Sunday 26 May 2024

The generic form of a management-concerns diagram of the agile literature review approach (ALRA)

The generic form of a management-concerns diagram of the agile literature review approach (ALRA) (the consulting-oriented type).

There are three zones in the diagram:

Zone 1: on environmental drivers

Zone 2: on organizational capabilities

Zone 3: on outcomes and solutions

Zone 3a: outcomes-related

Zone 3b: solutions-related

The diagram has a number of items:

i. Management concerns (MC) items

ii. Urgent management concerns (UMC) items

The title of the management-concerns diagram should make clear the organizational unit of analysis.

It is also possible that the researcher has already chosen 1-2 items in the diagram as the core-focus-domain ones. In this case, the diagram looks like the following:

By default, the ALRA (consulting-oriented project type) is employed in a case study research (re: an introductory video on case study research: "a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence").

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