Thursday 29 August 2024

Asking Chatgpt to clarify positivism and post-positivism in the context of doing dissertation projects: a note for MBA students

Asking Chatgpt (accessed via to clarify positivism and post-positivism in the context of doing dissertation projects: a note for MBA students.

Introduction and my first question: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently trying to formulate a dissertation project proposal. My research theme is to evaluate the impacts of my employer company's work-from-home policy on the staff morale of the middle-managers in Hong Kong. There are staffs who support the present work-from-home policy and also staffs who are against it. I intend to employ interview research, participant observation and document study for my dissertation project. I am not sure if I should choose positivism or post-positivism for the dissertation project's underlying research philosophy? So, my first question to ask is the follows: could you tell me six underlying ideas of positivism and that of post-positivism?"

The reply from Chatgpt: "Certainly! Here are six core ideas for both positivism and post-positivism to help you decide which philosophy aligns better with your dissertation project.


Objective Reality: Positivism asserts that there is an objective reality that can be observed and measured. It emphasizes facts over feelings.

Empirical Evidence: It relies heavily on quantifiable data, advocating for the use of statistical methods and experiments to draw conclusions.

Determinism: Positivist research often assumes that phenomena can be predicted based on established laws and patterns.

Value-Free Inquiry: Positivism maintains that research should be free from the biases and values of the researcher.

Generalization: Findings from positivist research are often intended to be generalized across similar contexts or populations.

Scientific Approach: It champions a scientific methodology, utilizing hypothesis testing and systematic observation.


Complex Reality: Post-positivism acknowledges that reality is complex and cannot be fully understood through simple observation alone.

Fallibility of Knowledge: It asserts that all knowledge is provisional and subject to revision based on new evidence.

Contextual Understanding: This approach emphasizes understanding phenomena within their specific contexts, recognizing the influence of social, cultural, and historical factors.

Subjectivity: While still valuing empirical evidence, post-positivism allows for the researcher’s biases and perspectives to be part of the inquiry process.

Mixed Methods: Post-positivist research often employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to capture a fuller picture of the research topic.

Critical Reflexivity: It encourages researchers to reflect critically on their role in the research process and the impact of their perspectives on the findings.


Given your focus on staff morale, qualitative methods like interviews and observations may align more closely with post-positivism, which accommodates the complexity of human experiences and perspectives. However, if you aim to measure outcomes quantitatively, positivism could be more suitable. Consider your research goals and the nature of the data you wish to collect when making your choice."

My next question: "Tks for clarification. It will be useful for me to understand more of these two research philosophies if you could provide an example of dissertation proposal based on each of these two research philosophies. Pls use my research theme and chosen research methods for the formulation of dissertation proposals in this case. Tks a lot."

The reply from Chatgpt is: "Sure! Here are two example dissertation proposals based on your research theme, one using positivism and the other using post-positivism.

Dissertation Proposal: Positivism


The Impact of Work-from-Home Policies on the Morale of Middle Managers in Hong Kong: A Quantitative Analysis

Research Objective:

To quantitatively evaluate the relationship between work-from-home policies and staff morale among middle managers in Hong Kong.

Research Questions:

How does the implementation of work-from-home policies affect the morale of middle managers in terms of productivity, job satisfaction, and work-life balance?

Are there significant differences in morale between managers who support and those who oppose the work-from-home policy?


Research Design: A cross-sectional survey.

Data Collection:

A structured questionnaire will be distributed to middle managers in the company.

The survey will include Likert-scale questions measuring morale, job satisfaction, and perceived productivity.

Sample Size: Approximately 100 middle managers.

Data Analysis: Employ statistical methods, such as regression analysis, to identify correlations and differences in morale based on support for the work-from-home policy.

Expected Contributions:

The study aims to provide empirical evidence on the impacts of work-from-home policies, contributing to organizational policy-making and management strategies.

Dissertation Proposal: Post-Positivism


Exploring the Impact of Work-from-Home Policies on Middle Managers' Morale in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Study

Research Objective:

To explore the nuanced perspectives of middle managers regarding the work-from-home policy and its effects on their morale.

Research Questions:

What are the lived experiences of middle managers regarding the work-from-home policy?

How do these experiences influence their morale, job satisfaction, and productivity?


Research Design: Qualitative, exploratory study.

Data Collection:

Conduct semi-structured interviews with 15-20 middle managers to capture their thoughts and feelings about the work-from-home policy.

Utilize participant observation in virtual team meetings to understand dynamic interactions and morale.

Review relevant company documents, such as internal surveys and HR reports, to contextualize findings.

Data Analysis: Thematic analysis will be employed to identify key themes and patterns in the data.

Expected Contributions:

The research seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding work-from-home policies, offering insights that can inform future organizational practices and policies.

These proposals illustrate how each research philosophy shapes the focus, methodology, and expected contributions of your dissertation project. Let me know if you need further assistance!"

Some overall evaluation comments

The replies from Chatgpt are informative and concrete.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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