Sunday 22 November 2020

Findings and analysis for housing dissertation: some guidelines

 Findings and analysis for housing dissertation: some guidelines:

1. You need to analyse the findings of individual research method, one by one. It could be a qualitative or a quantitative data analysis.

2. Your analysis could involve inductive (e.g. for theory-building) and/or deductive reasoning (e.g. for explanation, ideas validation and hypothesis testing)

3. Your analysis on research methods findings needs to be informed by the ideas you have chosen from your literature review effort. That is, your analysis on research method findings needs to be theory-driven (based on the concepts and theories examined in your literature review chapter).

4. Your analysis on a research method findings should help you to meet the respective research objective, one which your chosen research method is formulated to respond to.

5. By achieving item 4 above (i.e. gaining knowledge related to a specific research objective), your research finding should help you to analyse findings of other research methods (which are intended to examine other related research objectives). For example, findings on the effects of external driving forces toward housing affordability [associated to research objective 1] should also help the research method finding analysis on the prevailing status of housing affordability of citizens of different profiles [related to research objective 2]. {and research objective 1 and research objective 2 are related}.

6. Some kind of chain of evidence should be provided in your findings analysis by referring to specific ideas and concepts mentioned in previous chapters of your dissertation report. {this is why clear labelling of those ideas and concepts in previous dissertation report chapters is good report writing practice.}

7. It is very useful to synthesize your findings from different research methods to come up with an overall analysis/ evaluation position of yours on your set of related research objectives.

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