Saturday 19 November 2022

Two major ways to analyze interview research data: a note

Two major ways to analyze interview research data: a note:

The first way is inductive approach in nature, based on grounded theory. Codes, categories and themes are created in an emerging interpretive process as a kind of theory-building exercise. Take a quick look at this vide to learn the basic idea of coding. (also study this video on "codes, categories and themes: understand the difference"). As a consequence, new theories are created from the raw research findings.

The second way is deductive approach in nature. It is based on the outputs of theories and theoretical frameworks gathered and developed from your literature review effort (re: Chapter 2 of your dissertation report; also refer to theoretical framework level-1a of the agile literature review approach). In this exercise, interview research data are extracted as quotations and put into the different codes and categories of your theories/ theoretical framework; subsequently, you are to conduct theory-driven analysis of your interview research findings (note: mainly presented in Chapter 5: discussion of research findings of your dissertation report.

Note: for further info on the grounded theory, refer to the blog note on research methods.

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