Thursday, 3 August 2023

A fake Proposal sample for the academic-oriented dissertation project (for the ALRA)

A fake Proposal sample for the academic-oriented dissertation project (for the ALRA) [recommended word count: 1,500 words]

Project title: An investigation on the internal innovation barriers of "owners/ managers characteristics" and "firm characteristics" for the BBB sector in Hong Kong: an empirical research

Project background

This dissertation project examines some research gap issues as related to the topic of innovation barriers on XYZ applications for the BBB sector in Hong Kong. The intellectual starting point is my curiosity from personal observation of why the HK BBB sector has a very low adoption rate of XYZ application in its business operation as compared to that of other countries, such as Australia and South Korea. The research motive out of my intellectual curiosity is further clarified by my inquiry positioning with regard to this dissertation project; that is, I support using mixed methods research, the agile literature review approach of Ho (2023) and pragmatism to approach this academic-oriented study; and the chosen topic reflects my professional career  and prior education as related to the BBB sector. The topic of innovation management is in line with my present study interest in the Superman University MBA programme.
More specifically, it appears that the existing theories on innovation barriers are not adequately usable for analyzing the innovation barriers of XYZ application in the HK BBB sector. This dissertation project explicitly respond to this academic concern while still paying attention to derive some practical/ actionable knowledge for the practitioners in the HK BBB sector.

Literature review

My preliminary literature review has identified a few major innovation models, especially with explicit references to innovation barriers. They are the CB111 model of Peter Pan and the RB222 of Barbie Si; when synthesized together, they form the initial theoretical framework to guide this dissertation project. Moreover, some more specific theories are selected from the academic literature as related to the XYZ application, notably the AKB44 model of Tony Jaa and BTS12 framework of Bruce Lee. Finally, some concepts are adopted from the academic literature related to the BBB sector, such as the Cool White model of Betty Boop and the Big Bank theory of Spider Man. With all these initial concepts and theories, and related literature review, four related research gaps have been identified that are then used to derive four research objectives of the study: three main research objectives and two minor research objectives. In due course, the literature review will contribute to the elaboration of the theoretical framework being used for this dissertation project, which in turn, more clearly define the research objectives of this study with more concrete conceptual justification. The overall literature review effort is guided by the agile literature review approach of Ho (2023).


Bases on the synthesis of the preliminary literature review as visualized in a theoretical framework, the main research gap items and the corresponding research objectives described as follows:

Specifically, the main factors of "managers/owners' characteristics" and "firm characteristics" are both unclear and not formulated in a usable way for the study of innovation in the BBB sector in HK with regard to XYZ application. Thus, the three main research objectives are: 
Main research objective 1: to develop more knowledge on the innovation barrier factor of "managers/ owners characteristics" for the HK BBB sector with regard to XYZ application, and 
Main research objective 2: to develop more knowledge on the innovation barrier factor of "firm characteristics" for the HK BBB sector with regard to XYZ application
Main research objective 3: with a view to also produce some practical findings with concrete actionable value for the practitioners in the HK BBB sector, there is also an research objective to develop some more specific usable theories and guidelines to improve innovation practice with regard to XYZ application for the HK BBB sector.

There are two minor research objectives which are indicated in the attached preliminary theoretical framework in this document.


The research methods to use with regard to the research objectives: The primary research methods of questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview are to be used for the first two main research objectives of this study. For the third main research objective, the research method of focus group is to be employed. 

For the minor research objectives, semi-structured interview and desk research are to be used. 

It should also be pointed out that, some theory-building research effort are made via the research methods just mentioned, which are informed by the research method of Hui (2020) and Ho (2022). The theory-building research is considered highly relevant for this  academic-oriented research project

In short, this dissertation project employs two primary research methods as well as the secondary research method of desk research. They are made feasible because I have maintained some contact with several of my ex-colleagues in the BBB sector in Hong Kong. The overall methodology is to be further clarified in the form of a theoretical framework (with the name of theoretical framework-B as proposed by Ho (2023)) to be constructed and refined in due course. 

Time plan

Key activity 1: Literature review task: 7 weeks; e-library

Key activity 2: Formulation of research methodology: 2 weeks: research methods textbooks






Reference: A collection of notes on ALRA (academic oriented type).

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