Thursday, 29 December 2011

Academic journals on Strategic Management

I note the following academic journals on Strategic Management:

  1. Academy of Strategic Management Journal
  2. Journal of Business Strategy
  3. Long Range Planning, published by Pergamon
  4. Strategic Change, published by Wiley
  5. Strategic Management Journal, published by Wiley
It is clear that articles on strategic management come up in business journals from time to time.

A related academic forum:!/group.php?gid=274828358631

Academic journals on Supply Chain and Logistics Management

The following academic journals are noted on Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management:

  1. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, published by Pergamon
  2. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, published by Taylor & Francis
  3. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, published by Emerald
  4. Journal of Business Logistics, published by Wiley
  5. Logistics Research
  6. Supply Chain Management
  7. The International Journal of Logistics Management, published by Emerald
  8. The Journal of Supply Chain Management
  9. , published by Springer-Verlag
    , published by Emerald
    , published by the Institute for Supply Management Inc.
    Reference Related academic forum:!/groups/279091113702/

Academic journals on Operations Management

The following are some academic journals relate to Operations Management:

  1. Journal of Operations Manaement, published by Elsevier
  2. Production Planning & Control, published by Taylor & Francis
  3. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, published by Emerald
  4. International Journal of Production Economics, published by Elsevier
  5. Production and Operations Mangement, published by Production and Operations Managementt Society

A related academic forum:!/groups/279091113702/

Academic journals on Quality Management

I note the following academic journals on Quality Management:

  1. Asian Journal in Quality, published by Emerald
  2. Journal of Quality Management, published by Elsevier
  3. Managing Service Quality, published by Emerald
  4. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, published by Routledge
  5. The TQM Journal, published by Emerald

A related forum:!/groups/279091113702/

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Academic journals on e-Commerce

I note the following academic journals on e-commerce/ e-business:

  1. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, published by Elsevier
  2. Electronic Markets, published by Routledge
  3. Journal of Internet Commerce, published by Routledge
Articles on e-commerce/ e-business appear in various business journals from time to time.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

A note on academic Human Resource Management journals

I note the following academic journals on Human Resource Management:

  1. Human Resource Management, published by Wiley
  2. Human Resource Management Review, published by Elsevier
  3. Personnel Review, published by Emerald
  4. The International Journal of Human Resource Management
  5. , published by Routledge

Human resource management topics come up in various business journals from time to time and there are academic journals on specific human resource management, e.g training and development and Industrial Relations, compensation & benefits, etc.

A related academic forum:!/groups/316417718377/edit/

Literature on Action Research

There are reference books and academic journals dedicated to the subject of Action Research. Some references are provided as follows:

On book
  1. Kock, N. (editor) (2007) Information Systems Action Research, published by Springer
On academic journals
  1. Action Research, published by Sage Publications
  2. Systems Practice and Action Research, published by Springer

The topic of Action Research also comes up from time to time in different academic business journals and books.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Academic journals on Gender Studies

The topic of Gender sometimes comes up in some of my Business Management students' dissertation works. I do feel that subject is important and I identify the following academic journals as related to Gender Studies:

  1. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, published by Emerald
  2. Feminist Theory, published by Sage Publications
  3. Gender in Management, published by Emerald
  4. Gender, Technology and Development, published by Sage Publications
  5. Gender, Work & Organization, published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (in Wiley website)
  6. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, published by Emerald

  1. Feminism:
  2. Gender studies:

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Academic journals of Social Sciences - a list

Here is a list of academic journals on Social Sciences grouped by subjects:

  1. Geography:
  2. History:
  3. Philosophy:
  4. Political Science:
  5. Psychology:
  6. Sociology:


On chi-square test - a brief note

Chi-square test is one of the popular statistical techniques used in dissertation projects. I use the example from Morris (Chapter 11, pp. 239-248) for illustration here:

In this example, you have got some statistics on work performance improvements after the  conduct of a corporate training, grouped  by age group. (Table 1)

Your question is: does the age  group affects the effectiveness of the corporate training? You draw up another table (Table 2)

As the overall ratio of "improved": ""Did not improve" is 40:20 or 2:1, we come up with the expected numbers in red in Table 2 above.  In brief, if the observed nos (in black) in Table 2 are very different from the expected nos (in red), we have good reasons to believe that "age group" does affect "training effectiveness" in this case. The chi-square value basically measures the deviation (in aggregate) between the observed nos and the expected nos. You need to refer to Morris (chapter 11) to study the case and learn how to calculate the chi-square value. There is an applet on chi-square curve which helps you to conduct a chi-square test-based hypothesis testing, see: To perform a chi-square test, you need to also calculate the degree of freedom for your statistics. The formula to calculate degree of freedom in this case is (r-1) x (c - 1). r means the number  of rows in your table and c refers to the number of columns. In our case above, r is 3 (under 35; 35-50; over 50) and c is 2 (improved; not improved).

The main steps for the hypothesis are:

  1. Formulate the null hypothesis (of "no  association" type)
  2. Calculate the expected nos.
  3. Calculate chi-square value (for the actual statistics)
  4. Calculate the degree of freedom (based on number of rows and tables in the table constructed)
  5. Compare chi square value of your statistics (from step 3) and chi square value (of critical value) (based on the level of significance set)
  6. If the actual chi square value of your statistics > than the critical value, reject the null hypothesis.

In our case, the actual chi square value of the statistics is 2.95 while the chi square value (critical value) is 5.991, with degree of freedom (v) at 2. Since 2.95 is less than 5.991 (2.95 is not too extreme as a value), the null hypothesis is not rejected in this case, given that the level of significance is set at 5%, also see the diagram here:

There is an excel function for chi-square value calculation which is =chitest. The following 2 diagrams are illustrative:

Pls note that, in our case, when the actual chi-square value is 2.95, its corresponding p-value is 0.228779; and when the chi-square value (critical value) is 5.991, its corresponding p-value is 0.05. Since 0.228779 > 0.05, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Another way to put it is: 2.95 < 5.991, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

This note is not to replace the textbook reading, but can be used to reinforce students' learning in class. To fully understand chi-square test, you need to study statistics textbooks on hypothesis testing, including the notion of p-value.

  • Morris, C. (2003) Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies, Prentice Hall.

On Engineering Economics

The subject of Engineering Economics covers the following topics:

  1. Basic notions in costing (see videos on Opportunity Cost; PPF and opportunity cost)
  2. Interest and Equivalence (including the concept of time value of money)
  3. Present Worth Analysis
  4. Future Worth Analysis
  5. Equivalent Annual Worth Analysis
  6. Rate of Return Analysis
  7. Benefit cost analysis
  8. Sensitivity Analysis
  9. Breakeven analysis
  10. Depreciation
  11. Income tax
  12. Replacement Analysis
  13. Inflation

  1. Panneerselvam, R. (2001) Engineering Economics, Prentic-Hall
  2. Riggs, J.L., Bedworth, D.D., and Randhawa, S.U. (1998) Engineering Economics, McGraw-Hill
  3. Lecture notes folder on Engin. Econ.:
  4. On Economics:

Academic journals on History

Some academic journals on History are provided as follows:

  1. Business History, published by Routledge
  2. Journal of Contemporary History, published by Sage Publications
  3. Journal of Management History, published by Emerald
  4. Management & Organizational History, published by Sage Publications
  5. Studies in History, published by Sage Publications

Major websites of academic publishers

Some major academic publisher websites are as follows:

  1. Emerald:
  2. Sage journals online:
  3. SprinkerLink:
  4. Taylor & Francis:
  5. Wiley:
  6. ScienceDirect:

You need to enter your university student and ID to access their resources, mainly vai Athens log in (note: sometimes, you need to enter your student  ID and passwords a few times as the single sign-on function  sometimes does not work well)

Academic journals on Philosophy

Some academic journals on Philosophy:

  1. Philosophy & Social Criticism, published by Sage Publications
  2. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, published by Sage Publications

Friday, 23 December 2011

Academic journals on Political Science

The following academic journals on Political Science are noted:

  1. American Journal of Political Science, published by Midwest Political Science Association (Wiley)
  2. Ethnopolitics, published by Routledge
  3. European Journal of Political Theory, published by Sage Publications
  4. Foreign Policy Analysis, published by International Studies Associatio (Wiley)
  5. Political Theory, published by Sage Publications
  6. The Journal of Political Philosophy, published by Blackwell Publishing (Wiley)

Academic journals on Psychology

The following academic journals on Psychology are noted:

  1. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, published by Wiley
  2. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, published by Psychology Press (from  Taylor & Francis Group)
  3. European Journal of Social Psychology
  4. European Review of Social Psychology, published by Psychology Press (from  Taylor & Francis Group)
  5. Journal of Business and Psychology, published by Springer
  6. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, published by The British Psychological Society (Wiley), published by Wiley


Academic journals as related to Engineering Management

The following academic journals are related to Engineering Management:

  1. Applied Ergonomics, published by Elsevier
  2. Applied Thermal Engineering, published by Elsevier
  3. Computers & Industrial Engineering, published by Pergamon
  4. Computers in Industry, published by Elsevier
  5. Engineering Project Organization Journal, published by Taylor & Francis
  6. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, published by Wiley
  7. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, published by Emerald
  8. International Journal of Production Economics, published by Elsevier
  9. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, published by Elsevier

A related academic forum:!/group.php?gid=108145759233377

Academic journals as related to Law

The following academic journals are related to the subject of Law; they are relevant for Business Management study:

  1. American Business Law Journal, published by Academy of Legal Studies in Business (located in Wiley website)
  2. China Law Review, published by Routledge
  3. Computer Law & Security Report, published by Elsevier
  4. European Law Journal, published by Blackwell Publishing
  5. International Journal of Law and Mangement, published by Emerald
  6. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, published by Emerald
  7. The Journal of World Intellectual Property, published by Blackwell Publishing
  8. The Modern Law Review, published by Blackwell Publishing

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Academic journals on Research Methods - a brief note

There are a number of academic journals that focus on the subject of Research Methods. Here are some examples:

  1. Action Research, published by Sage Publications
  2. Evaluation Review, published by Sage Publications
  3. Journal of Business Research, published by Elsevier
  4. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, published by Sage Publications
  5. Organizational Research Methods, published by Sage Publications
  6. Qualitative Inquiry, published by Sage Publications
  7. Qualitative Research, published by Sage Publications
  8. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, published by Emerald Group Publishing

It is clear that most academic journals emphasize the sound usage of research methods in their published articles.

A related academic forum:!/groups/194088197319308/

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Academic journals as related to Geography

The following academic journals are related to the subject of Geography:

  1. Asian Geographer, published by Routledge
  2. Housing, Theory and Society, published by Routledge
  3. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  4. Population and Development Review (in Wiley's website)
  5. Population, Space and Place, published by Wiley
  6. Social & Cultural Geography, published by Routledge
  7. Tourism Geographies, published by Routledge

Also refer to the blog notes on Human Geography and Economic Geography.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

On Human Geography journals

The following are academic journals as related to Human Geography:

  1. Cultural Geographies, published by Sage Publications
  2. Geographical Research, published by Institute of Australian Geographers (located in Wiley website)
  3. New Zealand Geographer, published by The New Zealand Geographical Society (located in Wiley website)
  4. Progress in Human Geography, published by Sage Publications


Monday, 19 December 2011

On academic journals as related to Education

On the subject of Education, I note the following academic journals:

  1. Education + Training, published by Emerald Group Publishing
  2. Education and Urban Society, published by Sage Publications
  3. European Journal of Education, published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  4. Higher Education Quarterly, published  by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  5. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, published by Springer Science
  6. Management in Education, published by Sage Publications
  7. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, published by Wiley

Some of my business admin students conduct dissertation projects on schools; in this case, these academic references on Education are relevant for literature review.

On journals as related to sociology

Here are some academic journals as related to sociology; they are also useful readings for students in business management:

  1. Anthropology and Humanism, published by the American Anthropological Association (in Wiley website)
  2. Anthropology of Work Review (from the publisher website of Wiley)
  3. City & Community (from the publisher website of Wiley)
  4. Current Sociology, published by Sage Publications
  5. International Political Sociology, published by  International Studies Association (found in Wiley website)
  6. Journal of Historical Sociology, published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  7. Sociological Methods & Research, published by Sage Publications
  8. Sociological Theory, published by American Sociological Asssociation (in Wiley website)
  9. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology
  10. The British Journal of Sociology, copyright of  London School of Economics and Political Science , published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  11. WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, published by Immanuel Ness and Wiley Periodicals
  12. (from the publisher website of Wiley)

On Economic Geography - a brief note

The subject of Economic Geography can be quite useful to inform business students doing dissertation projects. The following Economic Geography journals are relevant:

  1. Economic Geography (re:
  2. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, published by Victoria University of Wellington

These two journals can be found in the publisher website of Wiley.

Chaos theory and business studies - a brief note

Chaos theory has been applied in various business subjects, thus it can be a powerful conceptual model to be employed in dissertation projects. I provide some references here:

  1. Stacey, R.D. The Chaos Frontier - Creative strategic control for business, Butterworth Heinemann
  2. Gharajedaghi, J. (1999) Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity, Butterworth Heinemann
  3. Khalil, E.L. (1997) "Chaos Theory versus Heisenberg's Uncertainty: Risk, Uncertainty and Economic Theory", The American Economist Vol 41 (2), pp. 27-40
  4. Glass, N. (1996) "Chaos, Non-linear Systems and Day-to-day Management" European Management Journal Vol 14(1) pp. 98-106
  5. Ionita, S. (2000) "A chaos thoery perspective on system's failure" Information Sciences, 127, pp. 193-215
  6. Feichtinger, G. (1996) "Chaos Theory in Operations Research" Int. Trans. Opl. Res. Vol. 3(1), pp. 23-36
  7. McMillan, E, and Carlisle, Y. (2007) "Strategy as Order Emerging from Chaos: A Public Sector Experience" Long Range Planning 40, pp. 574-593
  8. Thietart, R.A. and Forgues, B. (1995) "Chaos Theory and Organization", Organization Science Vol. 6(1) Jan -Feb., pp. 19-31
  9. Zahra, A. and Ryan, C. (2007) "From chaos to cohesion - Complexity in tourism structures: An analysis of New Zealand's regional tourism organizations", Tourism Management 28, pp. 854-862

Complexity theory and managment - a brief note

Complexity theory has been applied in various management subjects. This theory can make up a core theory to apply in dissertation study. I note the following references for illustration:

  1. Andriani, P. and Passiante, G. (editors) (2004) Complexity Theory and the Management of Networks, Imperial College Press.
  2. Houchin, K.and MacLean (2005) "Complexity Theory and Strategic Change: an Empirically Informed Critique", British Journal of Management Vol. 16, pp. 149-166.
  3. Jorg, T., Davis, B. and Nickmans, G. (2007) "Position paper: Towards a new, complexity science of learning and education", Educational Research Review 2, pp. 145-156.
  4. Monroy, M.C.O. (2003) "Chaos and Complexity Theory in Management: An Exploration from a Critical Systems Thinking Perspective", Systems Research and Behavioral Science Vol. 20, pp, 387-400.
  5. Murray, P.J. (1998) "Complexity Theory and the Fifth Discipline" Systemic Practice and Action Research Vol. 11 (3), pp. 275-293.
  6. Stacey, R.D., Griffin, D. and Shaw, P. (2000) Complexity and Management, Routledge
  7. Wheelan, S.A. (1996) "An Initial Exploration of the Relevance of Complexity Theory to Group Research and Practice", Systems Practice Vol. 9(1), pp. 49-70

Friday, 16 December 2011

The relationship between MPSB Research and Literature Review

MPSB Research is about reviewing various business disciplines  based on Critical Systems Thinking to make advancement in the theoretical development of Systems Thinking. It is apparent that such a reviewing process is closely related to the topic of literature review in the subject of Research Methods. I venture to describe the role of literature in the following diagram:

In this diagram, I emphasize the importance of using e-library to conduct literature review; the process is at the same time an MPSB knowledge compilation process, resulting in the construction of a theoretical framework that is essentially an MPSB framework. Such a framework is grounded in critical systems thinking. The MPSB framework is produced by the researcher which can  be described in the form of a root definition (with specific CATWOE elements) in Soft Systems Methodology terms. The diagram also reminds us of the critical awareness of the context of such a literature review exercise.

On browsing  e-library

Thursday, 15 December 2011

On Human Resource Development - a brief note

The subject of Human Resource Development (HRD) is a branch of study in Human Resource Management. It has its specific literature as follows:

On books
  1. Gilley, J.W. and Gilley, A.M. (2003) Strategically Integrated HRD, Perseus Publishing
  2. Woodall, J., Lee , M. and Stewart (editors) (2004) New Frontiers in HRD, Routledge

On journals
  1. Human Resource Development International, published by Routledge
  2. Human Resource Development Review, published by Sage Publications
  3. Advances in Human Developing Human Resources, published by Sage Publications

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Journal literature on Accounting - a brief note

When doing a dissertation project on  Accounting, you need to review academic literature on Accounting; there are academic journals on Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. I provide some examples for your reference

  1. Accounting and Business Research, published by Routledge
  2. Accounting, Auditng & Accountability Journal, published by Emerald
  3. Accounting Forum, published by Elsevier
  4. Accounting Horizons, published by American Accounting Association
  5. Accounting, Organizations and Society, published by Pergamon
  6. Accounting Research Journal, published by Emerald
  7. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, published b Elsevier
  8. Management Accounting Research, published by Elsevier
  9. Journal of Accounting Education, published by Pergamon
  10. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, published by Elsevier
  11. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, published by Emerald
  12. Journal of Accounting Research, published by Institute of Professional Accounting
  13. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, published  by JAI Press.
  14. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, published by Elsevier
  15. The British Accounting Review, published by Elsevier
  16. The International Journal of Accounting, published by University of Illinois
Try to browse through some of these journals to get stimulation  on what topics in accounting you could consider for your own dissertation/ independent study project works.

Journal literature on Corporate Finance - a brief note

Students doing independent study or dissertation projects in Financea and Accounting need to be aware of the relevant academic journals in Corporate Finance; they should review the relevant literature in this source. The following are some relevant academic journals:

  1. European Financial Management, published by Wiley
  2. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, published by Wiley
  3. Financial Management, published by Blackwell Publishing
  4. Financial Services Review, published by North-Holland
  5. International Finance, published by Blackwell Publishing.
  6. International Journal of Managerial Finance, published by Emerald
  7. International Review of Financial Analysis, published by Elsevier
  8. Journal of Banking & Finance, published by Elsevier
  9. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, published by Blackwell Publishing
  10. Journal of Corporate Finance, published by Elsevier
  11. Journal of Empirical Finance, published by Elsevier
  12. Journal of Financial Intermediation, published by Elsevier
  13. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, published by Blackwell Publishing
  14. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, published by Wiley
When doing your literature review on Financial Management, you also need to review the relevant professional journals in Finance and Accounting. Browsing through these journals also give you some ideas on what topics you could consider for your dissertation/ independent study project works.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Case study in Training & Development vs Research Projects -a brief note

Sometimes, students are not familiar with how to deal with case study materials in their dissertation works. Case studies are employed in two quite different situations:

  1. For Management Training and Development (also as course assignments): In this case, you are required to study a case and apply relevant management theories to address some specific tasks or assignment requirements. For that, case studies can come from journals such as Harvard Business Review. You can also find case studies in manageement textbooks. There are also academic journals on case studies for this purpose, such as Asian Journal of Management Cases, published by Sage Publications.
  2. For Dissertation/ Research projects: in this case, you use case study as a research method to address certain research objectives with practical and academic values. Major references are: Yin, R.K. (1989) Case Study Research, published by Sage Publications and Gerring, J. (2007) Case Study Research: Principles and Practices, Cambridge University Press.

The purpose of doing case study differs in these two types of activities.

Internet and e-Business - a brief note

The subject is called Introduction to the Internet and e-Business. This subject is at the Diploma level. It covers the following topics:

  1. B2B and B2C activities and the stakeholders involved
  2. Communication with stakeholders, e.g. in terms of marketing communication.
  3. Business value of a company's website
  4. Basic internet technologies, e.g. HTML, search engine, intranet   & extranet; internet protocol
  5. e-Business model of company
  6. Evaluation of a company's website design in terms of usability and legal requirements

Besides doing some internet search to learn the basic concepts of the subject, you should study a proper textbook on e-business on the topics noted above. A useful reference can be

Tassabehji, R. (2003) Applying E-Commerce in Business, Sage publications.

It is not quite essential to study academic journal articles for the subject requirements but it is still important to read a relevant textbook to learn the subject properly.

List of academic journals and books by business subjects

The following is a list of my blog articles on literature review by business subjects

  1. Economics:
  2. Information systems:
  3. Marketing:
  4. Tourism:
  5. Innovation management:
  6. Entrepreneurship:
  7. Corporate environmental management:
  8. Small and medium enterprise:
  9. Family business:
  10. Purchasing and Supply Management:
  11. Human resource management:
  12. Project management:
  13. Auditing:
  14. Corporate Finance:
  15. Accounting:
  16. Performance measurement and management:
  17. Global Business Management:
  18. Built environment:
There are other blog articles on more specific business topics; they are not listed in this article. The blog articles refer to academic journals and textbooks and you need to learn how to do browsing with university e-library.

Monday, 12 December 2011

On research methods textbooks on specific business subjects

There are general research methods textbooks and there are research methods textbooks for specific business disciplines. I provide some examples below:

  1. Ryan, B., Scapens, R.W., and Theobold, M. (2002) Research methods and methodology in Finance and Accounting, Thomson.
  2. Rogelberg, S.G. (editor) Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Blackwell Publishing
  3. Howcroft, D. and Trauth, E,M. (editors) (2005) Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research, Edward Elgar
  4. Humphrey, C, and Lee, B. (editors) (2004) The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research, Elsevier.
  5. Hackley, C. (2003) Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research, Routledge.
  6. Kock, N. (editor) (2007) Information Systems Action Research, Springer
  7. Anderson, V. (2004) Research Methods in Human Resource Management, published by Charterd Institute of Personnel and Development
  8. Oates, B.J. (2008) Researching Information Systems and Computing, Sage Publications
  9. Scarrott, M. (editors) (1999) Sports, Leisure and Tourism: Information Sources - A guide for researchers, Butterworth-Heinemann

These references are more likely to be read by Post-graduate students in their specific subject areas.

Journal literature in information systems management study

Students doing dissertation works in information systems management need to conduct literature review on information systems. The following journals are useful:

  1. Decision Support Systems, published by Elsevier
  2. European Journal of Information systems, published  by Operational Research Society Ltd.
  3. Information & Management, published by Elsevier
  4. International Journal of Information Management, published by Pergamon
  5. Information Systems Management
  6. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, published b Emerald
  7. Journal of Information Technology
  8. Journal of strategic information systeems, published by Elsevier
  9. Journal of Management Information Systems
  10. , published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Try to browse through some of these academic journals when doing your literature review  in Information Systems-related dissertation works. You need to do so via the university e-library. You can of course purchase journal articles from these publishers, if money is not a problem to you.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

On marketing literature in journals - a bref note

When doing dissertation projects in marketing, you need to review the literature on marketing. The literature review is huge. I am not offering online book catalogue. What I can provide is a list of some academic and professional journals on marketing. You need to review some of these journals if your dissertation topic is related to marketing:

  1. ABA Bank Marketing
  2. Direct Marketing, published by Emerald
  3. European Journal of Marketing, published by Emerald
  4. International Journal of Bank Marketing
  5. Internatonal Journal of Market Research, published by the Market Research Society
  6. International Journal of Research in Marketing, published by Elsevier
  7. Industrial Marketing Management, published by Elsevier
  8. Journal of Marketing Management, published by Routledge
  9. International Marketing Review, published by Emerald
  10. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, published by Academy of Marketing Science
  11. Journal of International Marketing, published by American Marketing Association
  12. Journal of Consumer Marketing, published by Emerald
  13. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, published by Wiley
  14. Journal of Database Marketing, published by Henry Stewart Publications
  15. Journal of Macromarketing, published by Sage Publications
  16. Journal of Marketing Management, published by Westburn Publishers
  17. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, published by Emerald
  18. Marketing Theory, published by Sage Publications
  19. Psychology & Marketing, published by Wiley
  20. Services Marketing Quarterly, published by Routledge
The list of journals should give you some idea on the volume of journal publications in this subject. Browse through some of these journals to get some stimulation in formulation of your dissertation topic.  You need to do your literature review when preparing your dissertation proposal, not after your proposal is approved by your dissertation supervisor.

A related academic forum:!/groups/282669242406/edit/

Dissertation topics as related to Financial Crisis - a brief note

Some students in Business Management and Accounting ask me whether they could choose the topic of Financial Crisis (e.g. 2007 global financial crisis) for their dissertation/ independent study report work. This topic area is, of course, appropriate for dissertation/ independent works. You need to formulate a more specific objective and question to address. Consider these two project objectives:

a. Assess the impacts of financial crisis on the financial management practices of companies in XXX sectors. [this objective is related to the subject of Financial Management]
b. Assess the crisis management capability of companies in XXX sec tors to cope with the financial crisis. [this objective is related to the subject of Crisis Management in Business Management]

When formulating your project proposal, you need to determine your standpoint, e.g. from the Financial Manager's perspective, or from the perspective for a broader range of stakeholders.

As you try to refine your project topic and objectives, you need to conduct a preliminary literature review. I note the following articles on Financial Crisis for your reference:

  1. Bancel, F. and Mittoo, U.R. (2011) "Financial flexibility and the impact of the global financial crisis: Evidence from France", International Journal of Managerial Finance Vol. 7(2), pp. 179-216.
  2. Marsden, C. (2010) "Economics, the financial crisis and corporate responsibility", Corporate Governance Vol. 10(4), pp. 360-364.
  3. Suetin, A. (2011) "Post-crisis developments in international financial markets", International Journal of Law and Management Vol. 53(1), pp. 51-61.
  4. Akinbami, F. (2011) "Financial services and consumer protection after the crisis", International Journal of Bank Marketing Vol. 29(2), pp. 134-147.

Besides the academic source mainly accessed via your university e-library, you should also conduct internet search to gather other relevant materals for your study. Moreover, you should try to relate your topic to specific subjects, e.g. Financial Management,  that are studied in your Degree programme. It is also useful to make use of 1 or 2 management theories or theoretical frameworks from the academic source to drive your research design. There are other issues to address when formulating project proposals, and they are examined in textbooks on Research Methods as well as in other blog articles in this blog of mine. These issues are not further discussed  here.

You could choose to study the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 instead of the more recent ones in US and Europe if you can explain how it can be related to your project objectives that have good practical and academic values. Learning from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis to tackle a legitimate concern is a good defense why the topic is not outdated.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

An overview of the literature on Tourism

Tourism is a broad subject and has been studied by quite a number  of Business Management students in their final year dissertation works. I note the following references:

On books
  1. Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D. andWanhill, S. (2005) Tourism principles and practice, Pearson Education.
  2. Matias, A., Nijkamp, P. and Neto, P. (editors) (2007) Advances in Modern Tourism Research, Physica- Verlag.
  3. Moscardo, G. (editor) (2008) Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development, CAB International.
  4. Swarbrooke, J. and Horner, S. (2001) Business Travel and Tourism, Butterworth Heinemann.

On journals
  1. Annals of Tourism Research, published by Pergamon.
  2. Current Issues in Tourism, published by Routledge
  3. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, published by Emerald.
  4. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, published  by Sage publications
  5. Tourism Geographies, published by Routledge
  6. Tourism Management, published by Elsevier.
  7. Tourism Review, published by Emerald.

Tourism is also covered in the subject of Hospitality Management.

A related academic forum:!/group.php?gid=309682730258

On innovation management - a brief note on the literature

 My review on the subject of innovation management spots the folllowing literature

On books
  1. Cogliandro, J.A. (2007) Intelligent Innovation, J.Ross Publishing.
  2. Dodgson, M. (2003) The Management of Technological Innovation, Oxford University Press.
  3. Hesselbein, F., Goldsmith, M. and Somerville, I. (2002) Leading for Innovation, Jossey-Bass.
  4. Morris, M.H.,Kuratko, D., and Covin, J.G. (2008) Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Thomson.
  5. Shavinina, L.V. (editor) (2003) The International Handbook on Innovation, published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

On journals
  1. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, published by Routledge
  2. Creativity and innovation management, published by Blackwell Publishing
  3. European Journal of Innovation Management, published by Emerald.
  4. Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, Published by Emerald.
  5. Journal of Product Innovation Management, published by Elsevier.

Articles on innovation management come up frequently in the business and engineering management journals. See also Ho (2011).

Friday, 9 December 2011

On topics related to entrepreneurship - a brief note

There are a number of themes that are related to the core topic area of entrepreneurship. By taking stock of the literature on entrepreneurship, the pattern of these inter-related themes  in entrepreneurship study is revealed.  The main specialized references as follows:

On books
  1. Etemad, H. (editor) (2004) International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Edward Elgar.
  2. Everett, R,F. (2009) The Entrepreneur's Guide to Marketing, Prager
  3. Morris, M.H.,Kuratko, D., and Covin, J.G. (2008) Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Thomson.
On journals
  1. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change (now out of print)
  2. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research,
  3. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, published by Emerald
  4. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, published by Emerald.
  5. Journal of Business Venturing, published by Elsevier.
  6. Social Enterprise Journal, published by Emerald.
  7. published by Emerald.

The topic has been covered in articles in various business journals from time to time.

Corporate environmental management - a study note

The subject of corporate environmental managment is getting huge; the topic will come up in subject asssignments and in dissertation projects for both business and engineering management students. I would like to provide some examples of this huge and fast growing academic literature here:

On books:
  1. Kutting, G. (2004) Globalization and the Environment, State University of New York Press
  2. Speth, J.G. and Haas, P.M.  (2006) Global Environmental Governance, Island Press.
  3. Staib, R. (editor) (2009) Business Management and Environmental Stewardship, Palgrave.

On journals
  1. Corporate Environmental Strategy, published by Elsevier
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, published by Wiley
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, published by Elsevier.
  4. Global Environmental Change, published by Elsevier
  5. Management of Environmental Quality, published by Emerald.
  6. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, published by Emerald.

All major professional bodies in engineering and business management, including accounting, publish articles and carry out studies as related to environmental management from time to time. Academic journals in business and engineering management cover this topic quite often. The topic of corporate environmental management is and will remain a major topic area in Business and Engineering Management studies.

Also refer to the topic of environmental resource management.

On small and medium enterprise (SME) study - a brief note

Small and mediumm enterprise (SME) as a subject is sometimes chosen by students for their final year dissertation projects. There is quite a big literature on it. Some examples are as  follows:

  1. Greenleaf publishing (2000) Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Environment: Business Imperatives, published by Greenleaf publishing.
  2. Liedholm, C. and Mead, D.C. (1999) Small Enterprises and Economic Development, Routledge.
  3. Megginson, W.L., Byrd, M.J. and Megginson, L.C. (2008) Small Business Management: an entrepreneur's guidebook, Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  4. Microsoft (2000) Small Business Solutions: E-Commerce, published by Microsoft.
  5. OECD (2001) Enhancing SME Competitiveness: the OECD Bologna Ministerial Conference, published by OECD.

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, published by Emerald is a relevant journal  for this subject. Articles on SME come up in various business journals from time to time.

On family business study - a brief note

Some students in Accounting & Finance and Business Management investigate issues as related to family business for their dissertation projects. There are books on this topic area. Examples are Gimeno, Baulenas and Cros (2010) and Rouvinez and Ward (2005). Relevant journals are Journal of Family Business Strategy, published by Elsevier and  Journal of Family Business Management, published by Emerald. The subject also comes up often in articles published in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, published by Emerald.

  1. Gimeno, A., Baulenas, G. and Cros, J.C. (2010) Family business models, palgrave.
  2. Rouvinez, D.K. and Ward, J.L. (2005) Family Business: Key Issues, palgrave.

On Human Computer Interaction for dissertation projects

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a Computer Science/ Information Systems subject. Sometimes, students would choose this topic area for their final year dissertation projects mainly because it is feasible to conduct usability evaluation of websites in the public domain. I provide the following HCI references to you:

  1. Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G.  and Beale, R. (1998) Human-Computer Interaction, Prentice Hall.
  2. Hackos, J.T. and Redish, J.C. (1998) User and Task Analysis for Interface Design, Wiley
  3. Mayhew, D.J. (1999) The Usability Engineering Lifecycle, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
  4. Nielsen, J. (2000) Designing Web Usability, New Riders.
  5. Nielsen, J. and Mack, R. (editors) (1994) Usability Inspection Method, Wiley.
The academic journal of Interacting with Computers, published by Elsevier, is useful journal reference on this subject. There are also articles on HCI published in information systems journals from time to time.

Please make sure that you do sufficient reading on these references before doing your final year projects on HCI.

About journals on General Management

There are a number of journals on general management; these journals are not quite academic in the sense in that their articles do not elaborate much on literature review nor on research methods used. They cover various topic areas in general management, e.g. human Resource Management, Information Technology management, Strategic Management, Marketing, Accounting & Finance, and Supply Chain Management, etc. As the articles are very often written by academics, somtimes by prominent professors, they can be used in literature review of your dissertation reports. I note the following journals for your reference:


  1. Business Horizons, published by Elsevier
  2. California Management Review
  3. European Management Journal, published by Elsevier
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. Journal  of General Management
  6. Sloan Management Review

Thursday, 8 December 2011

On online survey questionnaire - a brief note

Students doing dissertation projects or mini-dissertation projects (e.g. in the name of independent study) very often need to conduct online questionnaire survey. First of all, you need to study the research method of survey (e.g. Bailey (1994; Part 2). There are also articles about online surveys in business journals. Online survey facility  such as is free of charge.

Your survey questionnaire should be designed to support your research investigation needs, which should, in turn, be informed by your literature review. You also need to have knowledge of statistics, ie, descriptive statistics and statistical methods such as multiple regresssion analysis and chi-square test. You should also have some knowledge on the notions of reliability and validity in research methods. Armed with knowledge in research methods and statistics, you are now in a position to design an online  survey questionnaire.

When teaching and supervising students to do dissertation and independent study projects, I set up facebook forums for students so that they can post their online survey questionnaire in the forums for other fellow classmates to respond. This arrangement is feasible when there is a relatively large class size (or when you have lots of friends in your facebook).  It is a good practice to carry out a pilot survey to learn feedbacks on your survey questionnaire, as some of wordings are not clear in meaning to the respondents.

Photos on operations

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

  1. Bailey, K.D. (1994) Methods of Social Research, Free Press.
  2. Web-based questionnaire notes:
  3. Research methods blog articles:

On diversity management - a brief note

Diversity management is taught in the subjects of Human Resource Management and in Engineering Management.  It can be an interesting topic in dissertation works for business admin students. There are textbooks on diversity management such as:

  1. Clements, P. and Jones, J. (2006) The Diversity Training Handbook, Kogan Page.
  2. Moss, G. (editor) (2010) Profiting from Diversity, Palgrave.
  3. Ocon, R. (2006) Issues on Gender and Diversity Mangement, University Presss of America, Inc.

The journal of Equality Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, published by Emerald, is relevant. You could also find some articles on diversity management in human resource management journals and in general management journals.

On Purchasing and Supply Management study - a brief note

Some students would choose a topic in Purchasing and Supply Management for their dissertation works. There are textbooks on Purchasing and Supply Mangement; a good starting point is to visit the website of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply to learn about this subject from the professional body's perspective.  You can study for their programme in self-study mode, but this is not my main focus here. Their affiliate academic journal is Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, published by Elsevier. Journals in logistics management and supply chain management are relevant for literature review. Examples are:

  1. Journal of Supply Chain Management, published by the National Association of Purchasing Management,
  2. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, published by Taylor & Francis,
  3. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, published by Emerald
If your main topic is e-procurement, you should also study journals in information sytems for your literature review.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Improve English writing skill - a note

Quite a number of students ask me how to improve English writing skill. First of all, I am not a professional writer. Secondly, as a lecturer, I am aware of the fast deterioration of English writing skill of students over the few years. Since you ask me how to improve English writing skill, I understand that you are very concerned about it. So, I give you some suggestions.

First of all, you need to read business magazines, professional journals and some academic journals (yes, as a university student or a graduate, you need to). If you have time, reading novels in English is useful.
Secondly, carry a small English dictionary with you. Try to look up the dictionary that you do not understand; randomly browse through the dictionary to learn how specific words are used.
Thirdly, study some textbooks on English grammars from time to time. Back in 1982, I was a part-time teacher in Form 3-4 English. Thus, I am fully aware of the value of studying textbooks on English for improving English writing skill.
Fourthly, try to practise English writing skill, e.g. writing articles in English in your own blog.
Fifthly, you also need to read books on how to write specific types of reports, e.g. dissertation reports, management reports, and memo. etc. This is related to a subject called Business Communication.

These days, you could access online dictionary and watch video clips on lectures of all sort presented in English. There are also websites that provide online tutorials on English grammar. So, it is now  convenient to access materials to learn and improve your English writing skill.

At the end of the day, you need a good reason to convince yourself why you need to improve your English writing skill; if you really want to do so, you learn to adapt your learning approach and ensure you feel comfortable with the adjusted learning process...  Most of the required English grammar you have already learned in secondary school. Try not to spend more money to learn English by taking classes. For a university student or graduate to spend money to attend courses on Form 2-3 English is a bad idea. Buying some useful references on English writing skills is quite OK, or borrowing these books in libraries is also useful.

Your next question is: how to find time to do all these readings? My answer: Just do it and enjoy life.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Using Project management theories in dissertation works

From time to time, some information systems management and business management students ask me whether they can use project management theories in their dissertation works. I think it can be acceptable if the project management theories you are using are theoretically sophisticated enough. What does that mean? Basically, dissertation projects are projects. Thus, you can describe your dissertation projects in project management terms, such as GANTT charts. You can also make use of the concepts as explained in publications from the professional bodies of project management, such as Project Management Institute.

Since your dissertation works should have academic value, you need to consider some project management theories from the academic sources, such as:
  1. Engineering Project Organization Journal, published by Taylor & Francis
  2. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, published by Emerald,
  3. International Journal of Project Management, published by Elsevier

In this case, project management theories can still make up the core theoretical framework underlying your dissertation works. Even with that done, you need to also consider other business concepts to be applied in your dissertation works. This, in turn, will require you to carry out some intellectual synthesis effort in your literature review.

Business innovation study based on economic thinking - a brief note

Innovation management is a broad subject. Here, I want to describe a subject on innovation managemnet based on economic thinking. The main textbooks I was using were Pol and Carroll (2005a) and Pol and Carroll (2005b). Some of the key topics are:

  1. Creative economy
  2. Knowledge-based economy
  3. National innovation systems
  4. R&D activities
  5. Schumpeterian economics
The refereed journal of Research Policy, published  by Elsevier, is a highly relevant journal for this subject. The subject deepens our understanding of the subject of innovation management at the firm, industry, country and global levels.

  1. Pol. E. and Carroll, P. (2005a) An Introduction to economics with a view to Innovation, Innovation Planet.
  2. Pol. E. and Carroll, P. (2005b) An Introduction to the Creative Economy, Innovation Planet.

Browsing academic e-library - a brief note

Students doing assignments and dissertation reports need to get some inspirations on topic areas and topic themes; when doing literature review, again, students need to do e-library search. From my experience, solely relying on the search engine of e-library is not good enough. There must be some exploration effort involved and that e-library search engines ae not very powerful, in my view. I suggest that you visit some of the major academic publishers, such as Emerald or Wiley direct to do some browsing of academic journals. Exploring academic e-library is a very useful practical skill. [Try to make sure you can access university e-library after you graduate from your university. The major steps to do e-library browsing are shown in following diagrams, which are self-explanatory [your university e-library interface could be slightly different from that of my example though the feature of single sign on remains the same]:

Diagram 1: After you log into your university e-library with your user id and password, you should see a screen likes this

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

Diagram 6

Once you have downloaded some "interesting" articles, you could browse through the articles' abstracts to pick up some topic areas and issues that are of interest to you; as you continue with your browsing process, you try to develop your own assignment/ dissertation proposal themes and concerns. In the process, you will decide to spend more time to actually study some of the articles, not just browsing through these articles' abstracts.

In this example, I use Emerald as the academic publisher's website to study; you could try others, such as Wiley. Obviously, for literature review purpose, you also need to study some reference books and articles downloaded from the Internet via google search.

I find it useful to use a ebook, such as Amazon's kindle, to do the reading in this case, instead of printing out all the articles to study.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Research methods study - a brief note

Increasingly, students do not read textbooks, do not read academic articles and, do not read Research Methods references. Very often, students have difficulties to express ideas in English... Basically, these are labelled as academic stuff, not relevant to practical requirements. Thus, why study these readings if all is required is to gain a recognized certificate? I do believe otherwise. Here, I provide a reading list for you to learn Research methods. Studying the subject takes time; you will do well if you just ignore the time consideration and enjoy the learning process. The list is as follows:

Stage 1:
  1. Bailey, K.D. (1994) Methods of Social Research, Free Press.
  2. Chalmers, A.F. (1992) What is this thing called Science, Open University Press.
  3. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students, Prentice Hall.
  4. Mitroff, I.I. and Linstone, H.A. (1993) The Unbounded Mind, Open University Press.
  5. Lind, D.A., Marchal, W.G., Mason, R.D. (2001) Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics, McGraw Hill.

Stage 2:

  1. Gerring, J. (2007) Case Study Research, Cambridge University Press
  2. Bauer, M.W. and Gaskell, G. (editors) (2000) Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound, Sage Publications
  3. Griseri, P. (2002) Management Knowledge: a critical view, palgrave.
  4. Jackson, M.C. (2000) Systems Approaches to Management, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers.
  5. Morgan, G. (editor) (1983) Beyond Method: Strategies for social research, Sage.
Studying these books well for a start, and then move on to more specialized references, including academic journals on research methods, in your own pursuit to learn Research Methods.  Studying the books identified above takes several years. Just do not expect to learn the subject of Research Methods well in 3-4 months on a part-time basis. What the advertisements in the marketplace tell you about management education can be quite misleading...

On auditing - a brief note

There are three major branches in auditing: internal audit, external audit and information systems audit. Thus, students in accounting, business managementt and information systems all study auditing and could adopt auditing approaches in their final year dissertation works. I provide some relevant references to indicate the scope of the study:

  • Griffiths, P. (2005) Risk-based Auditing, Gower.
  • Millichamp, A.H. and Taylor, J.R. (2008) Auditing, South-western CENGAGE Learning.
  • Musaji, Y.F. (2002) Integrated Auditing of ERP Systems, Wiley.
  • Parker, X.L. (2003) IT Audits, ASPEN Publishers.
  • Pickett, K.S. and Pickett, J.M. (2005) Auditing for Managers, Wiley.
  • Pickett, K.H.S. (2004) The Internal Auditor at work, Wiley.
  • Reilly, P. (1999) The Human Resource Planning Audit, CSPLtd.
  • Weber, R. (1999) Information Systems Control and Audit, Prentice Hall.

There are a number of refereed journals on auditing, such as Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, published by Elsevier and International Journal of Auditing, published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

On financial services marketing - a brief note

Some students in business admin and information systems studied marketing or e-marketing in the financial servcies sector. It is important to note that when reviewing literature in marketing, you need to consider more specifically the literature of financial services marketing. The following textbook is useful for a start:

Harrison, T. (2000) Financial Services Marketing, Prentice Hall.

A relevant academic journal is International Journal of Bank Marketing, published by Emerald. Journal of Banking &  Finance published by Elsevier is also relevant for literature review purpose.

Marketing topics in the financial sector have been covered in general business and marketing journals from time to time, obviously.

On Management Information System (MIS) as a subject of study

Students in the Information System field should have studied Management Information Systems (MIS) at the Diploma level; increasingly, this is not the case. Many students do not want to read textbooks. I want to provide the following references on MIS to you.

  1. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P. (2004) Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall.
  2. Hagg, S., Cummings, M. and Dawkins, J. (2000) Management Information Systems for the information age, McGraw-Hill.
  3. Turban, E., Leider, D., Mclean, E., and Wetherbe, J. (2008) Information Technology for Management, Wiley.
There are other textbooks and academic journals on MIS and IT management, but these three textbooks are quite popular ones on MIS. So, do study them to learn MIS; you cannot learn MIS just by reading a few powerpoint notes before the examination.

Performance measurement and management - a brief note

Performance measurement and management is a muti-disciplinary subject that catches the attention from the theorists in management accounting, human resource management and industrial engineering, among others. I note the following references:

Human resource management-related
  • Armstrong, M. and Baron, A. (2007) Managing performance, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Management accounting-related
  • Broadbent, M. (1999) Measuring Business Performance, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
  • Williams, R.S. (2002) Managing Employee Performance, South-Western Cengage Learning.

The refereed journal of International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management published by Emerald is a highly relevant reference for this subject area.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

On decision support system - a brief note

Students mainly learn the term of decision support system (DSS) in the subject of Managment Information System (MIS). DSS as a subject is stimulating because of its focus on how information systems can support decision making processes of various kinds. There is a huge literature on the subject; some of the books on DSS are as follows:

  • Hopple, G.W. (1998) The state of the art in Decision Support Systems, QED Information Sciences, Inc.
  • Silver, M.S. (1991) Systems that support decision makers, Wiley
  • Sprague, Jr. R.H. and Watson, H.J. (editors) (1993) Decision Support Systems: putting theory into practice, Prentice Hall.
The refereed journal of Decision Support Systems, published by Elsevier is a key reference.

Some Internet resources:


Global Business Management - a brief note

The subject of global business management involves a number of sub-domains of study:

About the global business environment
  • Hill, C.W.L. (2009) Global Business Today, McGraw-Hill.
  • Park, S.J. (editor) (2003) Asia and Europe in the new global system, palgrave.
  • Rajan, R.S. (2003) Economic Globalization and Asia, Institute f Policy Studies.
  • Shin, J.S. (editor) (2007) Global Challenges and Local Responses, Routledge.
About global marketing management
  • Hollensen, S. (2004) Global Marketing, Prentice Hall.
About global human resource management
  • Scullion, H. and Collings, D.G. (editors) (2006) Global Staffing, Routledge.
  • Mejia, L.R.G. and Werner, S. (editors) (2008) Global Compensation, Routledge.
About global supply chain management
  • Cook, T.A. (2008) Managing Global Supply Chains, Auerbach Publications.
  • Wood, D.F., Barone, A.P., Murphy, P.R. and Wardlow, D.L. (2002) International Logistics, American Management Association.
About global financial management
  • Moffett, M.H. and Stonehill, A.I., Eiteman, D.K. (2006) Essentials of  Global Finance, Pearson Addison Wesley.
About global strategic management
  • Gupta, A.K. and Govindarajan, V. (2004) Global Strategy and Organization, Wiley.
  • Stonehouse, G., Campbell, D., Hamill, J. and Purdie, T. (2004) Global and Transnational Business: Strategy and Management, Wiley.

There are also academic journals on global business management such as International Business Review, Global Business Review, published by Sage Publications, Global Strategy Journal, published by Wiley, Thunderbird International Business Review, published by Wiley and Journal of Multinational Financial Management published by Elsevier.

A related academic forum:!/group.php?gid=277360354171

Friday, 2 December 2011

Globalization and internationalization: a brief note

The terms of globalization and internationalization appear similar; they have major differences: globalization is a more multidimensional/ multi-disciplinary concept while internationalization is mainly business in perspective. Globalization focuses on the macro level, often transcending the interest of a particular country; internationalization focuses on the industry- and firm-level in business study. These two terms have been defined in various ways in the literature. I note the following references in these topic areas:

On globalization

  1. Rajan, R.S. (2003) Economic globalization and Asia, World Scientific
  2. Zolo, D. (2007) Globalisation: an overview, ECPR.
On internationalization
  1. Auer, P., Besse, G., Meda, D. (editors) (2006) Offshoring and the internationalization of employment, proceedings of the France/ILO symposium, 2005.
  2. Wheeler, C., McDonald, F., and Greaves, I. (editors) (2003) Internationalization: firm strategies and management, palgrave.
These two topics have been much discussed in academic journals.

On talent management - a brief note

Talent management is a key topic in human resource management. There are articles and books on this topic. I note the following references

  1. Cheese, P., Thomas, R.J. and Craig, E. (2008) The talent powered organization, KoganPage.
  2. Ready, D.A., Hill, L.A. and Conger, J.A. (2008) "Winning the race for talent in emergnig markets", Harvard Business Review November, pp. 63-70.
  3. Levin, R. and Rosse, J. (2001) Talent Flow, Jossey-Bass.
  4. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. "Talent management: A critical review" Human Resource Management Review16, pp. 139-154.

On empowerment - a brief note

Empowerment is key topic in general management and human resource management. Lots of articles have been written about it. I note the following references:

  1. Dewettinck, K. and Ameijde, M. v. (2011) "Linking leadership empowerment behaviour to employee attitudes and behavioural intentions", Personnel Review 40(3) pp. 284-305.
  2. Sims, Jr.,H.P., Faraj, S. and Yun, S. (2009) "When should a leader be directive or empowering? How to develop your own situational theory of leadership", Business Horizons 52, 149-158.
  3. Sigler, T.H. and Pearson, C.M. (2000) "Creating an empowering culture: examining the relationship between organizational culture and perceptions of empowerment", Journal of Quality Management 5, pp. 27-52.
  4. Story, M.R. (1995) "The Secrets of Successful Empowerment", National Productivity Reviw Summer, pp. 81-90.

A relevant journal is Participation & Empowerment published by MCB University Press.

Service failure and recovery - a brief note

The topic of "service failure and service recovery" appears to be a popular dissertation topic for business students. My review note the following references

  1. Kim, M.G., Wang, C., Mattila, A.S. (2010) "The relationship between consumer complaining behavior and service recovery: an integrative review" International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 22(7), pp. 975-991.
  2. Lanza, A.B.d.R., Casielles, R.V. and Martin, A.M.D. (2009) "Satisfaction with service recovery: perceived justice and emotional responses" Journal of Business Research 62, pp. 775-781.
  3. Robinson Fr., L., Neeley, S.E., and Williamson, K. (2011) "Implementing service recovery through customer relationship management: identifying the antecedents" Journal of Servides Marketing 25/2, pp. 90-100.
  4. Sari, S., Slatten, T., Svensson, G., and Edvardsson, B. (2011) "A sos construct of negative emotions in customers' service experience (cse) and service recovery by firms (srf)" Journal of Servides Marketing 25/5, pp. 323-335.
Also refer to service recovery paradox and service recovery practices.

Supply chain risk - a brief note

My preliminary review of supply chain risk note the following references:

  1. Pfohl, H.C, Kohler, H. and Thomas, D. (2010) "State of the art in supply chain risk management research: empirical and conceptual findings and a roadmap for the implementation in practice" Logist. Res. 2, pp. 33-44.
  2. Rao, s. and Goldsby, T.J. (2009) "Supply chain risks: a review and typology" The International Journal of Logistics 20(1), pp. 97-123.
  3. Schoenherr, T., Tummala, V.M.R and Harrison, T.P. (2008) "Assessing supply chain risks with the analytic hierarchy process" Providing decision support for the offshoring decision of a US manufacturing company", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14, pp. 100-111.
  4. Trkman, P. and McCormack, K. (2009) "Supply chain risk in turbulent environments", International Journal of Production Economics 119, pp, 247-258.

Also refer to supply chain risk  management.

On autopoiesis - a brief note

The topic of autopoiesis has been studied for many years and is a vital topic in the systems literature. The following references are noted in my review:

  1. Bailey, K.D. (1997) "Research paper: The Autopoiesis of social systems" Systems Research and Behavioural Science 14, pp. 83-100.
  2. Kay, R. (2001) "Research paper: Are organizations autopoietic? A call for new debate" Systems Research and Behavioural Science 18, pp. 461-477.
  3. Koskinen, K.U. (2009) "Research article: Project-based company vital condition: structural coupling. An Autopoietic View" Knowledge and Process Management 16(1) 13-22.
  4. Mingers, J. (1995) Self-producing systems, Plenum.
  5. Tsuchiya, Y. (2007) "Research paper: Autopoietic Viable System Model" Systems Research and Behavioural Science 24, pp. 333-346.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Built environment literature - a brief note

My initial review of academic journals related to the subject domain of Built Environment spots the following refereed journals:

From Emerald Group Publishing
  1. Built Environment Project and Asset Management
  2. Construction Innovation
  3. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
  4. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment
  5. Journal of European Real Estate Research
  6. Journal of Facilities Management
  7. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
  8. Journal of Place Management and Development
  9. Property Management
From Elsevier Ltd
  1. Building and Environment
  2. Fire Safety Journal
From Taylor& Francis
  1. International Journal of Strategic Property Management
Sage Publications
  1. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, published by Sage Publications, on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
  2. Indoor and Built Environment

A related academic forum:!/group.php?gid=108145759233377