Friday 6 September 2024

Asking chatgpt to organize dissertation proposal content: a note for MBA students

 Asking chatgpt to organize dissertation proposal content: a note for MBA students

The following account is how I ask Chatgpt (via to produce a more organized dissertation proposal based on an uploaded dissertation proposal.

My request 1 is: "I am a part-time MBA student; I have produced a draft of my dissertation proposal; but some of the content appears a bit disorganized. Additionally, I need to specify that my research philosophy to use is pragmatism. Could you take a a look at my attached proposal and come up with (1) a more organized section on research objectives and (2) research methodology, with three clearly stated research methods, i.e. desk research on magazine, newspaper and journal articles to be analyzed with thematic analysis and content analysis, desk research to study annual reports and external statistics to be analyzed with multiple regression analysis and (3) semi-structured interview of ex-colleagues about merger failures and merger failure consequences to be analyzed with thematic analysis. Other ideas are in the attached document."

My request 2 is: "I am also concerned that my content on the "literature section" about factors that cause merger failures and merger failure consequences is a bit disorganized. Could you produce another one with more organized content based on my uploaded document too? Many tks."

*** In order to maintain the confidentiality of my student's proposal content, I will not include the answers of Chatgpt here. The aim of this blog note is to demonstrate how to converse with Chatgpt with a specific aim.

Finally, before you adopt the content generated by Chatgpt, you should enhance the content further and paraphrase the content from Chatgpt also.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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