Thursday, 25 June 2020

Business sector research for dissertation projects of PGBM161

Business sector research for dissertation projects of PGBM161
(re: module guide of PGBM161)

The research proposal will review your ability to achieve the following:

1. To identify a suitable strategic project for an organisation or sector and select a project that could if designed and implemented well be of strategic importance (not just operational) with a significant impact on results. For example, in reducing costs opening up new markets, introducing a new product or service, enhancing skills capability and knowledge, improving quality and or service, redesigning internal business operations etc. This is not an exhaustive list.

2. To define and locate the main academic ideas, theories and business practices evolving from these ideas in a critical literature review. This should cover the main subject area (e.g. service quality) and thereafter briefly review the main ideas: the main ideas and business practices and key areas of possible contention where there are alternative issues either in the nature of the idea or methods of implementation etc. This review should aim to locate some of the primary sources/authors you believe it necessary to review. This will not at this stage be exhaustive as your study is at an early stage in its development.

3. From this you will be required to specify the objectives of the dissertation as clearly as possible. These should be presented as outcomes to be achieved for the dissertation in terms of what business improvement or change the dissertation seeks to implement. The reason and rationale in terms of the sector/ organisation need to be covered under 1 above. You should avoid hypotheses and statements that reflect ‘what’ you are going to do in terms of say investigation or information review. These are not objectives.

4. Finally you will be asked to identify some appropriate ways that you could investigate: - The subject you have selected to ensure that the objectives are met and that information is collected from both primary and secondary sources to ensure that the study can be completed in appropriate depth to achieve masters learning outcomes. These methods should aim to reflect the real methods that can actually be introduced rather than the theory.

FB group on academic literature on business sector study

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Diagramming technique for housing dissertation proposal formulation: a note

Diagramming technique for housing dissertation proposal formulation: a note

Step 1: using cognitive mapping technique to produce a housing-concern diagram. An example is as follows:

Step 2: convert housing-concerns into high-level research tasks and low-level research tasks:

An example:

Concerned about current situation on the homeless status of the HK youth. (re: the housing-concerns diagram in step 1)

Converted into:

** To evaluate the current situation on the homeless status of the HK youth.    {a high-level research task}

** To learn how the homeless youth perceive their homeless status via semi-structured interview. {a low-level research task}

Note on research tasks and questions in housing dissertation

Note on research tasks and questions in housing dissertation:

A. High-level research task [i.e. research objective]:

E.g., to evaluate the present public housing policy of the Hong Kong Government from different stakeholders' perspectives.

B. Low-level research task:

E.g. to find out HK citizens' perceptions on the present public housing policy soundness to their living districts by semi-structured interview.

C. Research question:

E.g. Does a citizen's gender affect his/her perception on the present public housing policy soundness to his/her living district?

** note: a dissertation could have 1-2 main research objectives, and a few minor research objectives.

Dissertation title is also based on the main research objectives:
E.g. An investigation to evaluate the present public housing policy of the Hong Kong Government based on stakeholders' thinking.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Analyzing interview research findings with multiple interviewees

Analyzing interview research findings with multiple interviewees:

On comparison, the differences of viewpoints from different managers on different factors (e.g. compensation packages, relationship with colleagues, and job satisfaction) could be due to gender, seniority, educational background, and organizational department, etc..

Tuesday, 9 June 2020