Some students might also consider to do hypothesis testing; in this case, study the e-resource blog on hypothesis testing.

1 comment:

  1. A notice: http://josephkkhoworkdiary.blogspot.com/2022/08/no-longer-using-facebook-ac-joseph-kk-ho.html
