Sunday, 2 March 2025

How AI tools help in the construction of the ALRA [the academic oriented project type] deliverables

The three deliverables of the agile literature review approach (ALRA) for academic-oriented MBA projects and the AI tools' support for their construction

AI tools are highly valuable to support MBA students to employ the agile literature review approach (the academic-oriented project type). I propose a dialogue approach, notably with, to produce content that support the construction of the three main ALRA deliverables

Deliverable 1: Research gap-objective table: 

Research gap-objective table

Research gap items to be addressed (main and minor)

Associated research objectives

Research gap (main) item 1

Research objective 1 (main)

Research gap (main) item 2

Research objective 2 (main)

Research gap (minor) item 3

Research objective 3 (minor)

Research gap (minor) item 4

Research objective 3 (minor)



The question to ask is [question 1a]: "Please suggest 2 research gaps and 2 public media-reported issues, with reference to my dissertation research theme, followed by proposing of 4 research objectives that respond to these research gaps and reported issues"

Also try to ask [question 1b]: "Are the 2 research gaps and 2 public media reported issues related? Are the 4 research objectives related?"

This table should be inserted in Chapter 1: Introduction of a dissertation report.

Deliverable 2: the academic literature review tree (ALRT) 

The question to ask is [question 2]: "Please tell me which academic theories and academic concepts are related to which research objectives of the study?"

This diagram should be inserted into chapter 2 (Literature review) of a dissertation report.

Deliverable 3: The academic literature review tree-b (i.e., the academic literature review tree (deliverable 2), with chosen research methods mapped onto it).

The academic literature review tree-b, shown as follows:

The question to ask is [question 3]: "Please indicate (1) which academic ideas are employed in which research methods and (2) which research method is employed to address which research objective?"

The academic literature review tree-b should be inserted in the dissertation report, Chapter 3 (research methodology). 

*** To enable to provide the answers to your 3 questions (questions 1, 2 and 3), you need to provide adequate ideas about your project specification preference so that is able to come up with a sufficiently clear and proper dissertation proposal. In this regard, try to study the example of formulating a proposal with

Specifically, in the blog note example:

Ingredient 1: the researcher's positionality
Ingredient 2: the research theme
Ingredient 3: the academic theories and management disciplines
Ingredient 4: the research gaps and the public media-reported issues--> the derived research objectives
Ingredient 5: the research methods to use
Ingredient 6: the overall research philosophy


Reference 2: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

An examination of the literature review exercise of an academic article: for Housing Studies students 04

An examination of the literature review exercise of an academic article: for Housing Studies students 04 [information from]

The article name: "Housing as a human right, rent supplements and the new Canada Housing BenefitHousing Studies.

My question 1: "What are the research objectives of the article?"

The reply: "The research objectives of the article are twofold:

  1. To assess whether the provision of rent subsidies meets a rights-based approach to housing by focusing on key elements of adequate housing, specifically affordability, habitability, and security of tenure, as defined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and incorporated in Canada’s National Housing Strategy Act.

  2. To evaluate whether the transition from the former rent supplement system to the new Canada Housing Benefit (CHB) facilitates or inhibits a rights-based approach to housing for tenants in Nova Scotia, particularly in terms of their experiences and outcomes in relation to housing affordability and quality , ."

My question 2: "What are the academic theories employed in the study?"

The reply: "The study primarily employs two academic theories:

  1. Human Rights Framework: The research aligns with a rights-based approach to housing, drawing on international covenants, specifically the recognition of housing as a human right. This framework assesses housing adequacy through criteria such as affordability, habitability, and security of tenure, as articulated by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

  2. Economic and Social Policy Analysis: The study critically examines the effects of Canada's National Housing Strategy and the Canada Housing Benefit in the context of broader neoliberal policy logics. This theory analyzes how government policies address (or fail to address) structural issues in housing systems, focusing on the implications for low-income tenants who rely on rent subsidies , , .

These theoretical lenses enable a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and shortcomings of housing assistance programs within the contemporary socio-economic landscape."

My question 3: "Did the article evaluate these academic theories individually in its literature review effort?"

The reply: "The article does not evaluate the academic theories individually in a traditional literature review format. Instead, it integrates discussions around the human rights framework and economic/social policy analysis throughout the text to support its findings and arguments.

  1. Human Rights Framework: The article references the importance of human rights in housing policy, particularly how the recognition of housing as a human right is embedded in international law and Canada’s National Housing Strategy Act. It discusses the implications of a rights-based approach for assessing housing adequacy and the responsibilities of governments to meet these rights , .

  2. Economic and Social Policy Analysis: The article critiques the neoliberal policies that pervade the implementation of housing strategies, analyzing how these affect the provision of affordable housing and the reliance on private markets. It highlights the challenges faced by low-income tenants under the Canada Housing Benefit, pointing out systemic issues tied to social policy approaches that prioritize market solutions over affordable housing development , .

While the theories are not separately evaluated, the discussion and critique of each are interwoven in relation to empirical findings about tenant experiences and housing outcomes, demonstrating their relevance and impact in this context."

My question 4: "Did the article conduct literature synthesis on these academic theories?"

The reply: "The article does not explicitly conduct a traditional literature synthesis focused solely on the academic theories discussed. Instead, it incorporates relevant scholarly perspectives and findings into its broader analysis of the Canada Housing Benefit and housing policy in Canada.

  1. Human Rights Framework: While the article references significant legal and academic sources pertaining to the right to housing, it weaves these into the discussion about how the Canada Housing Benefit aligns (or misaligns) with the principles of a rights-based approach. It cites multiple scholarly works that advocate for housing as a human right and critiques the existing policies through this lens, but it does not systematically outline a synthesis of all related literature solely on this theory , .

  2. Economic and Social Policy Analysis: The article engages with existing literature that critiques neoliberal approaches to housing policy and examines the consequences of these policies on housing affordability. It refers to various sources that discuss the potential pitfalls of demand-side assistance and the shifts in funding towards the private sector, yet it also does not provide an exhaustive synthesis that maps out all the relevant academic discourse on this approach , .

Overall, while the article thoughtfully integrates findings and references existing literature related to the discussed theories, it presents them in a contextual manner to support the empirical analysis rather than as a standalone synthesized review of these academic theories."

My question 5: "Did the article discuss how these academic theories could inform the research method designs in the study?"

The reply: "The article does not explicitly discuss how the academic theories on human rights and economic policies could inform the research method designs used in the study. However, it implicitly reflects the influence of these theories on the research approach through its focus and analysis.

  1. Human Rights Framework: The emphasis on a rights-based approach to housing is evident in the selection of research questions and the focus on tenants’ experiences with housing affordability, habitability, and security of tenure. These dimensions align with the principles outlined in the universal declarations of human rights and Canadian legislation concerning housing. While the methodology is not detailed in terms of how the human rights framework directly shaped the design, the focus of the semi-structured interviews suggests an intention to capture the lived experiences of tenants as they relate to their rights , .

  2. Economic and Social Policy Analysis: The article’s critique of neoliberal policies and its focus on the transition from the rent supplement system to the Canada Housing Benefit reflect a methodological design that seeks to understand the systemic issues influencing tenant experiences. The choice of qualitative methods, such as semi-structured interviews, allows for a nuanced exploration of how economic policies impact individuals, thus showing an alignment with economic and social policy theories.

Overall, while the article does not provide a direct discussion on how these theories inform the research methods, the thematic focus on rights and economic realities suggests an underlying framework that likely influenced the research design and questions selected for investigation."

My question 6: "Did the article explain how the academic theories used can help in addressing the research objectives?"

The reply: "Yes, the article indicates how the academic theories related to human rights and economic policies can help address the research objectives, although it does not frame this explicitly in terms of theory application.

  1. Human Rights Framework: The research objectives focus on examining the adequacy of housing provisions under the Canada Housing Benefit (CHB) and whether they comply with a rights-based approach to housing. The theories surrounding housing as a human right provide a lens through which the researchers assess the alignment of the CHB with principles such as affordability, habitability, and security of tenure. This framework allows the researchers to critically analyze the experiences of tenants receiving subsidies and to evaluate whether their rights are upheld in practice. By grounding the research in human rights theory, the study aims to highlight shortcomings in the current housing policy and advocate for necessary reforms , .

  2. Economic and Social Policies: The critique of neoliberal approaches to housing policies offers insight into how economic frameworks influence housing availability and affordability. The article utilizes these theories to interrogate the implications of the shift from the previous rent supplement system to the CHB, positing that neoliberal logics have resulted in less generous support for low-income tenants. This alignment with economic theories helps articulate the broader systemic issues affecting housing and allows the research to identify areas that require policy change to better serve vulnerable populations , .

In summary, while the article does not rigidly delineate how each theory directly addresses specific research objectives, it illustrates that these theoretical frameworks guide the analysis and inform the implications of the findings. The integration of these theories supports the research's goals of assessing housing adequacy and advocating for improvements in housing policy in Canada."

An examination of the literature review exercise of an academic article: for Housing Studies students 03

An examination of the literature review exercise of an academic article: for Housing Studies students 03 [information from]

The article name: "Homeownership Habitus and Residential Practice of Highly-Skilled Chinese Migrants in the Netherlands" Housing, Theory and Society.

My question 1: "What are the research objectives of the article?"

The reply: "The research objectives of the article are to explore the residential practices of highly-skilled Chinese migrants in the Netherlands, specifically focusing on their transition to homeownership. The study addresses the following questions:

  1. How and why do highly-skilled Chinese migrants become homeowners in the Dutch urban housing market?
  2. What socio-spatial strategies are included in their residential practices?

The authors aim to develop a nuanced understanding of how these migrants strategize their tenure transition and make residential choices in the context of a diverse and globally integrated society such as the Netherlands , ."

My question 2: "What are the academic theories employed in the study?"

The reply: "The study employs the concept of "habitus," originally developed by Pierre Bourdieu, as a theoretical framework to analyze the residential practices of highly-skilled Chinese migrants in the Netherlands. Specifically, the authors propose the concept of "homeownership habitus," which encompasses:

  1. Cognitive Structures: Habitus is understood as a set of dispositions that influence individuals' perceptions, actions, and preferences in the context of their social environment.
  2. Transnational Mobility: The homeownership habitus reflects how cultural values and experiences from the migrants' country of origin shape their residential preferences and practices in the host country.
  3. Economic Rationality: This includes the preference for homeownership as not only an economic choice but also a significant marker of status and adulthood transitions.

By applying Bourdieu's theories, the authors aim to illuminate the interplay between cultural capital, economic strategies, and the broader social contexts that inform the housing decisions of this migrant group , ."

My question 3: "Did the article evaluate these academic theories individually in its literature review effort?"

The reply: "Yes, the article evaluates academic theories individually in its literature review. It discusses Bourdieu's concept of "habitus" in detail, contextualizing it within the residential practices of migrants. The authors elaborate on how habitus is formed through familial and societal socialization and includes a set of dispositions that inform residential practices for highly-skilled Chinese migrants in the Netherlands , .

Additionally, the article compares the current study with other research on how various middle-class groups navigate housing choices, highlighting concepts like "metropolitan habitus" to differentiate these experiences from traditional middle-class practices . The literature review also critiques the existing scholarship on homeownership, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of migrant behaviors, particularly those of highly-skilled individuals, in the context of changing housing markets .

Overall, the authors systematically explore and critique relevant theories to provide a comprehensive backdrop for their research findings."

My question 4: "Did the article conduct literature synthesis on these academic theories?"

The reply: "Yes, the article conducts a literature synthesis on academic theories related to "habitus" and homeownership habits. It integrates various scholarly perspectives to create a cohesive framework for understanding the residential practices of highly-skilled Chinese migrants. The authors synthesize Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus with existing literature to highlight how these theories apply to the migrants' experiences, particularly emphasizing the cultural, social, and economic dimensions influencing their homeownership decisions , .

The synthesis is evident as the authors not only reference Bourdieu but also compare it with studies on other migrant groups and middle-class residential practices, thereby situating their research within a broader academic discourse . This synthesis helps establish the theoretical foundation for their own findings and adds depth to the understanding of how habitus influences the behaviors and choices of their study's cohort in the context of transnational migration and the Dutch housing market."

My question 5: "Did the article discuss how these academic theories could inform the research method designs in the study?"

The reply: "Yes, the article does discuss how the academic theories, particularly Bourdieu's concept of habitus, inform the research method design used in the study. The authors use an inductive approach for analyzing the interview data, employing open coding and thematic analysis to explore the residential practices of highly-skilled Chinese migrants . This methodological choice aligns with the theoretical framework established through their literature synthesis, as it allows for a nuanced examination of how habitus influences behavior and decision-making in the context of housing.

Additionally, the authors highlight the importance of the researchers' positionality, noting that two investigators were mainland Chinese with experience living in the Netherlands. This insider perspective not only enriches the qualitative data collection but also reflects the embodiment of the habitus being studied, suggesting that researchers themselves can engage with the habitus of the subjects being examined . Overall, the article indicates that the theoretical concepts of habitus not only guide the analysis but also shape the approach to data collection and interpretation in their methodology."

My question 6: "Did the article explain how the academic theories used can help in addressing the research objectives?"

The reply: "Yes, the article explains how the academic theories employed, particularly Bourdieu's concept of habitus, help in addressing the research objectives. The authors highlight that by applying the theoretical framework of habitus and the notion of "homeownership habitus," they can better understand the residential practices of highly-skilled Chinese migrants in the Netherlands. The theoretical framework allows them to explore the internalized preferences, values, and practices that shape these migrants' approaches to homeownership within the context of transnational migration , .

By synthesizing existing literature on habitus with their own qualitative data, the authors demonstrate how these theories provide insights into the relationship between cultural background and residential choices in a new environment. This approach enables them to analyze the dissonance between the migrants' homeownership habitus and the Dutch housing market, elucidating how these individuals navigate their new residential landscape . Thus, the academic theories inform the research objectives by framing the inquiry into how specific cultural, economic, and social factors contribute to the understanding of housing practices among this migrant group. This theoretical grounding underpins their findings and enhances the overall contribution of the research to the broader literature on migration and housing."

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Asking to come up with a proposal on talent acquisition in the Hong Kong insurance sector

Asking to come up with a proposal on talent acquisition in the Hong Kong insurance sector [information from]

My question 1: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently working on my dissertation proposal formation. My research theme is on "the perceptions of generation z on the career desirability to work in the Hong Kong insurance sector and the responding talent acquisition policy to the present labour market trend". I intend to use about 2 talent acquisition theories, 1 talent management theory and 1 career assessment theory. I will conduct a focus group with 5 participants, two working in the HRM Departments of Insurance companies in Hong Kong, and 3 working as sales agents of insurance companies. My second research method is a questionnaire survey, based on convenience sampling, to my friends about their perceptions on my research theme. My last research method is a desk research to learn more about my research topic in the Hong Kong context. My research philosophy is pragmatism. Could you identify 2 related research gaps and 2 public media-reported issues in Hong Kong, and then use these research gaps and reported issues to come up with 4 research objectives that respond to these research gaps and reported issues? Tks for effort in advance."

The reply: "That sounds like an intriguing dissertation proposal! Here’s a breakdown based on your request:

Research Gaps

  1. Limited Understanding of Generation Z’s Career Preferences: While there is extensive literature on generational differences in the workplace, there is a scarcity of focused research on Generation Z's specific perceptions and motivations regarding career desirability in the Hong Kong insurance sector.

  2. Talent Acquisition Response to Labor Market Trends: Existing studies may not sufficiently address how talent acquisition strategies in the insurance sector are evolving in response to the changing labor market dynamics, particularly influenced by Generation Z's expectations.

Public Media-Reported Issues in Hong Kong

  1. Talent Shortage in the Insurance Sector: Reports indicate a growing concern about the talent shortage in the insurance industry in Hong Kong, driven by an aging workforce and the challenges of attracting younger professionals.

  2. Changing Work Expectations Post-Pandemic: Media coverage highlights a shift in work expectations among young professionals, including a desire for flexibility, work-life balance, and meaningful work, which may impact their interest in traditional sectors like insurance.

Research Objectives

  1. To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions: Investigate how Generation Z views career desirability in the Hong Kong insurance sector, focusing on their values, motivations, and preferences.

  2. To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies: Examine the current talent acquisition policies of insurance companies in Hong Kong and how they align with the expectations and perceptions of Generation Z.

  3. To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage: Analyze how the reported talent shortage in the insurance sector influences recruitment strategies and career offerings to attract Generation Z candidates.

  4. To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations: Explore how the post-pandemic shift in work expectations affects Generation Z's career choices in the insurance sector and how companies can adapt to these changes.

These objectives will help guide your research and ensure that it addresses both theoretical gaps and practical issues in the Hong Kong context. Good luck with your dissertation proposal!"

Research Gaps and Public Domain-Reported Issues Related to Research Objectives

Research Objective


Related Research Gap/Public Issue

To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions


Research Gap: Limited understanding of Generation Z’s career preferences in the insurance sector.


Public Issue: Changing work expectations post-pandemic affecting career choices.

To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies


Research Gap: Insufficient exploration of how talent acquisition strategies in the insurance sector are evolving.


Public Issue: Talent shortage in the insurance sector impacting recruitment efforts.

To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage


Public Issue: Talent shortage in the insurance sector leading to challenges in attracting young professionals.

To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations


Public Issue: Changing work expectations post-pandemic influencing Generation Z's career decisions.

My question 2: "Tks for your information. Could you then come up with a proposal for me, including the research objectives, research methods, research philosophy, project title etc.? Tks a lot."

The reply: "Here’s a structured dissertation proposal based on your theme:

Dissertation Proposal


Exploring Generation Z's Perceptions of Career Desirability in the Hong Kong Insurance Sector: A Study on Talent Acquisition Strategies in Response to Labor Market Trends


The insurance sector in Hong Kong faces significant challenges in attracting Generation Z talent amidst evolving labor market dynamics. Understanding the perceptions of this generation regarding career desirability in the insurance industry is crucial for developing effective talent acquisition strategies.

Research Objectives

  1. To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions: Investigate how Generation Z views career desirability in the Hong Kong insurance sector, focusing on their values, motivations, and preferences.

  2. To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies: Examine the current talent acquisition policies of insurance companies in Hong Kong and how they align with the expectations and perceptions of Generation Z.

  3. To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage: Analyze how the reported talent shortage in the insurance sector influences recruitment strategies and career offerings to attract Generation Z candidates.

  4. To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations: Explore how the post-pandemic shift in work expectations affects Generation Z's career choices in the insurance sector and how companies can adapt to these changes.

Research Methods

  1. Qualitative Research: Conduct a focus group with five participants, including two HR professionals and three sales agents in the insurance sector, to gather insights on their perceptions and experiences.

  2. Quantitative Research: Administer a questionnaire survey based on convenience sampling among peers to assess their perceptions regarding career desirability in the insurance sector.

  3. Desk Research: Perform secondary data analysis to explore existing literature and media reports on Generation Z's career preferences and talent acquisition strategies in Hong Kong.

Research Philosophy

This study will adopt a pragmatic research philosophy, focusing on practical solutions and real-world implications. This approach aligns with the objective of understanding the perceptions of Generation Z and the realities of talent acquisition in a changing labor market.

Theoretical Framework

  1. Talent Acquisition Theories:

    • Theory of Planned Behavior
    • Social Exchange Theory
  2. Talent Management Theory:

    • Human Capital Theory
  3. Career Assessment Theory:

    • Super's Life-Span, Life-Space Theory


This proposal aims to bridge the gap in understanding Generation Z's perceptions of career desirability in the Hong Kong insurance sector while addressing contemporary challenges in talent acquisition. The findings will provide actionable insights for insurance companies striving to attract and retain young talent in a competitive market."

My question 3: "Tks. Could you provide a more concrete research method design for the three research methods chosen to employ for this study? And then, also comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods and the research philosophy for this project? Tks."

The reply: "Certainly! Here’s a more detailed research method design followed by an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen methods and research philosophy.

Research Method Design

1. Focus Group


  • Participants: 5 participants, consisting of 2 HR professionals and 3 sales agents from insurance companies in Hong Kong.
  • Process:
    • Conduct a semi-structured focus group discussion lasting 1.5 to 2 hours.
    • Develop a discussion guide with open-ended questions focused on:
      • Perceptions of career desirability in the insurance sector.
      • Factors influencing their career decisions.
      • Insights on talent acquisition strategies.
    • Record the session (with consent) for accurate data analysis.

Data Analysis:

  • Use thematic analysis to identify common themes, patterns, and insights from the discussion.

2. Questionnaire Survey


  • Sample: Convenience sampling among friends and peers who are either students or early-career professionals (targeting Generation Z).
  • Questionnaire Structure:
    • Utilize a mix of closed-ended (Likert scale) and open-ended questions.
    • Key areas to cover:
      • General perceptions of the insurance sector.
      • Desired job attributes (e.g., flexibility, salary, career growth).
      • Awareness of current talent acquisition strategies.
  • Distribution: Use online survey tools (e.g., Google Forms, SurveyMonkey) for ease of access and collection.

Data Analysis:

  • Employ quantitative analysis for closed-ended questions and qualitative analysis for open-ended responses.
  • Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data and identify trends.

3. Desk Research


  • Objective: Gather secondary data on the Hong Kong insurance sector, focusing on:
    • Current labor market trends.
    • Talent acquisition strategies employed by major companies.
    • Reports on Generation Z’s career preferences.
  • Sources:
    • Academic journals, industry reports, government publications, and reputable news articles.
    • Analyze information from sources like the Hong Kong Insurance Authority and relevant labor market studies.

Data Analysis:

  • Synthesize findings to support and contextualize the primary data obtained from focus groups and surveys.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Research Methods

  • Focus Group:

    • Strengths:
      • Rich qualitative data through interactive discussions.
      • Allows for exploration of complex perceptions and opinions.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Potential for groupthink, where dominant voices may overshadow others.
      • Limited generalizability due to the small sample size.
  • Questionnaire Survey:

    • Strengths:
      • Quantifiable data that can be statistically analyzed.
      • Can reach a larger audience quickly and efficiently.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Responses may lack depth compared to qualitative methods.
      • Potential biases in convenience sampling may not represent the broader population.
  • Desk Research:

    • Strengths:
      • Provides a comprehensive background and context for the study.
      • Cost-effective and time-efficient.
    • Weaknesses:
      • May rely on outdated or incomplete data.
      • Limited control over the quality of the information sourced.

Research Philosophy: Pragmatism

  • Strengths:
    • Allows for the use of multiple methods (qualitative and quantitative) to address research questions.
    • Focuses on practical implications and real-world outcomes, aligning well with business research.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Can lead to a lack of philosophical rigor if not clearly defined.
    • May struggle with balancing qualitative and quantitative approaches, potentially leading to inconsistencies.

This design and analysis should provide a solid foundation for your dissertation proposal. Feel free to adjust any aspects to better fit your specific context!"

My question 4: "Could you tell me (1) which academic theories are related to which research objectives of the proposal and (2) which research method is related to which research objective of the proposal? Many tks for help in advance."

The reply: "Certainly! Here’s a breakdown of the academic theories related to each research objective, as well as the corresponding research methods.

Academic Theories Related to Research Objectives

  1. To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions
    Related Theories:

    • Career Assessment Theory: This theory can help understand how Generation Z evaluates career options and what factors influence their desirability for specific careers.
  2. To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies
    Related Theories:

    • Talent Acquisition Theory: This theory examines how organizations attract and select candidates, relevant to understanding strategies in the insurance sector.
    • Talent Management Theory: This can provide insight into how companies manage and nurture talent to align with their strategic goals.
  3. To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage
    Related Theories:

    • Talent Acquisition Theory: This theory can help analyze how the talent shortage in the industry affects recruitment strategies and practices.
  4. To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations
    Related Theories:

    • Career Assessment Theory: This theory helps in understanding how changing work expectations impact Generation Z's career choices and preferences.

Research Methods Related to Research Objectives

  1. To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions
    Related Method:

    • Focus Group: This qualitative method is effective for gathering in-depth insights into perceptions and motivations from group discussions.
  2. To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies
    Related Method:

    • Desk Research: This method allows for a review of existing literature, reports, and strategies previously implemented by companies in the insurance sector.
  3. To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage
    Related Method:

    • Questionnaire Survey: This quantitative method can gather broader perspectives on perceptions of talent shortages and their effects on career desirability.
  4. To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations
    Related Method:

    • Focus Group: This method can also be employed here to explore how participants perceive changes in work expectations and their implications for career choices.

Summary Table

Research Objective


Related Theories

Related Methods

To Explore Generation Z's Perceptions


Career Assessment Theory

Focus Group

To Analyze Talent Acquisition Strategies


Talent Acquisition Theory, Talent Management Theory

Desk Research

To Assess the Impact of Talent Shortage


Talent Acquisition Theory

Questionnaire Survey

To Evaluate Changing Work Expectations


Career Assessment Theory

Focus Group

This structure should help clarify the relationships between your research objectives, academic theories, and methods employed in your study. If you need further adjustments or clarifications, feel free to ask!"


*** try to conduct a preliminary exploratory exercise with before doing this proposal formulation exercise with
*** this proposal formulation exercise follows the agile literature review approach (the academic oriented project type).
*** consider research objectives 1 and 2 as the main research objectives; research objectives 3 and 4 as the minor research objectives. {my suggestion}