Monday, 13 June 2022

What to write on the overall assessment in terms of the ALRA dissertation report in report chapters 4-5

What to write on the overall assessment in terms of the ALRA dissertation report in chapters 4-5: some advices:

Advice 1

With reference to the MBA dissertation report chapter 4: presentation of research findings and 5: discussion of findings, there is a specific section called: 

Chapter 4

"4.4. Findings in terms of the theoretical framework of the dissertation project"

Chapter 5

"5.3. Discussion on the research findings in terms of the theoretical framework of the dissertation project"

My advice, as related to the zoning in the ALRA (agile literature review approach) theoretical framework, is as follows:

Focus on: 

(a) the overall assessment of how zone 1 [environmental drivers] status affects zone 2 [organizational capabilities] status, and, in turn, how zone 2 status affects zone 3a [outcomes-related] status. Finally, how zone 2 status and zone 3a status affect affect zone 3b[solutions-related] status, possibilities and prime considerations; This assessment endorses both systems thinking with sensitivity to the emergent properties at the zone level as well as the strategic alignment approach in I. Ansoff's work on strategic management.

(b) highlights the most critical factor and the prime wild card factor(s) in zone 1 [environmental drivers], and how these zone 1 factors affect the most critical factor [1 factor; in special cases, maximum 2 factors] and the prime wild card factor(s) [1-2 factors] in zone 2 [organizational capabilities], so on and so forth in zone 3a [outcomes related] and zone 3b [solutions related]. This assessment endorses critical path analysis (in project management), the management by exception principle and risk management rationale.

{note: on wild cards: "If you refer to someone or something as a wild card in a particular situation, you mean that they cause uncertainty because you do not know how they will behave"}

Due to word count constraint for dissertation report writing, this discussion has to be limited to less than 1 page [single line spacing].

Advice 2

As to "4.5. A synthesis of the main research findings: some overall comments" [chapter 4] and "5.4. A summary of the overall discussion results on the main research findings" [chapter 5], the discussion mainly offers a few concluding remarks, without additional serious viewpoints and insights. It should be in 2-3 short paragraphs.

Concluding remarks

By discussing the research findings and discussion findings at the zone level, the researcher presents these findings at a more holistic level in these report sections.

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