Sunday, 30 June 2013

Housing and community support in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing and community support in Housing Policy study

  1. Nature of community care
  2. Development of modern community care
  3. People with mental health problems
  4. People with learning difficulties
  5. People with a physical disability, including children with disabilities
  6. Older people
  7. Housing for special needs
  8. Community support in practice

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 15: Housing and community support" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Homelessness in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Homelessness in Housing Policy study
  1. Extent  of homelessness
  2. Causes of homelessness
  3. Policies toward homeless households
  4. Demand constraints on policies toward homelessness
  5. Supply constraints on policies toward homelessness
  6. Policy options to address homelessness

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 19: Homelessness" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Black and Asian minorities and housing in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Black and Asian minorities and housing in Housing Policy study

  1. Access to housing: discrimination, institutional and structural racism and harassment
  2. Access to social housing
    • Racial discrimination
    • Institutional and structural racism
    • Racial harassment
  3. Access to owner-occupation
  4. Homelessness among Black and Asian minorities
  5. Race relations policy and housing

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 18: Black and Asian minorities and housing" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Gender and housing in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Gender and housing in Housing Policy study
  1. The social rented sector- lone parents
  2. Divorced or separate women and men
  3. The owner-occupied sector
  4. The private rented sector
  5. Gender and homelessness
  6. Housing needs of older women, Black and Asian women

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 16: Housing and the elderly" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing and the elderly in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing and the elderly in Housing Policy study
  1. Household formation and the disability problem
  2. Household mobility consideration
  3. Funding of residential care
  4. The staying put option
  5. Housing rehabilitation and the elderly
  6. Future housing need

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 16: Housing and the elderly" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Social exclusion in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Social exclusion in Housing Policy study
  1. Definitions of social exclusion
  2. Social exclusion and the production & distribution of housing
  3. Poverty, race and social exclusion
  4. Financial services and social exclusion
  5. Policy and practice of social inclusion
  6. Neighbourhood management
  7. Self-help in housing management
Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 14: Social exclusion" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Urban regeneration in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Urban regeneration in Housing Policy study
  1. Development of urban regeneration strategies
  2. On urban renaissance
  3. Urban regeneration and housing

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 13: Urban regeneration" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Owner-occupation in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Owner-occupation in Housing Policy study
  1. The socio-political view of owner-occupation
  2. Government support for home-ownership
  3. Leasehold enfranchisement
  4. Low-cost home-ownership
  5. Home-owners protection
  6. Second homes and holiday lets
  7. Building societies and the economy
  8. The house price cycle and its effects
  9. Macroeconomic determinants of the demand for home-ownership

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 10: Owner-occupation" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing Associations in Housing Policy

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing Associations in Housing Policy study
  1. The history and development of housing associations
  2. Public policy towards housing associations
  3.  Housing associations' investment policy and their role development
  4. The impacts of rent policy
  5. Politics and housing associations
  6. Quality of social housing considerations
  7. The Private Finance Initiative
  8. Provision of new affordable housing
  9. Improvement of access to social housing
  10. Introduction of a fair system of affordable rents

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 9: Housing associations" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Affordability in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Affordability in Housing Policy
  1.  Average rents and average incomes in the private unfurnished sector and the social housing sector
  2. Affordability among  first-time buyers
  3. Affordability and low-income owner-occupiers

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 11: Affordability" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

An article on housing affordability (Hong Kong)

Friday, 28 June 2013

Regional disparities in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Regional disparities in Housing Policy
  1. Regional disparities in living standards
  2. Regional disparities in housing demand
  3. Housing shortages - a regional perspective
  4. Housing market outcomes as a result of the interaction  of housing demand and supply
  5. Housing and regional policy

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 12: Regional disparities and problems" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Privatisation and stock transfer in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Privatisation and stock transfer in Housing Policy
  1. The context and the case for/ against council house sales
  2. The 'Right to buy' controversy
  3. The effects  of the 'Right to buy' policy
  4. Estate privatisation and rehabilitation
  5. Estate transfer
  6. The Housing  Act 1988 (UK)
  7. Residualisation

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 8: Privatisation and stock transfer" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Local authority housing in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Local authority housing in Housing Policy
  1. Council  housing and the role of local authorities in the supply of social rented housing
  2. Public sector finance and control of capital expenditure
  3. The housing policy review
  4. Subsidy policy in housing
  5. Anomalies and inequities of housing finance
  6. Access to local authority housing
  7. Empty council houses
  8. An evaluation of council tenure
  9. Implications of party politics and devolution

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 7: Local authority housing" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Private rented housing in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Private rented housing in Housing Policy
  1. Considerations in determining the supply of private rented housing
  2. Rent control & decontrol, rent regulation and rent policy
  3. The furnished sector and the unfurnished sector
  4. Effects of the Housing Act (1980) (UK) and reform of the private rented sector

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 6: Private rented housing" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing finance in Housing Policy

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing finance in Housing Policy

  1. Housing benefit
  2. Mortgage interest relief
  3. Subsidization of owner-occupation
  4. Inequitable assistance
  5. Inflation of house prices
  6. Inefficient use of resources in housing
  7. Effects on industry, taxation, household mobility
  8. Distortion of tenure preference and rural values
  9. Effect on the poor and on repair & maintenance
  10. Reform of housing finance
  11. The owner-occupied sector
  12. Public policy and reform

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 5: Housing finance" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing rehabilitation policy in Housing Policy

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing rehabilitation policy in Housing Policy

  1. Scale of the renewal problem
  2. Housing rehabilitation policy - a historical perspective
  3. On The Housing Act (1969)
  4. General improvement areas and reform proposals
  5. Housing Action Areas
  6. On enveloping
  7. On rehabilitation boom, rehabilitation slump, privatisation and targeting
  8. Funding constraints
  9. On private sector rehabilitation

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 4: Housing rehabilitation policy" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housebuilding in Housing Policy study

The following discussion is on the topic of Housebuilding in Housing Policy

  1. On housebuilding and housing needs
  2. On housebuilding cycle
  3. On private sector cycle and its effects
  4. On government response(s) to housebuilding cycle
  5. Regional imbalances in housing need
  6. The greenfield development vs brownfield development debate
  7. Land supply and town planning considerations

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 3: Housebuilding" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing Investment in Housing Policy Study

The following discussion is on the topic of Housing Investment in Housing Policy

  1. On quantitative and qualitative deficiencies in housing stock
  2. Housebuilding and investment
  3. Borrowing and resource expenditure
  4. Fluctuations in housing investment
  5. On housing  stock repair, improvement and replacement
  6. Disinflation and housing investment
  7. Housing investment by the  private sector
  8. Housing development considerations

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 2: Housing Investment" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Housing Policy - an introduction

The following discussion is on the topic of an introduction in Housing Policy

  1. On Housing need
  2. On Housing  welfare regimes
  3. Housing policy development
  4. Economic rationale underlying a specific housing policy
  5. Divergence vs convergence in housing policy
  6. On housing policy devolution

Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. (2002) "Chapter 1: An introduction" Housing  Policy - An introduction, Routledge, London and New York

Information Systems - subject information

The following information is on the subject of Information Systems:

AIMS: to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of information Systems development and delivery as required to take an informed and active role in information systems solutions.

  • explain how to effectively use information systems and information systems resources in an organization
  • identify and apply methods of organizing and accounting for information systems delivery and information systems projects
  • explain the principles of initiating, planning and controlling information systems projects
  • participate in the definition and specification of user and system requirements
  • describe how an appropriate solution might be defined to fulfill the specified user requirements
  • participate in the implementation, monitoring and maintenance of an information systems solution
  • participate in the quality assurance of an information systems project
  • identify how computer software can assist effective information systems management, development and quality assurance