Research objective justification and the intended project values to be created: a note on dissertation projects (two types), notably for MBA students learning the agile literature review approach (ALRA):
Type 1: For consulting-oriented dissertation projects:
The justification: Research objectives are the direct response to the management concerns to be addressed in the dissertation project; the research objectives are management-concerns derived.
The intended project values: (i) addressing the management concerns create the dissertation project's practical value; (ii) reflecting on the dissertation project experience of using chosen academic theories and research methods leads to some concrete (preferably original) knowledge which contributes to the theoretical development/ refinement of the topics (about the theories and research methods employed); in this case, the project creates some academic value.
Type 2: For academic-oriented dissertation projects:
The justification: Research objectives are the direct response to the research gaps (identified from the research gap analysis [in the topic of literature review]) to be addressed in the dissertation project; the research objectives are research gap-derived.
The intended project values: (i) addressing the research gaps create the dissertation project's academic value; (ii) reflecting on the dissertation project experience of the research investigation on the research gaps under examination leads to some concrete (preferably) knowledge useful to real-world management practices; this is the case if curiosity on the research gaps chosen to be studied are also triggered by certain real-world management concerns at the company and/ or business sector levels. In this regard, the project also generates some practical value.