Monday 19 August 2024

Asking chatgpt to come up with a research proposal with specific personal interest and constraints: a note for MBA students

Asking chatgpt to come up with a research proposal with specific personal interest and constraints: a note for MBA students:

Introduction and my first question: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently working on the formulation of my final-year dissertation project. Due to my unpleasant experience of being laid off by my previous employer as a result of the poor corporate merger process, I am interested in researching on the two related research themes of "the main factors that lead to corporate merger failures" and "the negative consequences of poor corporate merger implementation". Two additional dissertation considerations are that (i) I would like to employ the research philosophy of critical realism for my project investigation and (ii) I have to rely on mainly studying publicly available secondary data (e.g. business magazines, published statistics and annual reports) for my investigation though a small-scale interview research is still feasible. Based on these personal consideration of mine, could you come up with a research plan for me to consider? Tks for your effort in advance."

The reply from the assistant bot (accessed vie "Certainly! Here’s a structured research plan for your dissertation project on corporate merger failures and their consequences, considering your specific requirements.

Research Plan


Exploring the Factors Leading to Corporate Merger Failures and Their Consequences: A Critical Realism Perspective

Research Objectives

Identify the main factors that contribute to corporate merger failures.

Analyze the negative consequences of poor merger implementation on organizations and stakeholders.

Provide recommendations for improving merger processes based on findings.

Research Questions

What are the key factors that lead to the failure of corporate mergers?

How do these failures impact employees, shareholders, and overall corporate performance?

What lessons can be learned from past merger failures to improve future implementations?

Research Philosophy

Critical Realism: This philosophy acknowledges that while reality is independent of our perceptions, it is socially constructed. It allows for an in-depth exploration of the mechanisms that cause merger failures while considering the subjective experiences of stakeholders.


Data Sources

Secondary Data:

Business magazines (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Financial Times)

Published statistics on mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Annual reports from companies involved in notable mergers

Academic journals discussing merger outcomes

Case studies of recent unsuccessful mergers

Primary Data (if feasible):

Conduct a small-scale qualitative interview study with professionals who have experienced corporate mergers either as employees or stakeholders.

Analysis Approach

Thematic Analysis: Identify common themes from secondary data that relate to the factors leading to merger failures and their consequences. Utilize NVivo or similar software if necessary.

Case Study Analysis: Select a few high-profile merger failures and conduct a detailed examination of their processes and outcomes.


Literature Review (Weeks 1–4)

Review secondary data sources for existing literature on merger failures and implementation challenges.

Data Collection (Weeks 5–8)

Gather and analyze secondary data.

If possible, conduct interviews with at least 5-10 professionals.

Data Analysis (Weeks 9–12)

Perform thematic analysis and case study evaluations.

Writing Phase (Weeks 13–16)

Draft the dissertation chapters.

Incorporate feedback from supervisors and peers.

Final Edits and Submission (Weeks 17–18)

Revise based on feedback and prepare for submission.

Expected Challenges

Access to Data: Some secondary sources might be behind paywalls. Explore university library resources for access.

Interview Logistics: Coordinating with busy professionals may require significant time and effort.


This research plan aligns with your interests and the requirements of your dissertation. By focusing on critical realism and utilizing publicly available data, you can provide valuable insights regarding the failure of corporate mergers while contributing to the broader academic discourse.


Regularly consult with your dissertation supervisor for guidance.

Network with industry professionals to enrich your understanding and possibly gain access to additional data.

Feel free to modify any section to better fit your vision!"

My second question: "What key themes should I focus on during my literature review?"

The reply from the assistant bot: "Here are some key themes to consider for your literature review on corporate merger failures and their consequences:

1. Pre-Merger Factors

Due Diligence: Importance of thorough assessments of financial, operational, and cultural aspects.

Strategic Fit: Alignment of business goals, market position, and business models.

2. Cultural Differences

Organizational Culture: Challenges of merging different corporate cultures and employee resistance.

Change Management: Strategies for managing cultural integration effectively.

3. Leadership and Governance

Decision-Making Processes: Role of leadership in merger decisions and execution.

Board Dynamics: Influence of corporate governance on merger outcomes.

4. Communication Strategies

Internal Communication: Importance of transparent communication with employees.

External Communication: Managing public perception and stakeholder relations.

5. Operational Integration

Synergy Realization: Challenges in achieving projected synergies post-merger.

Integration Planning: Importance of detailed integration strategies and phases.

6. Financial Performance

Performance Metrics: Analysis of financial outcomes before and after mergers.

Market Reactions: Stock market responses to merger announcements and outcomes.

7. Stakeholder Impact

Employee Impact: Effects on job security, morale, and productivity.

Customer Reactions: How mergers affect customer relationships and loyalty.

8. Case Studies of Failed Mergers

Notable Failures: Deep dives into specific high-profile merger failures to extract lessons learned.

Common Patterns: Identification of recurring issues in multiple failed mergers.

9. Long-Term Consequences

Sustainability Issues: Examination of the long-term implications of merger failures on businesses.

Reputation Damage: Effects on brand reputation and trustworthiness post-failure.

10. Policy and Regulatory Considerations

Antitrust Laws: Role of legislation in shaping merger approval processes and outcomes.

Regulatory Scrutiny: Impact of regulatory challenges on merger success.

Focusing on these themes will help you build a comprehensive literature review that identifies gaps in current research and sets the foundation for your dissertation investigation."

My third question is: "What are some effective methods for analyzing case studies of failed mergers?"

The reply from the assistant bot: "Analyzing case studies of failed mergers can provide valuable insights. Here are some effective methods you can consider:

1. Qualitative Analysis

Thematic Analysis: Identify and categorize recurring themes, patterns, and factors that led to the failure.

Content Analysis: Examine the content of reports, articles, and interviews to quantify themes or sentiments related to the merger.

2. Comparative Method

Cross-Case Comparison: Compare multiple failed mergers to identify common causes and differences in circumstances, strategies, and outcomes.

Benchmarking: Assess each case against successful mergers to highlight what was done differently.

3. SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats: Analyze each merger's strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities, and threats to understand what went wrong.

4. Causal Mapping

Fishbone Diagrams: Use diagrams to visually map out the causes of failure, illustrating how various factors are interconnected.

Flowcharts: Create flowcharts to show the decision-making processes and critical junctures that contributed to the merger’s collapse.

5. Sequential Analysis

Chronological Timeline: Construct a timeline of key events leading up to the merger, execution, and the subsequent fallout.

Phase Analysis: Break down the merger into distinct phases (planning, integration, etc.) to pinpoint failures.

6. Stakeholder Analysis

Identify Stakeholders: Map out all relevant stakeholders, including employees, management, shareholders, and customers.

Impact Assessment: Assess how the merger affected each stakeholder group and their responses.

7. Narrative Analysis

Storytelling Approach: Analyze the narrative around the merger, including how it was presented to stakeholders and the media.

Framing Analysis: Investigate how different stakeholders framed the merger and its consequences.

8. Document Analysis

Review Internal Documents: Analyze internal memos, reports, and presentations related to the merger for insights on decision-making.

Media Reviews: Look at media coverage and public statements to gauge external perceptions and reactions.

9. Financial Performance Analysis

Performance Metrics Comparison: Assess financial metrics (e.g., stock price changes, revenue growth) before and after the merger.

Longitudinal Study: Conduct a longer-term analysis of performance to understand enduring impacts.

10. Interviews and Surveys

Qualitative Interviews: Conduct interviews with key stakeholders involved in the merger to gain firsthand insights.

Surveys: Distribute surveys to collect quantitative data on perceptions and impacts.

By combining these methods, you can create a comprehensive analysis that provides a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to merger failures."

My fourth question is: "What are common themes found in failed merger case studies?"

The reply from the assistant bot is: "Here are some common themes often found in case studies of failed mergers:

1. Cultural Misalignment

Differing Corporate Cultures: Incompatibility between the merging companies’ cultures can lead to employee dissatisfaction and turnover.

Poor Cultural Integration: Failure to address cultural differences during the integration process.

2. Inadequate Due Diligence

Insufficient Assessment: Failing to thoroughly investigate financial, operational, or legal conditions before the merger.

Overoptimism: Leaders ignoring red flags due to overly positive projections.

3. Ineffective Communication

Lack of Transparency: Poor communication with employees and stakeholders about the merger's objectives and processes.

Confusion and Misinformation: Inadequate information can lead to uncertainty and resistance among employees.

4. Integration Challenges

Poor Integration Planning: Lack of a clear and actionable integration strategy, leading to operational inefficiencies.

Failure to Achieve Synergies: Inability to realize expected synergies due to integration issues.

5. Leadership Issues

Weak Leadership Commitment: Lack of strong leadership during the merger process can lead to directionless integration efforts.

Decision-Making Failures: Poor strategic decisions made by top management during the merger.

6. Stakeholder Resistance

Employee Pushback: Resistance from employees due to fear of job loss or changes in their work environment.

Customer Retention Problems: Negative reactions from customers during and after the merger.

7. Financial Overreach

Overvaluation: Paying too much for the target company leads to financial strain post-merger.

Unrealistic Financial Projections: Failure to meet financial forecasts due to unfounded assumptions.

8. Regulatory Challenges

Antitrust Issues: Legal challenges arising from antitrust laws that hinder merger progress.

Compliance Failures: Inadequate attention to regulatory requirements during the merger process.

9. Market Conditions

Economic Context: Unfavorable economic conditions that complicate merger integration and success.

Industry Changes: Rapid shifts in industry dynamics that impact merger viability.

10. Short-Term Focus

Neglecting Long-Term Strategy: Prioritizing immediate gains over sustainable, long-term integration strategies.

Lack of Vision: Absence of a clear vision regarding the merger's strategic fit and long-term goals.

These themes can provide valuable context and understanding when analyzing failed mergers, helping to identify key factors that contribute to their lack of success."

My fifth question is: "What are some of the useful management theories relevant for informing the research design and, subsequently, for analysis on the findings?"

The reply from the assistant bot is: "Here are some useful management theories that could inform your research design and analysis regarding failed mergers:

1. Kotter's 8-Step Change Model

Overview: This model outlines a process for successful change implementation.

Relevance: Helps analyze how well change management strategies were executed during mergers.

2. Cultural Dimensions Theory (Hofstede)

Overview: Examines how cultural dimensions influence workplace behavior.

Relevance: Useful for understanding cultural alignment issues in mergers and their impacts on integration.

3. Resource-Based View (RBV)

Overview: Focuses on how firms can achieve competitive advantage through valuable resources.

Relevance: Helps assess whether the acquired resources or capabilities were compatible and leveraged effectively.

4. Agency Theory

Overview: Addresses conflicts of interest between stakeholders, particularly managers and shareholders.

Relevance: Useful in examining the motivations behind merger decisions and the potential misalignments.

5. Change Management Theories (e.g., ADKAR)

Overview: Frameworks that outline stages for effective change management (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement).

Relevance: Can inform the study of how change was managed during the merger process.

6. Stakeholder Theory

Overview: Emphasizes the importance of considering all stakeholders in decision-making processes.

Relevance: Useful for analyzing how stakeholder interests were accounted for in the merger and the consequences of neglecting them.

7. Systems Theory

Overview: Views organizations as systems of interrelated parts.

Relevance: Helps in understanding how different organizational components interact during a merger and the impact of failing systems.

8. Strategic Fit Theory

Overview: Focuses on the alignment of resources, capabilities, and strategies between merging organizations.

Relevance: Useful for evaluating whether strategic fit was considered and achieved.

9. Integration Theory

Overview: Addresses how organizations can effectively combine operations, cultures, and processes post-merger.

Relevance: Provides insights into successful integration strategies or failures.

10. Complexity Theory

Overview: Examines how systems evolve and adapt over time.

Relevance: Useful for understanding the unpredictable nature of mergers and the challenges of managing complexity.

These theories can guide both the research design and the analysis of findings, providing a robust framework for understanding the dynamics of failed mergers."

My sixth question is: "What would be the specific questions and steps to employ when linked to critical realism in this case?"

The reply from the assistant bot is: "To employ critical realism in your case study analysis of failed corporate mergers, consider the following specific questions and steps:

Specific Questions

What are the underlying structures and mechanisms that contributed to the merger failure?

Focus on systemic issues, cultural dynamics, and institutional factors.

How do stakeholders perceive and experience the merger process and its failure?

Investigate subjective experiences of employees, management, and other stakeholders.

In what ways did the decision-making processes influence the outcomes of the merger?

Analyze how decisions were made and the factors that shaped these decisions.

What alternative explanations can be generated for the merger's failure?

Explore different interpretations of why the merger failed based on various stakeholder perspectives.

How do the findings reflect broader social and economic structures?

Consider the context, such as market conditions, regulatory environments, and cultural aspects.

Steps to Employ Critical Realism

Literature Review

Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature on corporate mergers, focusing on factors of failure and consequences.

Case Selection

Choose specific cases of failed mergers that exhibit diverse factors and contexts for a richer analysis.

Data Collection

Secondary Data: Gather relevant documents (annual reports, news articles, industry analyses).

Primary Data: Conduct qualitative interviews with stakeholders (e.g., employees, managers, industry experts) to understand their perspectives.

Contextual Analysis

Analyze the broader context in which the mergers occurred, including economic, cultural, and regulatory dimensions.

Mechanism Identification

Identify and map out the mechanisms and structures that contributed to the failure, using tools like causal mapping or fishbone diagrams.

Thematic Analysis

Use thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes within the data, allowing for the emergence of deeper insights related to critical realism.

Comparative Analysis

Compare the cases to highlight commonalities and differences in underlying causes and outcomes.

Interpretation of Findings

Discuss how the findings relate to existing theories and concepts within critical realism, emphasizing emergent findings and unexpected results.

Theoretical Implications

Reflect on the implications of your findings for management theory and practice, suggesting how understanding underlying structures can inform future mergers.


Provide recommendations for practitioners on how to address the identified mechanisms and improve merger processes based on your analysis.

By following these questions and steps, you'll be able to conduct a critical realist investigation that provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding failed corporate mergers."

My last question is: "What could be the practical value of my dissertation project study in this case?"

The reply from the assistant bot: "The practical value of your dissertation project on failed corporate mergers can be significant. Here are several key aspects:

1. Guidance for Future Mergers

Best Practices: Develop a framework of best practices based on insights from failures, helping organizations navigate the merger process more effectively.

Risk Mitigation: Offer strategies to identify and mitigate risks associated with mergers.

2. Enhanced Decision-Making

Informed Leadership: Provide leaders with a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to merger failures, enabling better strategic decision-making.

Stakeholder Engagement: Highlight the importance of considering stakeholder perspectives in the decision-making process.

3. Cultural Integration Framework

Cultural Awareness: Create tools for assessing cultural fit and managing integration, facilitating smoother transitions during mergers.

Employee Morale Strategies: Offer recommendations for maintaining employee morale and engagement throughout the merger process.

4. Improvement in Change Management Practices

Change Management Models: Contribute to the development of effective change management practices specifically tailored for mergers and acquisitions.

Communication Strategies: Identify effective communication techniques to enhance transparency and reduce resistance.

5. Policy Implications

Regulatory Insights: Provide insights for policymakers regarding the regulatory landscape surrounding mergers, emphasizing the need for enhanced scrutiny of merger practices.

Antitrust Considerations: Contribute to discussions on antitrust regulations and the implications of failed mergers on market competition.

6. Academic Contributions

Theoretical Advancement: Contribute to the academic discourse on mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the context of critical realism or organizational behavior.

Case Study Development: Create detailed case studies that can serve as educational resources for business schools and management courses.

7. Industry-Specific Insights

Sector-Specific Recommendations: Tailor findings to specific industries, allowing organizations within those sectors to apply insights relevant to their contexts.

Adaptation to Market Trends: Help organizations adapt merger strategies in line with evolving market dynamics and consumer behaviors.

8. Framework for Continuous Learning

Feedback Mechanisms: Suggest mechanisms for organizations to learn from past mergers continuously, fostering a culture of reflection and improvement.

Benchmarking Tools: Develop tools for benchmarking merger practices against industry standards.

These practical contributions can significantly enhance the value of your dissertation study, making it relevant not only to academic audiences but also to industry stakeholders and practitioners."

Some overall evaluation comments

The advices from the assistant bot are quite useful.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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