Sunday, 29 March 2015

Research objectives and questions - resources

The  following study materials are on the topic of Research Objectives and Research Questions:

Facebook link

Just take a look and get some stimulation. Try to also study some academic journal articles as samples for illustration.

Friday, 13 March 2015

A template for creating a dissertation objective

Try the following template to create a dissertation objective:

To:  _____________A_____________
[e.g. evaluate; predict; explain; construct]

[e.g. ABC Ltd's]

[e.g. marketing strategy; business performance; marketing tactics; service quality; strategic positioning; corporate culture; competitive landscape]

based on __________D________________
[e.g. Porter's 5-Force Model; Value-Chain model; service quality model of ABC, balanced scorecard methodology, competitive benchmarking, etc.]

- ________________E__________________
[a case study research; a survey research; an exploratory investigation, etc.]

You need to make up your mind on what are A, B, C, D, and E. Item E may be implicit in the actual formulation of a dissertation proposal and only become clear in the discussion of research design.

  • While this template does not cover all possibilities on dissertation proposal, it is useful to make the preliminary attempt to formulate a dissertation proposal.
  • Also justify your research objective in terms of practical and academic values that meeting the objective can offer.
  • A dissertation proposal could have 2-3 core but related objectives, which can be further broken down into a number of sub-objectives. The sub-objectives must be clearly, conceptually and logically derived from its master objective.
  • The overall highest-level objective of the dissertation proposal is very much a dissertation report title

Monday, 9 March 2015

How to write dissertation objectives: advice for business students

To write dissertation objectives for dissertation projects for business management students:

a. try to provide a few objectives that indicate a focused research theme. E.g. (objective 1) to evaluate the marketing performance of ABC Ltd using the XXX methodology... (this makes up the core objective).

Then, provide some related objectives, to make recommendation on... (objective 2) and to evaluate and enhance the XXX methodology via the case study (objective 3).

Objective 1 and 2 indicate practical value of the study
Objective 3 indicates academic value of the study.

This guideline offers basic ideas of formulating a focused dissertation objectives. In above example, objective 1, by using a specific methodology, may prompt you to consider evaluating a related concept that has been explicitly covered in XXX methodology.

XXX methodology can be 5-Force model or Value chain model, or a marketing planning framework from a specific writer... (you need to do literature review to firm up on the ideas here).

DO not just provide a set of unrelated to-do list for your dissertation proposal.