Wednesday 18 September 2024

About MBA dissertation word count enquiry: a note to my MBA students

About MBA dissertation word count enquiry: a note to my MBA students.

The following is an extract of my message to another staff. Hope my MBA students will find it useful:

- beginning-

Dear Dr. X (fake name),

Tks for message; I notice the issue can be understood in a number of ways. The module guide emphasizes that there is some flexibility to understand the module guideline. 

First of all, from the HK admin perspective (as stated by Bruce Lee (fake name)), if the report is within 12000 words x 1.1 = 13,200, it is quite acceptable (probably means no penalty from the examiners (including the supervisor).

[Note that the exact wording of the module guide is "Students will be required to submit one written report of approximately 12000 words (this is for guidance only)."]

In my role as a supervisor, I would highly encourage my supervisee to produce a report within 14,000 words. In actual practice, if my supervisee's report is done with word count figure beyond 14,500 words, I will express dissatisfaction in my report comments. (I do not intend to provide a formula on how marks are to be deducted as a result.)

I notice that some supervisors have no complaints if the report is done within 15,000 words. It seems that the examiners in UK also will not penalize in this case (based on my observation so far).

About 1 year ago, a student told me his friend (another MBA student) produced a report in 16,500 words (roughly) and still there appears to be no penalty form his supervisor and the UK examiners. (because in this case, the student got 60 something and graduated with merit.

I learned that a few years ago, a student produced a report in a bit more than 20,000 words (at that time, the module guide figure is 15000 words), the student was penalized with a lower score (or rejected) [I cannot verify it  and cannot remember the source].

To simplify the matter, I recommend students to produce a report within 14,000 words and remind students that Bruce Lee (school admin) recommends that the report be produced within 13,500 words.

One more thing, when a student says that his/ her report is done in 15,000 words, he/she actually means that the report is done beyond 15,000 words but within 16,000 words.

If a student asks whether his/ her report can be written and approved in more than 14,000 words, I will tell the student that his/ her question is vague, because 20,000 words is also more than 14,000 words and 30,000 words is also more than 14,000 words.

This is my practice on this topic and the kind of flexibility I will offer to my supervisees. 

Hope you find this information (and opinions) of use to you.

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