Monday 19 August 2024

Asking chatgpt about the risk of plagiarism charge with chatgpt usage: a note for Housing Studies students

Asking chatgpt about the risk of plagiarism charge with chatgpt usage: a note for Housing Studies students


I am a part-time Housing Studies student, currently doing my dissertation projects. I notice that many of my classmates make use of chatgpt to inform their dissertation project works. At the same time, there have been cases I heard that some of the dissertation project reports have been charged of the offence of plagiarism. These cases appear to have something to do with incorrect use of chatgpt.

The following is my dialogue with the assistant bot (a version of chatgpt accessed via about the risk of plagiarism charge with chatgpt usage.

Finding 1

My first question: "I would like to know what incorrect use of chatgpt can lead to the plagiarism charge?"

The reply from the assistant bot: "Using ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for your dissertation, but improper use can indeed lead to issues with plagiarism. Here are some ways incorrect usage may lead to plagiarism charges:

Direct Copying: If you copy text generated by ChatGPT without proper citation, it can be considered plagiarism. This includes copying phrases, sentences, or entire paragraphs verbatim.

Insufficient Paraphrasing: Simply rephrasing generated content without understanding or modifying the ideas sufficiently can still be viewed as plagiarism. It's essential to express the ideas in your own words and include your own analysis.

Lack of Attribution: Failing to attribute information or ideas obtained from ChatGPT can lead to claims of intellectual theft. Always acknowledge when you use AI-generated content.

Not Adding Original Insight: Relying heavily on AI-generated content without adding your own insights, critical analysis, or unique perspectives may result in your work being considered derivative rather than original.

Misuse of Source Material: If you use the information provided by ChatGPT in a way that misrepresents the original context or intent, it can lead to ethical concerns.

Neglecting Academic Integrity Policies: Many institutions have specific guidelines about using AI tools. Ignoring these policies may lead to consequences, including claims of academic dishonesty.

Best Practices

Cite Appropriately: If you use ideas or text from ChatGPT, make sure to cite it according to your institution’s guidelines.

Paraphrase Effectively: Break down complex ideas and express them in your own words while ensuring you understand the basics.

Combine Sources: Use ChatGPT in conjunction with other academic sources and personal insights to create a balanced and well-researched work.

Review Guidelines: Always refer to your institution’s academic integrity policy to ensure compliance with their standards.

By using ChatGPT responsibly and ethically, you can benefit from the tool without risking plagiarism."

Finding 2

My second question: "What are some effective ways to paraphrase AI-generated content without risking plagiarism?"

The reply from the assistant bot: "Paraphrasing AI-generated content effectively is crucial to avoid plagiarism while retaining the original meaning. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Understand the Original Content

Read and comprehend the AI-generated text first. Ensure you grasp the main ideas and nuances before attempting to paraphrase.

2. Use Synonyms and Variations

Replace words with synonyms where appropriate. Consider different expressions or phrases that convey the same meaning.

3. Change Sentence Structure

Rearrange the structure of sentences. For example, you might change a complex sentence into several simpler ones, or vice versa.

4. Summarize Key Points

Focus on summarizing the key ideas rather than restating everything. This helps distill the information into your own interpretation.

5. Add Your Own Insights

Incorporate your personal viewpoints or analysis related to the AI-generated content. This makes your writing more original and adds value.

6. Use Different Formats

Change the format of the information. If it’s presented as a bullet point, consider turning it into a paragraph, or vice versa.

7. Rephrase Examples

If the AI-generated text includes examples, try creating your own examples that illustrate the same point.

8. Combine Multiple Sources

Integrate ideas from the AI content with insights from other sources. This not only enhances your work but also ensures a broader perspective.

9. Practice Active Engagement

Discuss the content with peers or write about it in your own words as if explaining to someone else. Teaching or explaining can reinforce your understanding and lead to better paraphrasing.

10. Review Your Work

After paraphrasing, compare your version with the original. Ensure that it significantly differs in wording and structure while still conveying the original meaning.

By following these strategies, you can paraphrase effectively and minimize the risk of plagiarism in your work."

Finding 3

My third question is: "How can I check my paraphrased content for plagiarism?"

The reply from the assistant bot is: "Checking your paraphrased content for plagiarism is an important step to ensure originality. Here are some effective methods you can use:

1. Plagiarism Detection Tools

Use reputable plagiarism detection software such as:





These tools compare your text against a wide database of sources to identify similarities.

2. Manual Search

Take key phrases or sentences from your paraphrase and enter them into a search engine. This can help you see if similar content appears online.

3. Compare Original and Paraphrased Text

Place the original text next to your paraphrased version and compare them. Look for areas where the wording is too similar.

4. Seek Feedback

Ask peers or mentors to review your work. Fresh eyes can spot areas that may still resemble the original text too closely.

5. Utilize Writing Tools

Some writing software include built-in plagiarism checkers, allowing you to assess originality as you write.

6. Review Citation Guidelines

Ensure that you've cited any direct references appropriately. Even paraphrased ideas often require citation based on the source.

7. Consider Structural Changes

If plagiarism is detected, rework the sentence structures and incorporate additional insights or commentary to further distance your text from the original.

8. Check for Common Knowledge

Be aware of what constitutes common knowledge, as it does not require citation. If your paraphrased content includes widely known facts, it’s less likely to be flagged.

By using these methods, you can effectively check your paraphrased content for potential plagiarism and enhance the originality of your work."

Finding 4

My fourth question is: "What are common mistakes to avoid when paraphrasing content?"

The reply from the assistant bot is: "When paraphrasing content, it's important to do it correctly to avoid plagiarism and maintain the integrity of your work. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Direct Copying

Avoid copying phrases or sentences verbatim without making substantial changes. Even small phrases can lead to plagiarism.

2. Insufficient Changes

Merely swapping out a few words for synonyms isn’t enough. You need to change the structure and wording significantly.

3. Ignoring Context

Failing to understand the original context can lead to misinterpretation. Always ensure that your paraphrase accurately reflects the intended meaning.

4. Maintaining Original Structure

Keeping the same sentence structure can make your paraphrase too similar. Change the order of ideas and the syntax.

5. Overlooking Citations

Remember to cite the original source when appropriate, even if you've paraphrased the content. This gives credit to the original author.

6. Lack of Original Insight

Simply restating the original content can make your work feel derivative. Incorporate your own analysis and insights to add value.

7. Failing to Summarize

Not summarizing key ideas can result in unnecessary length and complexity in your paraphrase. Aim to distill the core message.

8. Neglecting Your Voice

Using a different writing style or tone than your own can make your paraphrase feel disjointed. Try to maintain your voice throughout.

9. Relying Too Heavily on One Source

Using only one piece of text for paraphrasing can lead to similarities. Consider multiple sources to create a more original representation.

10. Not Reviewing Your Work

Failing to review your paraphrase against the original text can lead to unintentional similarities. Always compare them to ensure originality.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve your paraphrasing skills and maintain the integrity of your academic work."

Some overall evaluation comments

The replies from the assistant bot are clear, concrete and useful.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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