Thursday 26 September 2024

Asking chatgpt to come up with a Housing Studies dissertation proposal informed by the habitus notion

Asking chatgpt (via to come up with a Housing Studies dissertation proposal informed by the habitus notion

Introduction and my question 1: "I am a part-time Housing Studies student currently learning to do dissertation projects. I have come across the concept of Habitus from Pierre Bourdieu, and wonder how it can be employed to study perceptions and patterns of home ownership in Hong Kong. First of all, my first query is: what are the 8 main underlying ideas on the topic of habitus?"

The reply from chatgpt: "The concept of habitus, developed by Pierre Bourdieu, is crucial for understanding social practices and perceptions. Here are eight main underlying ideas related to habitus:

Embodied Dispositions: Habitus refers to the deeply ingrained habits, skills, and dispositions that individuals acquire through their life experiences, particularly in their social and cultural contexts.

Social Conditioning: It emphasizes how individuals are shaped by their social environments, including family, education, and community, influencing their perceptions and behaviors.

Field Interaction: Habitus operates within specific social fields (e.g., housing, education) where individuals navigate their positions, revealing how social structures and individual agency interact.

Practice and Agency: While habitus shapes how individuals act, it also allows for agency, meaning that people can adapt and respond creatively based on their experiences and the contexts they find themselves in.

Taste and Preferences: Habitus influences cultural tastes and preferences, including perceptions of homeownership, which can reflect broader social inequalities.

Reproduction of Social Structures: It plays a role in the reproduction of social structures, as individuals often unconsciously reinforce the norms and values of their social class through their practices and choices.

Temporal Dimension: Habitus is not static; it evolves over time as individuals encounter new experiences and contexts, adapting and reshaping their dispositions.

Collective and Individual: While habitus is individual, it is also collective, reflecting shared experiences and backgrounds within groups or communities, which can be vital in understanding patterns of homeownership.

Using these ideas, you can explore how the habitus of different social groups in Hong Kong influences their perceptions and behaviors regarding homeownership, considering factors like economic status, cultural values, and housing policies."

My question 2: "Useful explanation. My second query is: could you come up with 3 related research objectives and a few research questions via the lens of habitus on the topic theme of home ownership in Hong Kong in 2024?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Here are three related research objectives and several research questions framed through the lens of habitus, focusing on homeownership in Hong Kong in 2024:

Research Objectives

To Analyze the Influence of Social Class on Homeownership Perceptions

Investigate how different social classes in Hong Kong perceive homeownership and the corresponding cultural values and practices associated with it.

To Examine the Impact of Cultural Norms on Housing Choices

Explore how local cultural norms and values shape individuals' decisions and aspirations regarding homeownership in the context of Hong Kong's unique housing market.

To Assess the Role of Policy and Economic Factors in Shaping Habitus

Evaluate how recent housing policies and economic changes in Hong Kong affect the habitus of various demographic groups and their approach to homeownership.

Research Questions

How do individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds perceive the value and importance of homeownership in Hong Kong?

What cultural values influence these perceptions?

In what ways do familial and community influences shape the housing aspirations and choices of residents in Hong Kong?

How do these influences differ across various social groups?

How do recent housing policies in Hong Kong interact with the habitus of residents to influence their homeownership decisions?

What adaptations or changes in behavior can be observed in response to these policies?

What role do experiences of displacement or housing insecurity play in shaping the habitus of individuals regarding homeownership?

How does this impact their long-term housing aspirations?

How do generational differences within families impact the understanding and pursuit of homeownership among younger and older residents?

What narratives are passed down regarding homeownership and housing stability?

These objectives and questions can help guide your research, allowing you to explore the complex interplay between habitus and homeownership in Hong Kong."

My question 3: "Very clear. My next question is: could you propose 2 primary research methods and 1 secondary research methods useful to respond to the research objectives and research questions that you mention?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Here are two primary research methods and one secondary research method that could be effective in addressing your research objectives and questions regarding homeownership in Hong Kong:

Primary Research Methods

In-Depth Interviews

Conducting semi-structured interviews with a diverse range of participants (e.g., homeowners, renters, real estate agents, policymakers) can provide rich qualitative data. This method allows for exploring individual perceptions, experiences, and the influences of habitus on homeownership. Interviews can reveal nuanced insights into how social class, cultural norms, and family influences shape housing choices.

Focus Groups

Organizing focus group discussions with participants from different social backgrounds can facilitate a collective exploration of attitudes towards homeownership. This method encourages interaction among participants, helping to uncover shared beliefs, values, and community norms that influence housing decisions. It can also highlight generational differences in perceptions and aspirations.

Secondary Research Method

Document Analysis

Analyzing existing literature, policy documents, and statistical data related to housing in Hong Kong can provide a contextual backdrop for your primary research. This method allows you to explore historical trends, government policies, and demographic changes that have impacted homeownership. It can also help identify gaps in the current understanding of habitus in relation to housing, guiding your primary data collection.

These methods together will provide a comprehensive approach to understanding the complexities of homeownership in Hong Kong through the lens of habitus."

My last question (question 4) is: "How would you describe the underlying research philosophy of the research methods you have proposed in this case?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "The underlying research philosophy for the proposed methods—in-depth interviews, focus groups, and document analysis—is primarily interpretivism, with elements of constructivism. Here’s how each philosophy applies:


Understanding Social Contexts:

Interpretivism emphasizes understanding the meanings and experiences of individuals within their social contexts. In-depth interviews and focus groups allow researchers to capture the subjective experiences and perceptions of participants regarding homeownership, which is shaped by their social backgrounds and cultural influences.

Qualitative Insights:

This philosophy values qualitative data, which provides depth and richness. The proposed methods prioritize participants’ voices, allowing for a nuanced understanding of how habitus influences their views on homeownership.

Complexity of Human Behavior:

Interpretivism acknowledges the complexity of human behavior and the interplay of various factors (social, cultural, economic) that influence individuals' decisions. This is particularly relevant in a dynamic housing market like Hong Kong, where multiple variables affect perceptions of homeownership.


Co-Construction of Knowledge:

Constructivism posits that knowledge is co-constructed through interactions. Focus groups exemplify this, as they facilitate dialogue among participants, allowing them to build upon each other's experiences and perspectives. This collective process can reveal shared norms and values regarding homeownership.

Contextual Understanding:

Document analysis supports constructivism by providing a background against which participants’ views can be understood. It helps situate individual experiences within broader social and economic contexts, illustrating how external factors shape personal habitus.


In summary, the research philosophy guiding these methods is interpretivist, focusing on understanding the subjective meanings and social contexts of participants. It is also constructivist, emphasizing the co-construction of knowledge through interaction and context. Together, these philosophies enable a comprehensive exploration of the perceptions and patterns of homeownership in Hong Kong through the lens of habitus."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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