Saturday 12 November 2011

On time and money in professional development

On education system design flaw:
  1. When you have money (fully employed), you do not have time to study;
  2. When you have time to study (unemployed), you have no money;
  3. When you have money, unversities want you to study;
  4. When you have no money, you are not their customers (ie cannot study at the universities).
This then becomes a problem in personal professional development, which can deteriorate over time when you grow old End result: you still need to learn how to do self-learning (that is the original goal of the education system) [Most comfortable and enjoyable learning takes place in leisure time]. 

Effective learning needs not be expensive; very often, it is free of charge (e.g. useful information can be accessed in public libraries and the internet). It all starts with your mindset and viewpoints on continuous professional development. On this point, the message from the education market (which tells you that education is mainly a profitable personal investment) can be quite misleading, from my observation. This does not mean that it is a bad idea to take up tertiary education, but just aiming at getting a recognized certificate (and trying to beat the education system with all sorts of cheating) is a bad profesional development strategy.

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