- Formulate a problem theme
- In a piece of paper:
- Action 1: draw the main stakeholders and clearly label them
- Action 2: Relate the stakeholders in terms of organization charts or different forms of grouping (ie a form of intangible structure) and relate stakeholders to tangible structures (e.g. buildings, equipments)
- Action 3: Relate the stakeholders and tangible structures to various processes, e.g. communication processes, workflow processes, and business processes, etc.
- Action 4: Note the main concerns of various stakeholder and use the "eye" symbols to indicate direction of attention of stakeholder
- Action 5: Note main conflicts between stakeholders with the symbols of "swords"
Things to note:
- Feel free to use different colours to make your rich picture easy to understand.
- Involve the stakeholders to draw the rich picture or do sufficient literature review so as to enable you to draw an informed rich picture.
- Use the language of the stakeholders in the rich picture and avoid technical jargons that skakeholders do not understand.
- Try to highlight concerns and conflicts to depict a problem situation with soft complexity; do not spare efforts on highlighting solutions in the rich picture diagram.
Some related lecture notes:
Note 1:
Note 2:
Also see two articles with an example (JKKH); Article 2 on parallel trading