Friday, 31 May 2019

Overall feedback on global entrepreneurship (day-time) assignment 2 presentation

Overall feedback on global entrepreneurship (day-time) assignment 2 presentation at May 31, 2019:

1. Students have done very well in coming up with business venture ideas quite quickly with lots of practical product and business model tactics.

2. Need to refine ideas with the value proposition canvas and business model canvas.

3. Need to be clear whether your proposed business is a social enterprise or not.

4. Need to also briefly comment on the innovativeness and nature of innovation of your proposed business.

5. Need to use PEST and SWOT analysis with conceptual understanding [try to do so in your group assignment 2 report].

6. Try to explore the possibility of internationalization for your new business and how your new business responds to globalization [if not in your presentation, then briefly in your group assignment 2 report].

7. Provide ppt slides in English (not Chinese).

8. Try to later on support your business idea feasibility/attractiveness with market research data, primarily with (i) secondary data, e.g., economic, demographic statistics, and usefully, with (ii) primary data, e.g. interview with a few potential product customers to learn their views on your proposed product ideas.

9. Keep refining and developing your business ideas.

Overall, well done for your presentation at May 31, 2019.

A recap on presentation preparation
For the group presentation, it is a brief one of about 15 min; focus on your product and business model ideas; need to provide a company name for your new business venture. Need to state clearly your group member names in your presentation ppt slides. Not essential, though desirable, for all team members to participate in the presentation.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Global entrepreneurship - assignment task 2 - additional advice

Global entrepreneurship - assignment task 2 - additional advice

The following info is on assignment task 2:

"Task 2: Group project of 3-4 student members per group; 1 group works on 1 project and 1 group assignment submitted. 3000-4000 words for the report; content equally shared by all members. E.g. 4000 words/ 4 members = 1000 words for each member. Practical in writing style, so no need to do harvard referencing with academic referencing; some referencing for some statistics is still needed. Need to make group presentation to the tutor with ppt. 40%. The report is not a business report. No need to do turnitin checking for this group report. Need to indicate who has done which part of the report. A sample report will be provided later for illustration" (source:

The task 2 report part could consider the following report structure in general:

"The Report and Slides

Concept/Business Plan Outline – The idea, 
The Mission and Value Statements, 
Market Research, 
Operations/Business Model Canvas, 
Human Resource Management, 
Contingency Plan. "

Students should take a look at the UK student sample report on task 2 to get an overall impression of work required. To enable completion of task 3 (a reflection report), task 2 requires group presentation (say 20-min) of their project works in class. Try to provide me with your ppt file as reference documentation afterward. This whole task 2 experience can be reflected on in task 3 report.

My blog article on key UK concepts to use is also useful for task 2 preparation.

Global entrepreneurship assignment task 3 - additional advice

Global entrepreneurship assignment task 3 - additional advice

The general info is as follows:

"Task 3: Critical review of theories related to task 1, task 2 and then the whole subject.  800 words; must not exceed 800 words; individual report [not group task]. 20%. Referencing with 4 academic references is very sufficient" (source:

A generic report structure is as follows:

1. Brief Intro –of your experience.

2. A reflection of experience of doing assignment task 1
3. A reflection of experience of doing assignment task 2
*** especially reflection on group work experience using Belbin team role model.
4. A reflection of the experience of learning the subject as a whole

Students are advised to take a look at the sample task 3 report to get an overall impression of the task 3 requirement. The Gibbs reflective cycle has been mentioned in the UK task 3 sample report; so it should also be studied. There are also UK lecturer's study note on reflective practice. They need to be studied.

Before you write up your assignment task 3 report, try to study the following two videos to gain some understanding of them:

On Gibbs' reflective cycle
On Belbin's team role model

The difference between social and sustainable entrepreneurship: a note

What is the difference between social and sustainable entrepreneurship? Via some Internet searching, I find this explanation on the question acceptable:

Quote [begin]: 
"“Is a venture that offers dry-cleaning services using environmentally friendly processes and cleaning products a social venture?”

The answer lies in this enterprise’s mission. If this dry cleaner is “green” because she has recognized a market niche catering to people who value the environment and her goal is profit, then hers is not a social enterprise; although, it may be a sustainable business. If, on the other hand, the entrepreneur is focused on environmental sustainability, and profit is secondary and a means to growing and sustaining that mission, this business is a social enterprise.

Quote [end].

Basic definitions of terms:

On social entrepreneurship: "Social entrepreneurship is, at its most basic level, doing business for a social cause. It might also be referred to as altruistic entrepreneurship.
Social entrepreneurs combine commerce and social issues in a way that improves the lives of people connected to the cause. They don’t measure their success in terms of profit alone – success to social entrepreneurs means that they have improved the world, however they define that" (source:

On sustainable entrepreneurship: "Sustainable entrepreneurship refers to the discovery, creation, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities that contribute to sustainability by generating social and environmental gains for others in society (Hockerts and Wüstenhagen, 2010; Pacheco et al., 2010; Shepherd and Patzelt, 2011)" (source:

On sustainability: "Sustainability is the process of people maintaining change in a balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.[1] For many in the field, sustainability is defined through the following interconnected domains or pillars: environment, economic and social, which according to Fritjof Capra[2] is based on the principles of Systems Thinking" (source:

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Issues and challenges in global entrepreneurship - e-resources 2019

Issues and challenges in global entrepreneurship - e-resources 2019

This kind of readings are useful for doing assignment task 1, which stress the topic of "issues" and "challenges". The readings below are illustrative on this assignment task 1 topic:

1. Challenges faced by entrepreneurs today

2. Common challenges in innovation management

3.Challenges faced by social entrepreneurs

4. Challenges with crowdfunding

5. Challenges with value co-creation practices (pdf)

6. Challenges of growth faced by micro-enterprises (pdf)

Global entrepreneurship assignment 1 - my suggested steps 2019

Global entrepreneurship assignment 1 - some suggested steps from me:

Module guide info:

"Part 1 Theory – meeting the K1 learning outcome Critical understanding of global entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability issues and challenges" (module guide)

Theme choices (based on updated module guide):

Enterprise - Reflection of learning experience. Where am I now? 
Introduction to Global Entrepreneurship Theory vs. Practice gap. 
Global to Local – Successful Global Entrepreneurs Innovation 
Value Creation and Co-creation. 
Successful local business – from small acorns 
Entrepreneurship around the globe 
Concept of Global Citizenship 
Social Entrepreneurship 
Developing successful Business Ideas, exploiting global markets 
Developing Your Brand 
Moving from an idea to setting up a micro-enterprise 
Identify, design, plan, undertake, manage and exploit an entrepreneurial opportunity. 
Market Research and Feasibility Study What went wrong? What went right? 
Building a new venture team: Skills and attributes 
Managing your micro-enterprise 
Business Planning 
Finance, Costing and Funding 
Crowd Funding 
New Media and Technology 
Legal and importance of intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
Global Entrepreneurship Week – Aims and Objectives 
Importance of networking, pitching and self-development. 
Popular Culture. 
Role of the United Nations and International Agencies 
Field study

The theme list has more recently been refined to become more organized and broader as follows:

A Geo-Politics and Philosophy. 
B Business Start-ups; Small Business Development, Developing successful global business ideas and exploiting global markets; Business Models, Operations. 
C Social/Corporate/Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Ethics, and Philanthropy. 
D UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development. 
E Popular culture and Cultural Entrepreneurship. 
F Human Resource, Leadership; Gender, Ethnicity, and Inclusion – Diversity and Equality. 
G Global Marketing; brands and social media. 
H Finance – Crowd funding, Crypto-currency, Block Chain, Financial dealings, business planning challenges and issues. 
I The Law and Global Entrepreneurship: Protecting your idea and Business - intellectual Property, patents, trademarks, counterfeiting. 
J Value Creation and Co-Creation; Internet of things; Innovation. 
K Your own option agreed with the Module Leader. * This could be a fusion of the above. 

The topic should be related to "issues and challenges" + other academic theories related to your chosen topic + some real-life examples/ statistics.

"The structure of your work could follow a journal article, business report format or a creative format agreed with the module leader. All these should be underpinned with an academic rigour" (module guide).

"Task 1: Choose a theme from the updated theme list; develop your individual topic and send to the local tutor for review and approval;
the task is an independent task, not related to the other tasks. Word count: 1200 to 2000 words. Cannot exceed 2000 words.Total:  40%. Use 4-5 academic references and 10-15 non-academic references" (source:
My suggested assignment essay structure

Title: A review of the topic of XXX in the theme of YYY
1. Introduction
*** need to specify essay objectives: 
E.g. objective 1. to examine the main issues and challenges as related to XXXX
        objective 2: to examine academic viewpoints, theories and findings from the academic literature as related to XXX
        objective 3: to provide some evaluative and summarized findings with some real-life examples and statistics for illustration on XXX

2. A discussion of the main academic ideas on XXX

3. A discussion of XXX with real-life examples and statistics

4. Concluding remarks



Issues and challenges could be spotted from UK study materials, writings from social media and academic journal articles. 

Next, pay some attention to the concepts specifically covered in the UK study materials.

Finally, a typical format of an assignment title can be:

An examination of the major issues and challenges of [an activity theme] [e.g. crowd funding, value co-creation, branding, philanthropy, networking], with special regard to [a particular group of actors] [e.g. a particular sector, a particular country, a particular type of entrepreneurs (e.g. female), start-up enterprises, etc....].

***Make sure it is clearly related to a chosen theme option.

Specific concepts and topics covered in the teaching materials of UK 2019

Specific concepts and topics covered in the teaching materials of UK [try to use them in your assignment works]

(url address:

Topic 1: Micro-enterprise

Topic 2: Value co-creation/ internet of things
** video: Internet of things

Topic 3: Global citizenship

Topic 4: Belbin team roles

Topic 5: Reflective practice [need to study UK lecture notes on this topic]

Topic 6: PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Porter's 5-Force model and Value Chain analysis
* Videos: SWOT analysis; PEST analysis; Porter's 5-Force model; Value Chain analysis; reading: SWOT analysis.

Topic 7: Vision and mission statement
* Reading: examples of vision and mission statements

Topic 8: Contingency plan
Topic 9: Business model canvas
* Reading: an explanation of the business model canvas

Topic 10: Marketing, market research and marketing campaign
* Videos: steps to do marketing campaign; market research (what is); steps of market research

Topic 11: Human resource management, finance and legal matters, operations

Topic 12: International advertising and promotion

* Video 1: international advertising; a reading on international advertising.

Topic 13: Perceptions of entrepreneurship

Topic 14: Policies to promote global entrepreneurship

Topic 15: Design thinking and lateral thinking (for idea generation)
* Video 1: design thinking; lateral thinking.

Topic 16: Global issues and global entrepreneurship issues
* reading: Global issues (UN)

Topic 17: Concept/ Business Plan Outline
"Concept/Business Plan Outline – The idea, The Mission and Value Statements, Market Research, Marketing, Operations/Business Model Canvas, Human Resource Management, Finance, Legal, Contingency Plan. "

Assignment tasks and related topics

Task 1 (individual academic essay on a chosen topic related to a chosen theme): refer to the updated list of themes: may use some of the topics above in your essay. The main focus is on "issues and challenges" of your chosen topic.
Task 2 (group business project and report [practical report]): Must use: topics 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 17; probably: topics 2, 3 and 12
Task 3 (individual reflective report on the whole course [i.e. tasks 1 and 2 and the subject content as a whole]): topics 4 and 5

Friday, 24 May 2019

Core study materials for applied business research works 2019

Core study materials for applied business research works 2019:

From: JKKH
1. Official docs to study: synopsis form, proposal form, module guide and additional university advice.

2. Dissertation report structure template

3. Management-concerns diagramming

4. Theoretical framework set

5. Study notes on academic concepts and low-level research tasks

6. Academic publishers' websites

Diagramming – class exercise (MBA applied business research) with reference to the ALRA :

1. Clarify setting of the exercise 
a. Organizational setting and specific organizational unit. 
b. 2 role: researcher as interviewer and interviewee (role in the field setting) 

2. Cognitive-mapping interviewing: a. Identify a main concern b. Work out reasons (why) and consequences (so what) 

3. Classify and group the variables into the 3-zone scheme of environmental drivers, organizational capabilities and outcomes/solutions. 

4. Construct a management-concerns diagram 

5. Convert the management-concern diagram into theoretical framework level-0 
a. Need to include a core-focus domain

Monday, 20 May 2019

Updated info about assignment - global entrepreneurship - basic info

Updated info about assignment - global entrepreneurship - basic info:

Task 1: Choose a theme from the updated theme list; develop your individual topic and send to the local tutor for review and approval;
the task is an independent task, not related to the other tasks. Word count: 1200 to 2000 words. Cannot exceed 2000 words.Total:  40%. Use 4-5 academic references and 10-15 non-academic references.

Task 2: Group project of 3-4 student members per group; 1 group works on 1 project and 1 group assignment submitted. 3000-4000 words for the report; content equally shared by all members. E.g. 4000 words/ 4 members = 1000 words for each member. Practical in writing style, so no need to do harvard referencing with academic referencing; some referencing for some statistics is still needed. Need to make group presentation to the tutor with ppt. 40%. The report is not a business report. No need to do turnitin checking for this group report. Need to indicate who has done which part of the report. A sample report will be provided later for illustration. 

Task 3: Critical review of theories related to task 1, task 2 and then the whole subject.  800 words; must not exceed 800 words; individual report [not group task]. 20%. Referencing with 4 academic references is very sufficient.

Will provide sample reports for illustration. Will provide more info in coming lecture.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

A 2-dimensional imaginative space framework of sustainoentrepreneurship

The following table presents a 2-dimensional imaginative space framework of sustainoentrepreneurship, formulated by me:

Joseph, K.K. Ho    dated: May 20, 2019

Economic sustainability bottom-line
Environmental sustainability bottom-line
Social sustainability bottom-line
Global level
Local community level

2 dimensions: geographical scope dimension; sustainability performance dimension

A + B + C = Total enterprise sustainability performance objective

A, B and C are stated as subjective weighting factors: e.g., 1 + 1 + 2 = 4.

Sustainability has been defined as: "the process of people maintaining change in a balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations" (re:

The 2-dimensional imaginative space framework adopts the triple bottom-line thinking.

About the topic of sustainoentrepreneurship: "Sustainopreneurship (entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability) is a concept that has emerged from the earlier concepts social entrepreneurship and ecopreneurship, via sustainability entrepreneurship. The concept means to use creative business organizing to solve problems related to sustainability to create social and environmental sustainability as a strategic objective and purpose, at the same time respecting the boundaries set in order to maintain the life support systems in the process. In other words, it is a "business with a cause" – where the world problems are turned into business opportunities by deployment of sustainability innovations" (re:

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Global entrepreneurship assignment - further clarification (prelim)

Global entrepreneurship assignment - further clarification (prelim):

Overall scheme

Overall report

Sub-report 1: review of a chosen theme [40%]
1200 - 2000 words

Sub-report 2: small enterprise portfolio [not a fully fledged business plan] [40%]
1200 words

Sub-report 3: critical reflection of entrepreneurial theories and concepts [20%]

Further details??? words??? report structure??? A reflection based on sub-reports 1 and 2 or the subject as a whole.

Exhibits for clarification:

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Some further guidelines on doing managing entrepreneurship innovation and creativity assignment

Some further guidelines on doing managing entrepreneurship innovation and creativity assignment

Extract from the module guide
Formative Assessment - Workshop activities, individual and group presentations, extraCurricular business networking and meetings/conferences/exhibitions. The student experience gained from the formative assessment will be the foundation for the summative assessment. You will be required to keep a log book or diary in order to capture new experiences and challenges. Formative assessment methods will be used to monitor student progress and feedback. Assessment 001

Summative Assessment – 3000 word report that explores the theoretical framework of managing the entrepreneurship, innovation and creative process and the practical development of a concept plan for a viable business idea of your choice. Weighting 100%

My further suggestions

For the formative assessment
For groups of 4 in class to discuss lessons learned on the following 2 case studies:

Case study 1: Red Bull
Case study 2: Groupon

Each student is required to write up a diary to describe their learning from the group discussion on the 2 cases. Try to write your learning and evaluative viewpoints in about 300 words on each case study.

For the summative assessment, my suggested report structure is as follows:
Task 1: on the theoretical framework [1,500 words]
1. Introduction
2. A description of the theoretical framework
3.Concluding remarks
Task 2: on concept plan. [1,500 words]
1. Introduction
2 . Details on the concept plan
3. Further  remarks on the main conceptual ideas underlying the concept plan

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

YouTube videos as e-learning materials: a practice note on usage

YouTube videos as e-learning materials: a practice note

Compiled by Joseph, K.K. Ho

Whether as study materials for a course subject, e.g. entrepreneurship or for dissertation project literature review, YouTube videos are useful e-learning materials. I have a few advice for their usage as follows:

Step 1: One can start by watching a video, e.g. one on sociology and entrepreneurship.

Step 2: A follow-up on the study of a YouTube video is to identify some of the academic terms mentioned in the YouTube video and then do more study on these terms by doing further reading via google search and YouTube search.. For the YouTube video on sociology and entrepreneurship, 2 examples of these terms are social network and social capital.

Step 3: watch the YouTube again a few times to refresh your memory.

Step 4: If you find the topic important to your course assignment work or dissertation literature review work, you should do additional literature search to study some academic articles on the topic covered in the YouTube video. In our case, this is sociology and entrepreneurship.

Students need to also bear in mind that, when doing university course assignments and dissertation projects, YouTube videos are not considered as credible and authoritative references. So, their main use is as easily comprehensible study materials for private intellectual learning purpose, primarily topics (e.g. academic topics) new to the student-learners. AVOID using them for referencing in course assignment and literature review works.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

One way to do interview findings and analysis in ALRA

One way to do interview findings and analysis in ALRA

Some dissertation students are not sure how to present interview findings and analysis in their dissertation reports. For those using the agile literature review approach (ALRA),  you could present your interview findings and analysis in the following way:

Manager A:
Interview content 1: "......."
In terms of the 7-dimension model of innovation capability (academic idea 2.1), this could be understood as .....
Manager A:
Interview content 2: "......."
From the perspective of value co-creation (academic idea 3.2), this opinion of Manager A suggests that .....

The analysis may also involve two interview content quotations from one interviewee or more interviewees.

The analysis could also involve comparing and synthesizing viewpoints from one or two interviewees before doing the theory-driven analysis.

Students are also encouraged to consider other qualitative data analysis as explained in the research methods literature.

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Global entrepreneurship - subject tasks, 2019

Global entrepreneurship - subject tasks, 2019

Subject Tasks:
In order to find out what Global Entrepreneurship is – we need to define and understand the terms “Global” and “Globalisation.” Next week we will explore the term “Entrepreneurship.”  

On a piece of paper or on a new PowerPoint slide use images to show what is happening in the world today?

What will we learn? What do you want to learn?

Look at Lecture notes:

Do a search and try to define the term ‘Global.’ Chose and write down the one you like the best?

*** meaning

List 5 Global Brands [Interbrand]

List the Top 10 Innovative Companies 2018
Fastcompany Index

The Most Innovative Companies 2018 (Companies that will produce new ideas)
List 5 Global Entrepreneurs* (we will develop this next week).

Top 5 Global Billionaires* (are they different from above)

Top 5 Women Rich List* [The World’s Most Powerful 100 Women]

The Top Social Influencers who turned social media platforms into fortunes and Empires

Definition of Globalisation – Kofi Anan (Who is he) Do you agree with his statement? Discuss
[Slide 16]

**** meaning

Secondary Research: Definition of Globalis (z) ation using credible sources. Use library search; Youtube; Google.

What are the issues and challenges?

Negative Perceptions v Positive Perceptions –

What is a global business? What is not a global business? 

*** meaning

What do people mean by the term “Global Mindset?”

*** meaning

What do people mean by the term “Global Talent?”

*** meaning

Watch the video: I like Globalisation –JamesThomasWallace

Watch the video: Globalisation – Good or Bad.

*** a video

In groups prepare a PowerPoint or prezi slide presentation for Week 2.

Globalis(z)ation Useful Reading and sources

UoS Library catalogue -  Search articles and journals
Gonzales, A (2016) ‘Opinion: Globalization Is the Only Answer,’ The World Bank

Global Mindset
Global Mindset Definition: what it really means?
Developing a Global Mindset: The Five keys to success

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity frameworks - 3 diagrams

Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity frameworks - 3 diagrams

A 3-level framework on entrepreneurship

A diagram on the relatedness of entrepreneur, innovation and creativity

Units of analysis in entrepreneurship study