Monday, 21 August 2023

On idiosyncratic use of theoretical framework in literature review: a note

On idiosyncratic use of theoretical framework in literature review: a note

On the construction of theoretical framework in literature review, the researcher needs to adapt the synthesized theoretical framework to respond to the idiosyncratic nature of the case study. First of all, conduct the following exercise on: "to evaluate the Human Resource Management function of ABC Ltd with special regard to employee recruitment" {the research objective}

Try to synthesize the two models using the patterns of theoretical framework options guidance.

Model 1: on HRM structure (source)

Model 2: on employee recruitment (source)

Due to the idiosyncratic nature of the case study of the researcher, the literature review outcome, in the form of a synthesized theoretical framework, will specify some theoretical items being more important than others to inform the research method design and subsequent analysis effort. In this respect, you, the researcher, could highlight specific theoretical framework items as having higher priority of application in your research project; this is indicated in the items being highlighted in orange color in the frameworks (and subsequently in the synthesized theoretical framework). The highlighted items are shown as follows:

Note: I did not perform any theoretical framework synthesis here; the diagram above is only meant to indicate usage of items highlighted in the models used. This essentially suggests that it is not compulsory to use all the items (e.g. concepts and variables) in all the models to be considered in your particular literature review exercise. This is because each case to be studied has its unique idiosyncratic (i.e. situational specific) considerations.

Monday, 14 August 2023

Theoretical framework (composite type) construction exercises for ALRA study

Theoretical framework (composite type) construction exercises for ALRA study: 2 exercises

{composite type: i.e. synthesizing models from 2 different management topics}

Exercise 1[managerial competence + employee retention]: the research objective: to evaluate the managerial competence with regard to employee retention [for ABC Ltd]

Model 1 : managerial competence (source)

Model 2: employee retention (source)

Exercise 2 [innovation capability + product innovation]: Research objective : to evaluate the innovation capability with regard to product innovation [for ABC Ltd]

Model 1: innovation capability (source)

Model 2: product innovation (source)

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Patterns of theoretical framework-A in ALRA for housing studies

Patterns of theoretical framework-A: a note on pattern types in the agile literature review approach (ALRA) for academic-oriented project work. [for housing studies]

For this discussion, all the concept bricks and conceptual frameworks are sourced from the academic literature on the topic theme under investigation, e.g. homelessness, innovation barriers, etc.

Pattern 1: New toying with concept bricks

Note: New toying is about constructing a system of concepts (concept bricks with linkages) from a loose assemblage of concepts.

Pattern 2: Framework add-on

Note: Framework add-on is about attaching a few more concepts onto an existing system of concepts (notably a theoretical or a conceptual framework).

Pattern 3: Framework fusion

Note: Framework fusion is about merging two theoretical/ conceptual frameworks into one framework, most likely with some restructuring of concept relationships from the two frameworks.

Pattern 4: Concept layering

Note: Concept layering is about recognizing some concepts as containing systems of other concepts. Some usage of grounded theory coding could be useful for this concept layering exercise.

Pattern 5: Framework customization

Note: Framework customization is about constructing a tailor-made framework by picking and plugging together concepts from diverse source so as to serve a concrete application purpose.

Pattern 6: Framework restructuring

Note: Framework restructuring involves changing some relationships between concepts from a theoretical/ conceptual framework (or a merged framework).

Pattern 7: Concept mutation in framework

Note: items, 2, 4 and 5 are mutated concepts. That is, the definitions of the concepts have been revised (e.g. via amending a particular concept definition [e.g., item 5] or merging 2 or more concept definitions as one [e.g. items 2 and 4].

These seven framework patterns are generic pattern types; in actual theoretical framework-A construction, it is likely that the constructed theoretical framework-A adopts features from more than one pattern type. A theoretical framework-A is formulated, based on literature review by the researcher, to, first of all, come up with specific research gaps to be responded to in the researcher's dissertation project, and, subsequently, to refine the research gaps and their derived research objectives of the dissertation project. With regard to research strategy, the theoretical framework-A construction effort endorses theory-building research work that is able to produce, with intellectual justification, usable theories (including methodologies and conceptual frameworks) for a specific domain of practical applications). The reason is that the ALRA was developed from the outset for the MBA students to employ in their dissertation project works, with much stress on the practical value of their project work.

The framework construction itself is an evolutionary prototyping process, thus an agile process.

The discussion of theoretical framework-A construction in terms of pattern types remind us the importance of higher level of learning as postulated in Bloom's taxonomy for learning.

A related study note: three exercises on this topic. Also study the note on items highlighting in theoretical framework construction.

The four deliverables of the agile literature review approach (ALRA) for academic-oriented projects (housing studies)

The four deliverables of the agile literature review approach (ALRA) for academic-oriented projects (housing studies): 

For Housing Studies students to use the agile literature review approach to work on academic-oriente projects, I recommend them to produce the following four deliverables:

Deliverable 1: A research gap-translation diagram: a research gap-translation diagram indicates the endeavor to firm up on the overall research gap (Domain C) about "inadequate usable theories and supportive empirical findings for informing the analysis of the intellectual curiosity of the researcher in Domain A" (Domain A being the triggering point of intellectual curiosity of the researcher). The basic format is as follows:

Deliverable 1 is to be inserted in Chapter 1 [Introduction] of the dissertation report.

Note 1: the theory-based translation process (component B) most likely works from component A to component C [path 1: common], but it might work from component C to component A [path 2: uncommon]. 

Note 2: the triggering point of intellectual curiosity is most likely located in component A while the gross research gap position statement unavoidably resides in component C.

Deliverable 2: Research gap-objective table: the research gap-objective table states the research gap items of the dissertation project, as arrived at via the research gap analysis.

Research gap-objective table

Research gap items to be addressed (main and minor)

Associated research objectives

Research gap (main) item 1

Research objective 1 (main)

Research gap (main) item 2

Research objective 2 (main)

Research gap (minor) item 3

Research objective 3 (minor)

Research gap (minor) item 4

Research objective 3 (minor)



# note 1: the dissertation title should mainly capture the concerns of the main research objective(s).

note 2: research gap items are academic topics/ concepts, variables and variable linkages that are controversial, less than clear (maybe due to their newness), and not adequately supported/ verified by empirical findings in the academic literature. When appeared in the research gap table of the student's dissertation report, they are the ones to be studied in the student's dissertation project.

# note 3: the main research gap items and their associated main research objectives constitute the core-focus-domain of the dissertation project.

# note 4: the research gap-objective table is the output of the preliminary literature review exercise of the student. Subsequently, it is inserted in the dissertation report, chapter 1 (introduction).

note 5: try to focus on research gaps that imply inadequate attention in the academic literature to one to three closely related contemporary business issues, either  (i) broadly or, better still, (ii) for a specific background setting.

Deliverable 3: Theoretical framework-A: Theoretical framework-A consolidates and organizes the main concepts and variables gathered from the student's literature review. The theoretical framework should also indicates the location of the research gap items as the theoretical framework is driven by the research gap items (re: the research gap table) as chosen by the student. Theoretical framework-A is the output of the evolutionary prototyping (and intellectual learning) process of literature review carried out by the student. Subsequently, it is inserted in the dissertation report, Chapter 2 (literature review). The following theoretical framework-A is illustrative:

Theoretical framework-A

## note 1: In the dissertation report, Chapter 2 (literature review), the student needs to examine the items, the item linkages and the research gap items in the theoretical framework-A with explicit reference to the relevant academic references (possibly with a few nonacademic references to capture some idiosyncratic nature of the theoretical framework in response to the specific research topic background of this dissertation project).

Deliverable 4: Theoretical framework-B: Theoretical framework-B is theoretical framework-A with mapped-on research methods. It is the output of the research methodology formulation exercise by the student. Subsequently, it is inserted in the dissertation report, Chapter 3 (research methodology). The framework is illustrated in the following diagram:

Theoretical framework-B

Regarding the theoretical framework-B above, research method 1 is interview research; research method 2 is questionnaire survey; research method 3 is observational research; research method 4 is desk research. Finally, research method 5 is also desk research.

It is quite possible that students may come up with some additional diagrams and tables to present their research ideas. As an agile (lightweight) approach, the writer deems it appropriate to offer the most basic deliverables (in total 4 deliverables) vital for employing the ALRA in this regard.

A comparison of the two agile literature review approaches for housing studies

 A comparison of the two agile literature review approaches (ALRAs) for housing studies

ALRA for academic-oriented projects

ALRA for consulting-oriented projects

 Table of contents

 Tables of contents

Diagrams employed 1:

1. The four deliverables: basic information.

Diagrams employed 1:

1. A note on theoretical framework level-0

2. A note on theoretical framework level-1a

3. A note on theoretical framework level-1c

4. A note on zoning in the ALRA.(also covering the housing-concerns diagram).

 Diagrams employed 2:

1. Illustrative examples

 Diagrams employed 2:

No fully developed examples for illustration


1. Patterns of theoretical framework

2. Three exercises on framework construction.


1. Patterns of theoretical framework

Friday, 11 August 2023

Illustrative examples of the four deliverables of the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented type - Housing Studies)

 Drawing on my study note on the research gap-translation exercise to firm up on a research gap idea, I present an example on each of the four agile literature review approach (ALRA) deliverables for an academic-oriented dissertation project [for Housing Studies] as follows:

Deliverable 1: a research gap-translation diagram:

A research gap-translation diagram indicates the endeavor to firm up on the overall research gap (Domain C) about "inadequate usable theories and supportive empirical findings for informing the analysis of the intellectual curiosity of the researcher in Domain A" (Domain A being the triggering point of intellectual curiosity of the researcher).

For component Cthe gross research gap position statement could be expressed in a clearer style as follows: the existing academic literature on the topic of homelessness is inadequate to [help the researcher] to find out the homelessness and [homeless] dynamic for generation X in Shamshuipo [as indicated in component A]. Such gross research gap position statement subsequently supports the formation of a number of research gap items as stated in the research gap-objective table (Deliverable 2).

Deliverable 2: a research gap-objective table:

Research gaps

Corresponding research objectives

Research gap item 1 (main): inadequate  existing empirical studies as well as usable theories to find out and analyze the crisis accommodation of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo

Research objective 1 (main): to conduct empirical research and develop more usable theories on the crisis accommodation of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo.

Research gap item 2 (main): inadequate  existing empirical studies as well as usable theories to find out and analyze the short-term crisis of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo

Research objective 2 (main): to conduct empirical research and develop more usable theories on the short-term crisis of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo

Research gap item 3 (minor): inadequate existing empirical studies as well as usable theories to find out and analyze the homelessness risk of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo

Research objective 3 (minor): to conduct empirical research and develop more usable theories on the homelessness risk of the homeless generation X in Shamshuipo


Note: the core-focus-domain comprises the two main research objectives of 1 and 2.

Deliverable 3: theoretical framework-A

Note: the illustrative example of theoretical framework makes use of the diagram obtained via Google search (source). In actual practice, a customized theoretical framework should be the output of the idea synthesis effort from the research project student.

Deliverable 4: theoretical framework-B

Research method 1: Interview research

Research method 2: Observational research

Research method 3: Desk research

Research method 4: Questionnaire survey

A related reading: on the theory measurement unit of the theory-based research gap-translation process.

Housing Studies dissertation report chapter 6 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented type)

Housing Studies dissertation report chapter 6 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented type)

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

6.1. Chapter introduction

6.2. An evaluation of the project outcomes with references to the research objectives of the project

6.2.1. An evaluation in terms of research objective 1

6.2.2. An evaluation in terms of research objective 2

6.2.3. An evaluation in terms of research objective 3

6.3. An overall assessment of the academic and practical values of the dissertation project

6.3.1. An assessment of the academic value of the project findings

6.3.2. An assessment of the practical value of the project findings, notably on recommendations with regard to specific real-world housing related practices

6.4. Concluding remarks and suggested future research works to perform (as recommendations)

Housing Studies Dissertation report chapter 5 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented type)

Housing Studies Dissertation report chapter 5 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented type) 

Chapter 5: Discussion of findings

5.1. Chapter introduction: the objectives and approach of the findings discussion

5.2. Evaluation on the findings of individual research methods
5.2.1. Evaluation on the research findings of research method 1 and the resultant discussion findings highlighted
5.2.2. Evaluation on the research findings of research method 2 and the resultant discussion findings highlighted
5.2.3. Evaluation on the research findings of research method 3 and the resultant discussion findings highlighted

5.3. An examination on the discussion findings in terms of the theoretical framework-A and the research gap-objective table of the project

5.4. A summary of the overall discussion results on the main discussion findings

Housing studies Dissertation Report Chapter 4 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented types)

Housing studies Dissertation Report Chapter 4 template for the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented types)

 Chapter 4: Presentation of research findings

4.1. Chapter introduction: the objectives and approach of the analysis
4.2. Findings from individual research methods: highlights
4.2.1. Main findings from research method 1
4.2.2. Main findings from research method 2
4.2.3. Main findings from research method 3

4.3 Some observations of research findings in terms of the research methods flowchart 

4.4. Findings in terms of the theoretical framework-B and the research gap-objective table of the project

4.5. A synthesis of the main research findings: some overall comments

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 3: Research Methodology (for academic-oriented project type)

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 3: Research Methodology (for academic-oriented project type)

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction on the research methodology of the dissertation project

3.2. An overview of the research methods employed with reference to the project research gaps and research objectives

*** insert the theoretical framework-B here.

3.3. A description and justification of the research methods used.

3.3.1. Primary research methods used Research method 1 Research method 2 Research method 3

3.3.2 Secondary research methods used

3.3.3. A flow-chart view of the research methodology

3.3.4. A discussion of the research methodology in terms of the research onion framework

3.3.5. A brief discussion of the theory-building effort with the chosen research methods

3.3.6. An evaluation of the research methods in terms of research method quality criteria

3.4. Concluding remarks of the chapter

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 2: Literature Review (for academic-oriented project type)

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 2: Literature Review (for academic-oriented project type)

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2. A brief description of the theoretical framework [housing related] with research gap indication for portraying (i) the literature review scope, (ii) literature search strategy, and (iii) literature review approach

*** insert the theoretical framework-A here.

2.3. An account of the literature review findings with reference to the theoretical framework-A.

2.4. Concluding remarks for Chapter 2

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 1: Introduction (for academic-oriented project type)

Housing Studies Dissertation Report Chapter 1: Introduction (for academic-oriented project type)

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. A brief introduction of the housing-related topic theme, project background, the researcher's positionality and the triggering point of intellectual curiosity.

*** insert the research gap-translation diagram here.

1.2. A description of the research gaps and the corresponding research objectives of the dissertation project, with specific reference to specific real-world housing-related phenomena in mind.

*** insert the research gap-objective table here.

1.3 An overview of the dissertation report structure

Table of content template for Housing Studies academic-oriented dissertation projects

Table of content template for Housing Studies academic-oriented dissertation projects (suggested report length: 10,000 - 12,000 words)

Dissertation project title

Table of contents
List of figures and tables

Chapter 1: Introduction 

< word count figure: XXX>


Framework construction exercises for the subject of the agile literature review approach [housing studies]

Framework construction exercises for the subject of the agile literature review approach [for housing studies]

Task: to construct a single framework using 2 frameworks provided and the theoretical framework pattern options as described in my blog note. There are three exercises: the first one on homelessness; the second one on housing affordability, and the third one on home ownership.

Exercise 1: homelessness

Model 1 (source)

Model 2 (source)

Exercise 2: housing affordability

Model 1: (source)

Model 2 (source)

Exercise 3: home ownership

Model 1 (source)

Model 2 (source)

Theoretical framework construction is mainly carried out for the construction of theoretical framework-A in the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented project type). It is also useful for literature review and idea synthesis for the core-focus-domain items in the agile literature review approach (consulting-oriented project type).