The chain of evidence (COE) practice for the academic-oriented project type of the agile literature review approach: a brief note
In order to develop clear line of reasoning in the dissertation report writing for for the academic-oriented project type of the agile literature review approach, it is useful to employ the chain of evidence (COE) practice in the dissertation report writing. The COE practice makes use of the following technique:
Explicit labeling of the main elements of the ALRA (mainly its diagrams):
1. The research-gap translation diagram: the triggering point of intellectual curiosity: TPOIC
2. The research gap-research objective table: the research-gap statements (RGS1, RGS2..etc) and the research objective statements (ROS1, ROS2... etc)
3. The academic ideas on the academic literature review tree: the academic ideas on tree branch 1 (ai 1.1, ai 1.2..., etc).
4. Research methods on the academic literature review tree-b: research method 1 (RM1), research method 2 (RM2), ... etc.
5. Research findings in dissertation report chapter 4 (Presentation of research findings): research finding 1 (RF1), research finding 2 (RF2),... etc.
6. Discussion findings in dissertation report chapter 5 (Discussion of findings): discussion finding 1 (DF1), discussion finding 2 (DF2),... etc.
7. Recommendations in the report chapter 6 (Conclusions and recommendations): Recommendation 1, recommendation 2, ... etc.
When writing your dissertation report, try to provide explicit labels of the ALRA elements in your line of reasoning so that readers can follow your reasoning with reference to your dissertation report 's "evidence ingredients".
Relevant readings: the chain of evidence practice note for the consulting-oriented project type of the ALRA.
A collection of notes on ALRA (academic oriented type).
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