Cognitive mapping exercise to explore "the effect of covid-19 on housing affordability in Hong Kong": class exercise
Phase 1
First of all, study the articles related to cognitive mapping to learn the basic ideas of cognitive mapping for problem-exploration. (My housing students should study the cognitive mapping-related articles on the university course platform).
Phase 2
Now, construct two cognitive maps, based on your personal perception, on the following topics:
Cognitive map topic 1: The effect of covid-19 on the society (economy) of Hong Kong in 2023. The basic format is as follows:
All the factors identified are perceived by you to be directly triggered by the appearance of covid-19 in Hong Kong.
Cognitive map topic 2: The factors that influence the level of housing affordability in Hong Kong in 2023. The basic format is as follows:
Phase 3
Synthesize the two cognitive maps from phase 2 to produce a consolidated cognitive map with explicit indication on how covid-19 affect housing affordability in Hong Kong. The basic format is as follows:
Phase 4
Map specific research methods onto your cognitive map from Phase 3 to gain further knowledge on the variables and the associated linkages in your synthesized cognitive map. The basic format is as follows:
An illustrative example of using cognitive mapping to study a case study of homelessness.