Friday, 29 September 2023

Cognitive mapping exercise to explore "the effect of covid-19 on housing affordability in Hong Kong": class exercise

Cognitive mapping exercise to explore "the effect of covid-19 on housing affordability in Hong Kong": class exercise

Phase 1

First of all, study the articles related to cognitive mapping to learn the basic ideas of cognitive mapping for problem-exploration. (My housing students should study the cognitive mapping-related articles on the university course platform).

Phase 2

Now, construct two cognitive maps, based on your personal perception, on the following topics:

Cognitive map topic 1: The effect of covid-19 on the society (economy) of Hong Kong in 2023. The basic format is as follows:

All the factors identified are perceived by you to be directly triggered by the appearance of covid-19 in Hong Kong.

Cognitive map topic 2: The factors that influence the level of housing affordability in Hong Kong in 2023. The basic format is as follows:

Phase 3

Synthesize the two cognitive maps from phase 2 to produce a consolidated cognitive map with explicit indication on how covid-19 affect housing affordability in Hong Kong. The basic format is as follows:

Phase 4

Map specific research methods onto your cognitive map from Phase 3 to gain further knowledge on the variables and the associated linkages in your synthesized cognitive map. The basic format is as follows:


An illustrative example of using cognitive mapping to study a case study of homelessness.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Illustrative examples of research objectives and research questions in Housing Studies: a note

Illustrative examples of research objectives and research questions in Housing Studies: a note

Research objectives (ROs): examples:

RO 1. To evaluate the homelessness status of female teenagers in Hong Kong.

RO 2. To evaluate the experienced housing affordability condition of the female elderly residents in Wong Tai Sin.

Research questions (RQ): examples:

Related to RO1: a hypothesis: the younger the female teenager, the more mental stress she experiences. [the research question 1: is this hypothesis statement valid?]

Related to RO2: female elderly residents with children care feel less psychological stress due to housing affordability pressure [the research question 2: is it true that female elderly residents in Wong Tai Sin with children care experience less psychological stress due to housing affordability pressure?]

There could be other ways to define research objectives and research questions as proposed by other writers that could also be useful and logical. Do study readings from proper sources (e.g. textbooks and academic journal articles).

A holistic view on the emergence of research objectives and research questions: a note for housing studies (and business studies)

A holistic view on the emergence of research objectives and research questions: a note for housing studies (and also relevant for business studies).

Category I
Items A to E [types of study effort with regard to the study objects]
Item A: Research methods textbooks
Item C: News articles, exploratory interviews with stakeholders
Item D: Research gap analysis on academic literature
Item E: Self-reflection on the profile and positionality of the researcher.

Category II
Items 1 to 6 [Study objects]
Item 1: Recognized [proper] research methods
Item 2: Academic ideas and theories
Item 4: Real-world housing-concerns
Item 5: Research gaps in the academic literature
Item 6: The researcher's personal intellectual interest and resources

Category III
Linkage from Item B [literature review] (also Item A [Research methods knowledge]) to Item 4 [Real-world housing-concerns].

Case for class discussion (on a homelessness case); now consider the method of sociological imagination to come up with a few more concrete housing concerns.

Notice to my MBA students: If you replace Item 4 [real-world housing concerns] with Item 4 [real-world management concerns], the the holistic view presented in this note becomes a relevant study material for your Research Methods study.