Sunday 15 September 2024

Asking Chatgpt to provide a preliminary Research Ethics assessment of a dissertation proposal: a note for MBA students

Asking Chatgpt to provide a preliminary Research Ethics assessment of a dissertation proposal: a note for MBA students

The following is an account of my discussion with Chatgpt (via on a preliminary Research Ethics assessment of a dissertation proposal: 

My question is: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently working on a more refined version my dissertation proposal. At this stage, my dissertation proposal needs to go through an assessment with regard to research ethics. Could you provide a research ethics assessment of my dissertation proposal, shown as follows:

"Research Proposal: Factors Influencing Corporate Merger Failures and Negative Impacts


Provide a brief background on the significance of corporate mergers and the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to merger failures.

Highlight the need to investigate the negative impacts of unsuccessful mergers on organizations, employees, and stakeholders.

State the overall aim of the research project and the key research questions.

Literature Review:

Critically review the existing literature on corporate mergers, with a focus on the factors that lead to merger failures.

Examine theories and empirical studies that explore the underlying causes of merger failures, such as cultural clashes, integration challenges, leadership issues, and strategic misalignment.

Discuss the potential negative consequences of unsuccessful mergers, including financial losses, reduced organizational performance, employee turnover, and impact on stakeholders.

Identify gaps in the current literature that your research aims to address.

Research Methodology:

Explain the adoption of a pragmatic research philosophy, which allows for the use of mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem.

For the primary data collection, outline the plan to conduct small-scale interviews with key stakeholders involved in past corporate mergers, such as executives, integration managers, and human resource professionals.

Describe the process of selecting the interview participants, the interview guide, and the approach to data analysis (e.g., thematic analysis).

Discuss the use of secondary data sources, such as financial reports, industry publications, and case studies, to corroborate and supplement the insights gained from the interviews.

Expected Outcomes and Contributions:

Outline the expected outcomes of the research, which may include the identification of critical factors that contribute to corporate merger failures.

Discuss the potential implications of the research findings for organizations considering mergers, highlighting the practical insights that can inform decision-making and merger integration strategies.

Explain how the research findings may contribute to the existing body of knowledge on corporate mergers and provide a foundation for future research in this field.

Timeline and Resources:

Provide a detailed timeline for the various stages of the research project, including the literature review, primary data collection, data analysis, and the writing of the dissertation."

Outline the resources required to conduct the research, such as access to interview participants, secondary data sources, and any necessary software or tools for data analysis."

The reply from Chatgpt is: "Here’s a research ethics assessment for your dissertation proposal titled "Factors Influencing Corporate Merger Failures and Negative Impacts." This assessment will help ensure that your research adheres to ethical standards and considers the implications of your work.

Research Ethics Assessment

1. Informed Consent

Requirement: Ensure that all participants in your interviews provide informed consent. They should be fully aware of the research purpose, their involvement, potential risks, and their right to withdraw at any time without penalty.

Implementation: Develop clear consent forms that outline the research objectives and participant rights. Consider including information on confidentiality and data usage.

2. Confidentiality and Anonymity

Requirement: Protect the identity of interview participants and any sensitive information shared during the research process.

Implementation: Use pseudonyms or codes for participants in your data analysis and reporting. Ensure that any identifying details are removed or altered in published findings.

3. Data Protection

Requirement: Comply with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, if applicable) regarding the collection, storage, and processing of personal data.

Implementation: Securely store data in password-protected files and limit access to authorized personnel only. Clearly outline how long data will be retained and when it will be destroyed.

4. Minimizing Harm

Requirement: Assess and minimize any potential harm to participants, organizations, or stakeholders involved in the research.

Implementation: Be sensitive when discussing merger failures, which may involve emotional or financial distress. Prepare to provide support resources or referrals if participants feel distressed during interviews.

5. Research Integrity

Requirement: Ensure that your research is conducted with honesty and integrity, avoiding fabrication or misrepresentation of data.

Implementation: Maintain thorough documentation of all research processes and findings. Be transparent about your methodology and acknowledge any limitations in your study.

6. Conflict of Interest

Requirement: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research process or findings.

Implementation: Clearly state any personal, financial, or professional relationships that may affect the research outcomes in your proposal.

7. Ethical Review

Requirement: Submit your research proposal for ethical review by your institution’s ethics committee.

Implementation: Prepare all required documentation, including your research proposal, consent forms, and any supplementary materials for the ethics committee's review.

8. Impact on Stakeholders

Requirement: Consider the broader implications of your research findings on organizations, employees, and stakeholders.

Implementation: Discuss in your proposal how your research will be used and communicated to avoid misinterpretation or misuse of findings that could harm stakeholders.


By addressing these ethical considerations, your dissertation proposal will not only comply with academic standards but also contribute to responsible research practices. This assessment serves as a guide to help you navigate the ethical landscape of your research, ensuring that you respect and protect the rights and well-being of all participants involved."

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