Thursday, 22 September 2022

e-learning materials on housing market

 e-learning materials on housing market

1a. Microeconomics of housing prices

1b. Factors Affecting Real Estate Market | Macroeconomics

2a. UK Housing market faces correction risk.

2b. Boom or Doom: Inside the extraordinary Australian housing market

2c: Why is Australia's property market so out of control?

3. Potential housing market correction.

4. The truth about Florida's Housing Market.

5a. Mortgage rates pose challenge to home buyers./ also How rising mortgage rates impact buying power amid possible housing market correction.

5b. Remote work created ‘abnormal demand’ for housing

6a. Housing supply policies.

6b. Elasticity of supply of new housing in UK.

6c. Microeconomics of house prices.

7. House prices and the UK economy.

8. Housing demand is still outpacing supply.

9. Related to housing market prediction

9.1. Is the housing market going to crash?

9.2. Housing market prediction.

9.3a. Useful real estate prediction.

9.3b. 英國樓價會一直跌?未來半年英國樓市預測及部署/ also 英國樓市爆破?英鎊大跌+加息,難做按揭,樓價係咪要跌?

9.3c. 樓市潛在跌幅難估底 #施永青

9.3d. 樓市冇救?劈價兩、三成賣樓?睇長和搵玄機

9.3e. 香港樓市專家大行分析各走極端,用數據說話了解過去半年真實走向

9.3f. 樓市C見丨樓市進入最悲觀時期?應該賣樓定買樓?

9.4a. Expected major home price crash.

9.4b. Real estate expert projects housing market about to crash.

9.4c. Michael Burry Explains Why The Housing Bubble Won’t Pop

9.4d. Is Britain Heading into a Major Housing Crisis?

9.5. Housing market slows.

9.6a. HK Housing market may suffer from Fed rate hike.

9.6b. Hong Kong’s property market goes downhill without brakes.

9.6c. Hong Kong Home Prices Set for 5-Year Low

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