Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Types of tree branch of the academic literature review tree of the ALRA (academic-oriented project type): a note

Types of tree branch of the academic literature review tree in the ALRA (academic-oriented project type): a note

This brief note describes the two types of tree branch of the academic literature review tree. First of, let's take a look of an example of the academic literature review tree, as follows:

This academic literature review tree has three tree branches. They are:
Tree branch 1
Tree branch 2
Tree branch 3

The original nodes of these tree branches represent the three research objectives of a dissertation project. Moreover, by reviewing the original nodes of these tree branches, one can say that:
Tree branches 1 and 2 require investigation effort dominated by (i) scientific reasoning [SR] (notably inductive and deductive reasoning) and (ii) the aspiration to achieve scientific goals. The research objectives are about gathering and analyzing empirical data. Thus, their tree type can be labelled as SR type; they are SR tree branches.
Tree branch 3 is about formulation of strategies. The investigation effort is dominated by (i) design thinking [DT] and (ii) the design thinking process goal of creating a desirable, feasible and viable solution. As such, its tree type is labelled as DT type. It is a DT tree branch.

By heeding the tree type of a tree branch, the researcher is more aware of what kind of research method is favored as well as what kind of academic ideas and theories to employ on this tree branch. 

In summary, there are two types of tree branch:
The SR tree branch and the DT tree branch.

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