Tuesday 20 November 2018

Verify academic idea status in theoretical framework [level 0] construction (ALRA)

The theoretical framework [level 0] in the Agile Literature Review Approach (ALRA) represents the researcher's intellectual response to the management concerns (as depicted in the management-concerns diagram]; at the same time, it constitutes the literature review agenda of the researcher using the ALRA. As such, when converting a management-concern statement [in the management-concern diagram] into a theoretical framework component label [in theoretical framework level 0], it is vital to verify at the outset that such component label is expressed with an academic idea, and not just an idea in layman's terms. This verification can be quickly done with Google Scholar. The following example is illustrative:

Step 1: identify a management-concern statement [re: the management-concerns diagram]:

"Management is concerned about what are the prevailing SME customer preference on accounting services"

Step 2: formulate a corresponding theoretical framework [level 0] component label [re: the theoretical framework (level-0)]:

"To find out the prevailing SME customer preference on accounting services".

Step 3: to quickly verify whether the idea of customer preference is indeed an academic idea.

Type the word "customer preference" in Google Scholar to see if there are any academic articles that involve examination on the idea of "customer preference". The search result shows that there are indeed some academic articles that did examine the idea of "customer preference". Thus, it can be verified that the "customer preference' term can be considered as an academic idea. In this case, the theoretical framework component label is proper and serves as a reasonable response to the management concern of "Management is concerned about what are the prevailing SME customer preference on accounting services" [re: the Management-concerns diagram].

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